That day

"Mmm?" Ethan blinked and rubbed his eyes several times since he couldn't believe what he was seeing. "Oh, man… I played that game so much last night that I am having a dream about it at school."

  Aside from the brick walls and the weird glowing circle that had some questionable drawings in it. Ethan saw some weird hooded figures in front of him. As soon as the circle stopped glowing, the hooded figures fell on the floor unconscious. Only one of them managed to sit down and talk with Ethan.

"Hello, young hero," The hooded figure said. "It is a pleasure to finally meet you."

"Err…. Hello?" Ethan hesitated a little bit. "How can I help you, mister? Are you feeling sick or dizzy?"

"I am fine, just a bit tired, don't mind me," The hooded man said. "Still, you can help me by saving this world."