Chapter 7: Felons and Framing

"555 what's your emergency?" a police caller said.

"The worst school in Francious is back at it again." a voice said on the other line.

"Again?" "When will they stop?" the caller sighs.

"After Dresserosa and Brown deal with them once and for all." the voice says with a serious tone. "Those fuckers killed my wife in cold blood, they will pay!"

"Is this the reason why you are hiding away the Alleyway Killjoy Zeno?" the police caller asks frightened.

"Of course that's why." Zeno says adamantly. "Sasha isn't a serial killer Daki, she our most valuable assassin." "You should know that better than anyone, you were the one who raised her to fight crime."

"What even is Gradecor High School then Zeno?" Daki says. "What is that school meant to do?"

"It's the school for kids who will be on Death Row." Zeno says while smiling. "It lets them have a bit of fun before they die miserable deaths for their crimes!"

"So Sasha is just an executioner framed as a serial killer?!" Daki scolds. "Why is the media framing Sasha this way?"

"The person who is running the media is the reason why that school exists, Daki." Zeno says. "We are only executing criminals while they are pardoning them" Zeno grows angry at the situation. "They should just give it up already, or else a bloodbath will spew out of this."

"Do you still want Sasha and Joshua to burn down the school?" Daki asks, scared of Zeno's response.

"It'll be easier to take all of those felons out that way, don't feel at fault for all of this Daki." Zenon says solemnly. "I will call them and give them the route to the school so no one will notice them."

"Alright, Zeno." Daki says. Daki starts to cry. "Don't let me down, Joshua. I'm so sorry I had to abandon you. I want make things right but I don't know if I can now. I'm .... so sorry, I just want to see you smile again. I can't forgive myself unless I hear your forgiveness first." he silently cries to himself.