Chapter 22: Void Primus [III]

Chapter 22: Void Primus [III]


"Fairy tales can come true…"

-Tiana(Princess and the frog)

Word Count 1531


Black Widow was a sleek Mark 6 Jaeger designed to be super agile and at the same time, a heavy hitter through the use of the sharp titanium alloyed sword.

She was ahead of her time by a few years since it was created and modeled after the K-Team responsible for Mechanics and Jaeger designs had a spark of inspiration.

She was colored all black with the Conn Pod's viewing glass tainted with a pinkish-red hue.

Additionally, she weighed 1800 tons.

It was amazing how Black Widow was still able to move almost unimpededly while being half submerged in the ocean.

"It is playing around with us," Jennie commented while visibly frowning.

"Were Kaijus… an intelligent bunch?" Abby asked with incredulity in her voice.

"There haven't been any but I think we landed ourselves a troublesome foe," Jennie explained as the Black Widow subtly turned with every circle that the Category III Kaiju took.

"Abby, now!" Jennie shouted hastily and almost immediately, Knifehead surfaced from its skinny dipping and roared tauntingly at them.

Then it launched its knife-shaped head at the Jaeger in an attempt to pierce it ruthlessly.

Knifehead didn't hesitate to go for the complete destruction of the Jaeger but it seems Jennie had anticipated such a scenario beforehand.

Was it just luck or was it her pure and innate capabilities?

Black Widow raised the black sword and sidestepped while proceeding to parry the frontal Knife-shaped attack.

"Initiate Plasma channeling!" Abby shouted as blue torrential energy started coating the black katana. It was pure, unadulterated plasma energy.

Then both of them raised their hands as if they were swinging a down-facing sword upwards.

Their actions proved vital as they managed to land a hit and cut through the corner of the Kaiju's mouth, extending a little bit over its neck before Knifehead reacted quickly and disengaged immediately.

Blue blood seemed to want to spill from its cut wound but due to the cauterizing nature of the dark plasma-infused Katana, it only seeped out in little amounts.

This only made it more painful for Knifehead as snarled in pain and utter ferocity. Its auditory intimidation was so sharp that the Hale Sisters felt it from the Conn Pod.

Knifehead was now in an angry stupor. It couldn't accept that it had been injured by that unusual lifeform.

Its action became careless and frantic as it opened its huge mouth and frontally brandished its three sharp claws while jumping at Black Widow.

The Hale Sisters found its movements predictable as they raised the plasma-infused dark Katana and performed a downward sword strike, evidently aiming for its unprotected neck.

Just as the strike was about to finish off Knifehead and to the utmost surprise of the two women, something unexpected happened.

Knifehead slightly shifted its body weight from the striking zone to the right but since the sword strike was already set in motion, it opted to sacrifice its left arm.

It released a soul-shaking wail of excruciating pain that was further made terrific by the ongoing claps of thunder.

Knifehead's actions proved fruitful as Black Widow was caught off balance due to the swinging motion and this gave the Kaiju the space to bulldoze its piercing attack on the entire left arm, the section controlled by Abby's left hemisphere.

It looked as if time was moving slowly. Everything seemed to be in slow motion for the Hale Sisters as the Knife-shaped head successfully drilled through the shoulder-to-arm joint and tore away the mechanical limb.

The left mechanical arm's location became unknown as it was drowned deeper into the ocean by the no-nonsense storm.

Finally, It was then that Abby felt it. The paralyzing pain assaulted her neural network.

"Aaaaargh!" She cried in agony and raw horror as she felt as if her left arm had truly been sawed off entirely from her body.

"Abby!" Jennie screamed her younger sister's name with immense concern.

"Abby! Stay with me!"

"That motherfucker is still alive!" She shouted with an unladylike, wildness.

It was during this kind of moment that Jennie knew her sister needed her the most.

They have supported each other and looked after each other's back ever since they had witnessed the first Kaiju attack and the blinding 'Judgment' that fell on San Francisco where their parents had gone for their anniversary.

