
And then, in a breathtaking climax, a blinding surge of light burst forth from the epicenter of the transformation. It was a spectacle that defied description, an eruption of pure life force that illuminated the entire area with its brilliance. For a moment, everything was bathed in the overwhelming radiance, as if the world itself had come alive in celebration.

As Ivan's wife slowly rose from the surface where she had been lying, her movements were tentative at first, as if she was reacquainting herself with her own body. Her eyes once clouded with the weight of illness, now sparkled with renewed vitality and curiosity.

Her once pale complexion had regained a healthy glow, her skin radiant and vibrant. A cascade of lustrous, flowing black hair framed her face, its color restored to its natural richness. The lines of weariness and illness that had etched themselves upon her features seemed to have been gently smoothed away, replaced by a serene and youthful glow.