Chapter 6: Rage

Sasha, couldn't stop crying after she heard the news. She was so filled with rage that she almost had an outburst at her little sister for the most menial things. Joshua decided to stay over at Sasha's house anytime he could so she'd feel less alone. Even when Sasha had her outbursts, Joshua calmed her down while acting as a older brother figure for Gianna.

Gianna got comfortable with Joshua to the point that she wanted Joshua to see something private about herself.

"Joshua, can you come in here for a minute?" Gianna asks.

"Yeah sure, what is that you want to show me?" Joshua asks as he walks into the room. As he gets into the room, he sees a whole separate room and it has knives, guns, and a whole heist board with routes on not only the Alleyway Killjoy but another entity.

"Who is this other killer on the board?" Joshua asks with interest.

"It's the person who killed Mom." Gianna says adamantly. "I will never let them escape from my sights." "And he has the audacity to go to the worst school in all of Francious." Gianna starts to tear up from rage.

"That school will burn!" All three of them say together as Sasha calmly enters the room. "This entire school and it's kids will burn to a crisp!" "I will never forgive those cunts!"

As all three of them arm up, Gianna tells them the plan on how he's going to get the school to burn. Just because Gianna is a good detective doesn't mean she won't try out the other side when times get desperate. It's only a matter of time anyway.

"It seems like The Alleyway Killjoy has finally decided to shut down that school full of prisoners!" an unknown voice says.

"It's about time you met your future assassin wife son, I picked her specifically for you! Now destroy that school and the families that resonate in that school! They need to be taught a lesson or two in Hell!"