They had witnessed all this, surely, from the television live news.

And from thereafter, their minds had been assailed by boundless rage and the sisters had sworn to avenge their parents by eradicating Kaiju vermin.

Now a time had arrived in their line of work, where at any moment, their very deaths were imminent.

"Abby! We're gonna pull through this!" Jennie said in a reassuring tone while overtaxing her mind to help in the movement of Black Widow.

Warnings and alarms were being shouted over and over by the basic AI of the Jaeger.

Danger signs covered most parts of the Conn Pod's HUD.

Black Widow was severely damaged and fighting in that state would prove very difficult, especially when one of the pilots was nearly incapacitated and anytime sooner, would lose consciousness.

In that time when Black Widow was still in a state of inactivity, Knifehead clawed and pushed at the Jaeger's chest with its right hand, making it reel backward.

Jennie summed all of her willpower while gritting her fine pair of perfect white teeth to prevent Black Widow from falling into the ocean.

If they fell, then they would be in a very dire situation, worse than even losing one arm.

Knifehead growled intimidatingly seeing the unusual creature in an extremely bad state.

Its senses had picked two life signatures coming from its head.

If it could also dispose of the other arm, then it would ensure an easy win over its opponent.

And after that, bite the head off in sheer brutality as taught by its ancestors.

Knifehead used all the strength from its leg muscles and propelled itself toward the Conn Podd.

Jennie couldn't believe it and only watched in horror as the huge behemoth slowly but surely covered the little distance between them, its Knife-shaped head aiming straight at the Conn Pod, where they operated from.

"Is this how it ends? Is this how it ends when we haven't even managed our first kill?" She laughed sadly while trying her best to at least raise Black Widow's right arm, only to have blood flowing from her nostrils, due to the overloading of her neural system.

"We are going to die even before we enjoy kicking some Kaiju ass, Abby," She then murmured silently while gazing at her now unconscious younger sister.

"These are the moments where the knight in shining armor is supposed to enter the scene and save the princess from danger but sadly… I am no princess." She joked lightly while smiling at her own absurdity.

"And I am still a single 28-year-old woman. Ugh, such injustices the world has to offer."

"If I ever survive this ordeal, I swear on a pound of my ass that I am getting myself a man!" Jennie declared as Knifehead was only a second away from sending them to hell.


Jennie saw a brilliant streak of light which she could only describe as beautiful, emerge out of nowhere, and head toward Knifehead.

The light was so bright that she thought she was staring directly at the sun.

Both Kaiju and Jennie were overwhelmed by the immense brightness of the light.

At one instance, Jennie thought that an angel from heaven had descended to ferry her soul to paradise but then she remembered that she wasn't exactly a stout believer.

Maybe the angel had come for the still-pure Abby?

Her entire thought process was then subverted when the beam of sun-like energy effortlessly sliced through the knife-shaped head. A portion of the severed knife-nose part fell into the ocean below as luminous blue blood spilled everywhere.

The Kaiju wailed its last cries of resentment and unwillingness for being attacked without even knowing the perpetrator.

It then dropped lifelessly into the ocean, its body being submerged by the raging waves.

Jennie was left mouth agape as her confused mind couldn't register what had just happened.

What had just happened was totally beyond her comprehension.

And then she heard a voice boom over nature's thunderous fury.

"That fucker is still playing dead when I had purposely missed his brain!"

Who the hell was it? Jennie thought before starting to feel her consciousness slipping away.

Her mind and body were both very tired.

She tried to fight the drowsiness but it was all futile.

Before she lost consciousness, she saw a glimpse of an enormous Jaeger that screamed power.

'Ah, so that was my angel…'

'My badass knight.'

'I wonder what the pilots look like.'

'If I survive, I will marry both of them. I won't care even if they were women.'

'Yay, here comes my harem.'

Up to her very last moments of clarity, Jennie remained as crazy as always!

What an insane woman she was!
