[Bonus chapter] Photo shoot scene

Finally, as the day of the photo shoot was approaching, Narumi and Daiki went to Nagoya a day before so that they could be prepared for the event. It was their first official photo shoot as a couple, and Akashi wasn't going to let them forget what it was like. He wanted all the pictures to be perfect, especially from the angle. The lighting had to be just right and the angle just right for the two lovers to capture all the details perfectly.

"I'm dressed like my favorite hashira." Narumi squeaked as she looked at herself in a mirror. Cosplaying as one of her favorite characters from "Demon Slayer" felt like a dream to her.

'Mitsuri is a cute character. I wonder if I look as cute as her.' She thought with a giddy smile on her face.

"Mrs Narumi are you ready? We are waiting for you, or do you need help with the outfit?" A lady asked from the door.

"I'm done; let's go!" Narumi declared excitedly and skipped out of the room with a large grin on her face.

The lady took her to the studio. Daiki, Akashi, Akiko, Yuki, and Daisuke were present already. Daiki was already dressed as the snake Hashira Obanai, and she wasn't going to lie to herself.

'He looks breathtaking.' Narumi stared at him in awe. She knew he was attractive, but seeing him in his full regalia made his beauty far more real and more beautiful.

"You look cute, Naru." Daiki smiled at her.

"Thank you. You don't look bad yourself." She said as she tried her best to hide her red cheeks.

'Damm it.'

"Narumi, you look beautiful." Akiko said before hugging her.

"Why are you here?" Narumi asked. "And you brought mom and Mr. Tsukumo along."

"I wanted to see the photo shoot by myself because it's about my sister and brother-in-law, which means that I should see the pictures before they are published." Akiko replied simply.

"Mom, you agreed to this?" Narumi asked.

"Why not, dear?" Yuki smiled. "I remember when your father and I were chosen for this."

"Oh wow!" Akiko exclaimed. "You and dad were once featured in the Valentine edition of the magazine."

"Yes, so I want to see how good Narumi and Daiki will look in person." Yuki laughed. "Akashi, how is your mom?"

"Oh, she's alright. Her hobby is traveling, so she is barely around anymore." Akashi stated it simply.

"You take good care of business, so why won't she have such a hobby?" Yuki chuckled.

"Exactly ma'am." Akashi said. "Alright, let's start taking pictures of the Tsukumo couple."

Everyone got into position; Daiki was holding Narumi's hand, and Narumi herself held Daiki's other hand tightly.

"Perfect!" Akashi yelled. "Take the picture."

After about two hours, the cosplay photography session finally came to an end, but that wasn't the main picture everyone was waiting for; they were waiting for the kiss picture.

"Mom, do you think Narumi will do it?" Akiko asked.

"Yes, she will." Her mother responded.

"Why do you say so?" Akiko asked.

"Narumi will do anything to ensure nobody finds out that this marriage is a contract one; my daughter doesn't want another scandal." Yuki responded.

"Oh, okay then." Akiko said before smiling, "I'm so excited."

Narumi and Daiki were supposed to wear a red outfit for the kiss picture: a red gown, red shoes, and gold accessories and earrings, while for Daiki, a red tuxedo with a dark red rose, the same color as Narumi's dress.

Daisuke was quiet all through, but he was really happy for his son.

'He looks so happy with her. They do look like an amazing couple.' He thought. 'Please let them stay together.'

"Okay, this is the last picture, and it's really important." Akashi said. "I want the lightning to be perfect and also the angle."

Narumi and Daiki looked at each other; it was just a kiss, so what's the big deal?

'We have kissed before, when I was drunk. I just have to do it again.' Narumi thought before pulling Daiki towards her, so her lips could press against his.

She felt like she was dreaming, but somehow it didn't feel like a dream. The kissing went on for a while until the photographer snapped the photo.

When they pulled away, they were greeted by cheers.

'It's done, but why do I crave for more?" What is wrong with me? Narumi thought frantically.

"Well, that was great! Thank you for your cooperation." Akashi said it enthusiastically. "The magazine will be out for the world to see the amazing Tsukumo couple."