Chapter 21: Void Primus [II]


"You just need to believe. You must believe."

-Master Oogway

Word Count 1484


"I grieve in stereo~"

"The stereo sounds strange~"

"I know that if you hide, it doesn't go away~"

"If you get out of bed and find me standing all alone~"


"Burn the page~"

"My little dark age~"

A slow song was playing in the background, as I suited up in the Conn Pod.

The drive suit was a remodel of the one used by Mako Mari and co during their last fight in Operation Pitfall.

"All systems online."

"Recalibrating all Jaeger functions."

"Running system checks…"

"Confirmed Void Primus is at optimal status for drifting."

"Powering up…"

Yelena's voice reverberated all over the Conn Pod.

She was the AI integrated in all of my Jaegers.

She was also in charge of the damage repair protocols.

I smiled at the all too familiar electrical hum caused as a result of Void Primus powering up.

"Initiating Neural drift…"


"Neural drift commencing!"

I closed my eyes as my mind and consciousness permeated every inch and layer of Void Primus.


"Engagement of all the right and left hemispheres completed."

I could feel everything from Void Primus.

All running systems. Its material composition at a molecular level.

I became Void Primus and Void Primus became me.

We were essentially one. A successful fusion between man and mech.

The Mind Melding was on point without any negative effects.

The solo piloting initiation without any repercussions whatsoever.

Since I was the lead designer, engineer, and technician of my own creation, it made it even more terrific.

"Opening the Hangar doors…"

Alarms started blaring in the huge underground facility.

The deeper level of my base was connected to the Pacific ocean. So the Hangar doors would be opening directly on the ocean waters.

I stretched my right hand frontwards and subsequently, the Jaeger's hand was also fluidly raised as if it were my own.

It just felt like another extension of my body.

My neural network, more so the parts of the brain responsible for both mobility and fine tuning of motor activity, were like the CNS of the Jaeger.

I tried raising my feet on the motion rig and boy, did it feel right.

Everything was perfect and it was time for me to leave the base for the first time in order to deal with a Kaiju.

More like going to butcher it.

A heads-up display appeared in front of my vision.

It showed all the system functions in the Jaeger. I could analyze everything about the Jaeger from HUD.

One step.

Second step.

Then another one.

And I began walking towards the Hangar doors opening on the surface of the Pacific.

The ocean waters were prevented from entering by an invisible force field designed to keep them at bay.

"Now it's time to roll."

The distance from San Francisco to Alaska was more than 2000 miles and if we were talking about normal means of travel via the airplane, it would roughly take a few hours to reach Alaska from San Francisco.

But I, for one, wasn't going to take hours.

Void Primus was being powered by a bit of Repulsor Tech and was also designed to hit hypervelocity speeds without breaking a sweat.

"Yelena, initiate flight mode." I commanded.

A force field generation system was activated and an invisible field encased every layer of metal on the Jaeger. This was to prevent any sort of friction force directly acting on the Jaeger parts and also the pressure from the atmosphere including the wind pressure. This was very important after all, I was about to break the sound barrier.

I took a slight kneeling stance - the superhero kind of flight protocol. (The way Optimus Prime departed Earth in Age of Extinction)

"3…2…1" Yelena's voice sounded over the comm speakers.

"And off I go…" I murmured while smiling under the Drivesuit's helmet.


The air trembled under the intense heat shooting off from the thrusters on the Jaeger's legs as I flew upwards at high speeds and soon enough, shattered the sound barrier.


Alaska. 10 mile radius coastline.

The Jaeger codenamed: Black Widow, piloted by the Hale Sisters, had just been deployed to block the path of a newly emerged Category III Kaiju codenamed: Knifehead.

Anchorage had a total of over 2 million people and if the Kaiju ever managed to breach the Anti-Kaiju walls, then so many lives would be lost in the process of it mindlessly wrecking havoc.

The Hale Sisters were tasked with the job of killing it before the situation escalated beyond their control.

Inside the Conn Podd,

"Are you nervous, Abby?" A blond beautiful woman with little to no paint on her face asked her co-pilot.

The blonde was of average height, standing a little over 5'7" and even with her body hidden under the guise of a drivesuit, it did nothing to prevent the eyes from admiring the way her voluptuous body was shaped from the drivesuit. Especially her well-defined ass.

There was something about her that you couldn't help but get pulled in by her raw sensuality.

She was a natural charmer.

And standing next to her, was the other woman being addressed. She looked slightly younger than the blonde. Most probably the younger sister amongst the Hales.

Compared to the mature version of her sister, Abigail or Abby took innocence and youth to another level. While her sister was a natural blonde, she spotted long dark brown hair that tumbled all the way to her shoulders.

Even though not as blessed as her sister in voluptuousness, Abby still rocked with a nice body and was as beautiful as her older sister.

It seems the Hales were blessed with the genes of attractiveness and sexual appeal.

Hearing what her sister was saying, Abby couldn't help but scoff with indignation. "Who is exactly afraid, Jennie? Aren't you the one afraid and that's why you are trying to make me look like the scared type?"

So the blonde bombshell was called Jennie.

"Haha, siz, why are you being so edgy?" Jennie laughed playfully.

"Don't you remember that our minds are now one and our thoughts are essentially meshed together?" She then added while looking at her younger sister with a mocking smile.

Abby groaned in retaliation. "I know, I know, siz."

"The drift compatibility and all." She later on murmured to herself.

Abby then turned to look back at Jennie and released a sigh of frustration.

"I am afraid, just like you are, siz."

Her hazel eyes radiated raw emotions of fear, bravery, anticipation, and hope.

Jennie immediately assumed the mature persona befitting the older sister.

She was damn afraid. That she wasn't gonna lie.

She was only putting on a false bravado and an unshaking exterior to make her younger sister less afraid.

It was truly ironic.

Jennie always knew how to pull it off, Abby thought.

Her sister had always been the one to maintain some sense of emotional stability when in dire situations but this time round, she seemed affected as much as her.

As she had previously said, they were essentially in each other's minds.

Jennie sighed. "It's our first drift so it's expected of us to show a little bit of nervousness."

Her face then hardened with strength and resolution and hope. "We will make it, Abby. Believe in your older sister. Believe in us."

At this very moment, Abby felt comforted and her emotions became less turbulent.

She then nodded resolutely before looking ahead at the stormy sea that was currently being overwhelmed by a strong hurricane.

Abby chose to believe that there was nothing to be afraid of.

Hadn't they learned many moves and trained to the point of exhaustion?

Weren't they also drift compatible?

She now didn't visualize any scenario where they fail. Since failure to subjugate the Kaiju meant death.

And to whatever deities out there, she prayed for their survival.

"It's here," Jennie said with a grim expression on her face.

"We are definitely gonna murder and cut that Kaiju asshole into pieces, siz," Abby said valiantly to make the atmosphere more light-hearted.

Jennie flashed a knowing smile while imitating a roguish, masculine voice."And then we're gonna send its little ass pieces down the breach - back to where it came from."

They then both laughed at their own silliness before taking a combative stance, a huge, sharp, titanium sword tightly clutched in Black Widow's hands.

Some distances away from them, in their frontal direction, a shining blue luminosity could be seen steadily heading toward them.

It was the Kaiju, Codenamed: Knifehead.

And it seemed to be enjoying the suspense as it slowly and menacingly swam toward Black Widow.

Time continued ticking amidst the turbulent roars of the hurricane.

The destiny of two million lives rested on the fair shoulders of the Hale Sisters!
