Jewelry, and Family

Gerald didn't follow Rory to the tavern, but instead went to another house just a little ways away.  There was something he needed to do in a little over a month after all, and while he'd attempted it before, it would be pointless without someone to help him. 

And there was only one man in town that had the skills to help him, at least to Gerald's knowledge.  'If only I hadn't let Lime go home… he could have helped…'  He lamented, but he felt that the Gin had earned his rest.  'Besides, I'll have to have him up for the coronation and wedding anyways.'  He thought with a grin.  He finally reached his destination and saw that there was still light coming in from a window. 

The future king knocked, and there was some movement behind the door.  "Who is it?"  Came an older female voice from behind the door. 

"I apologize for coming so late, this is the home of jeweler Smith, is it not?"