
While the world was changing, Ethan returned to the starting point alongside Numeria and saw the magic circle that brought him still there. Without any hesitation, he jumped in, and then the magic circle began to glow before he was sent to Ivan's base.

Ethan returned much sooner than Ivan and Anna had anticipated, accompanied by a miniature version of the Time Silver Bird perched on his shoulder. Their astonishment was evident as they observed the unusual sight.

Ivan and Anna exchanged glances, their surprise mingled with concern for Ethan's well-being. They had expected him to face significant challenges and dangers on his journey. Still, the presence of the miniature Time Silver Bird raised more questions than answers.

"I am too tired to explain anything," Ethan said and then took the magic feather from his inventory. "Long story short, this is Luneria, and she is some kind of pet now."