[Bonus chapter]Hot Spring

"I can't believe that he has so many ladies surrounding him." Narumi whined as she took off her clothes. "Back in Japan, people were writing love letters to him, but now they are hitting on him."

She wasn't able to forget how a lady tried to hit on Daiki during the drinking party because another one happened this morning. Another lady came over and asked him about his hobbies, trying to start a conversation with him.

'How dare she!' she thought, gritting her teeth together. 'Wait a second, why am I bothered? This marriage is just a contract marriage, so I shouldn't be bothered if someone tries to hit on him or flirt with him.'

But despite saying this to herself, she still felt bothered when she thought about what was happening. He spoke to several girls who were trying to get his attention so badly.

'This sucks. I'm just going to get into the hot spring and let all these thoughts wash off my mind,' she thought, heading for the water.

As soon as her feet touched water, she sighed in relief. She closed her eyes and sank lower into the water.

The warmth from the hot springs made her relax as if she were in heaven. Her muscles relaxed completely as soon as she submerged herself in the pool.

'This feels nice.' She thought, taking deep breaths of the warm air. Her muscles relaxed even more when her entire body became covered in steamy water. It was like nothing else existed except for the water. The hot spring and its soothing ambience

Her eyelids drooped slowly until she eventually had no energy left to open them again, but when she heard a voice, it broke through her peaceful trance.

'Huh?' she thought, opening her eyes slightly. Someone was in the pool, a man, but his face was blurred in her foggy vision.

"Who's that?" She muttered. Her eyes widened in shock as she realized who was in the pool.

"That's—Daiki!" she squeaked, sitting up straight. "What are you doing here?!"

"Oh my! I didn't see you there!" He yelled. "I was told to come here."

They were not looking at each other because their backs were turned towards each other, but somehow her body reacted to the thought of them being close.

"What do you mean?" She shouted.

'We are both naked in the same hot spring.' She thought frantically.

Her heart thumped loudly in her chest while her hands started to shake nervously.

"If you want, I could leave," Daiki offered.

"No, there's no need." Narumi replied, trying to calm down.

"Are you sure? You seem uncomfortable." He said.

"I'm fine." She muttered. Her head snapped in the direction of Daiki, which caused his whole body to stiffen instantly.

He couldn't really see anything, but despite that, he wasn't trying to take a peek.

"If you say so." He sighed before enjoying the relaxing atmosphere of the hot springs. His shoulders loosened gradually, making room for the relaxed tension in his body.

"As long as you don't try to look at my body, I will be comfortable." Narumi said quietly: Her voice sounded weak.

"That's alright, but I think I should say that to you. I have caught you staring at me multiple times." Daiki smirked.

"What! That's a lie." She argued, crossing her arms over her breasts. They felt cold compared to the warm pool around her.

'He caught me staring. I can't help it!' She thought in frustration.

"Nope, it's not," Daiki said.

"I'm not like those girls who are trying to get your attention." Narumi huffed.

"Again with the issue of girls, Narumi." Daiki chuckled. "Are you sure that you are not jealous?"

"Why would I be? We are not a real couple, so why should I be jealous?" She said, narrowing her eyes in annoyance at how absurd the accusation seemed, then turned her head to the side, hiding the fact that she was blushing furiously.

"Alright, that's great." Daiki said. He came out of the pool and used a towel to cover himself.

"Where are you going?" Narumi asked.

"To see a pretty lady who invited me..." He winked playfully. He put on a robe and grabbed a pair of slippers.

"What do you mean? We were supposed to go somewhere today." She asked, frowning at his response.

"We can go later," Daiki said. He was about to leave, but Narumi blocked his way. She glared at him, causing him to take a step back and look at her.

'Wait a second, she's not wearing a towel or robe. She's completely naked.' Daiki thought, staring at her with his mouth slightly agape. He blinked a few times in order to ensure he wasn't dreaming.

"How dare you go out to see another lady?! You are trying to cheat on me despite the fact that we signed a contract." Narumi growled, her tone turning angry. She clenched her fists angrily.

"That wasn't exactly what I meant." Daiki protested, holding his hand up in surrender, when she started moving towards him. "You are...."

"Keep quiet and let me talk." Narumi said. "You are trying to see another lady; how could you do something like that?"

Daiki tried to speak, but Narumi wasn't letting him; eventually he had no choice but to yell.

"Narumi, you are completely naked!" he exclaimed before covering his eyes.

'Naked? Me?' Narumi thought. She looked down and realized that she was.

"You pervert!" She shouted, pointing a finger at him in disgust. "You could have told me sooner."

"I tried, but you weren't listening...." Daiki tried to defend himself.

"Just get out!" She screamed, shoving him roughly with her bare hands. Daiki stumbled a little but didn't fall.

"I'm leaving." He spoke calmly.

Immediately he did, Narumi took in a deep breath.

'What is wrong with me today?'