The Hard Conversation

Rory Davith looked absolutely terrified.  The king was coming to his home.  He'd helped his wife clean it twice, but every speck of dust in the house seemed to be calling out to him. 

"Roriath!"  His wife scolded. "Leave it alone!  They'll be here any minute." 

"Of course… you're right dear."

"And what in the hells is up with you today?"  She continued, her eyes looking at him accusingly.  "It's not just that Gerald's coming here.  He's been here before, if you recall." 

"Yes… yes… I know dear." 

"Roriath…"  The woman grabbed her husband by the shoulders and sat him down in a chair.  "Rory… what is the matter with you today?  I haven't seen you this happy to please me since we were newlyweds."  She pulled his face to hers and kissed him gently.  "What's this all about?" 

"I… um…  the woman who's to be the queen is coming with him…"