Chapter 26: Trending

"Take this magazine away from me!" Aoi yelled at the maids, who were still trying to clean up the glass and broken vases that had been thrown on the floor. 

"Yes ma."   The girls all muttered in a chorus and obeyed her, not without giving Aoi another dirty look as they took the magazine away.

"How in the world did they choose her? Why them?"   Aoi wondered as she glared at the girl who was cleaning the other side of the room. 

"Why is there so much commotion in this room?" Minato asked, because the sound of shouting and glasses breaking was not allowing him to concentrate on work. 

"Why did they choose them?" Aoi asked again. "It's so annoying seeing them as the couple for the Valentine edition of the magazine." She huffed and threw herself down on the nearest chair, her face buried in the cushion.

Minato sighed.  "Why do you always behave like a child? For crying out loud, you are pregnant with my child!" 

"Exactly this child is the problem; maybe the public thinks I'm getting fat and that's why they didn't pick us." Aoi retorted.

Minato rolled his eyes. He knew it was ridiculous, but Aoi really got into fights about things that were beyond their control. 

"We have been married for two years, but never have we been chosen by the public as the Valentine couple of the month." Aoi continued complaining about everything. 

"Enough of this crap, Aoi," Minato said calmly. "You complain a lot, and it drives me insane." 

"Oh really? You promised me that you would make sure Narumi's company becomes ours, so why haven't you done it yet?" Aoi demanded angrily.

Minato's gaze turned cold. "What do you mean by that?" 

"All your plans always flop completely, and it's annoying." Aoi spat.   "You promised me to bring Narumi to her knees." 

"And I will fulfill it, baby. Just give me some time." Minato tried to pacify his wife; he wanted this as well, but it would take time.

'Narumi is a dangerous woman!'  Minato thought to himself. 'She can ruin our entire company.'  

"It sucks because she gets everything. She's a billionaire and has a good-looking husband." Aoi continued grumpily. 

"What do you mean by that? Am I not good-looking as well?" Minato asked, annoyed.

"You are good-looking, but Daiki is a man who looks like the devil incarnate. He is also hot as hell though." 

'What the hell!' Minato cursed internally.  'Daiki is hot as hell?'

He couldn't even imagine that these words were coming from his wife. 

"I'm tired; this baby makes me feel so sleepy." Aoi said her eyelids were dropping.

"Go to sleep then." Minato suggested.   He was still upset but didn't show it all.

"Good," she said before heading to the bedroom.


"Narumi and Daiki have been trending on Twitter!" Akiko yelled as she came downstairs for lunch.

"Really?"  Their mother asked. "That's great news." 

"Yup!"   Akiko said excitedly. "Akashi called me, and he told me that the magazine sold out within twenty minutes since its first launch, and the sales increased by five percent in two hours."

"That's great, but now can you eat your food?" Narumi ordered sternly, and Akiko hurried to comply.

"The pictures do look great, and it's about the couple they choose." Daisuke said quietly.

"I agree with what Mr. Tsukumo said," Yuki said.

"Daiki, tomorrow we have to go to the office." Narumi said seriously. 

"I know." Daiki agreed. 

"There are a lot of pending issues we need to handle." She continued after a moment of silence. 

"Sis I don't think you should be discussing work during lunch." Akiko  interrupted.  "It's always boring." 

"You are such a child." Narumi reprimanded her sister, who was now on her phone again.

"A new post has been made about you guys on Twitter. The person said that you guys look amazing and Daiki is so handsome; it was also written here that she wishes to marry Daiki or kidnap him."

Akiko read the tweet and laughed.

'What does that mean? She wishes Daiki was her husband?' Narumi asked herself. 'He's my husband, so she should not say that.'

"Another post on you guys!" Akiko read out loud. "It says that Daiki is very handsome, and I wish I were the girl who has kissing and not Narumi." 

Narumi clenched her utensils. She felt angry because the post had made her feel uncomfortable. 

'He is my husband. Why in the world would someone think of kissing? She thought furiously, although it didn't stop her heart from thumping rapidly.

"Most of the posts I have seen on Twitter are from girls who simp for Daiki.  They say they want to see him naked and then make a joke." Akiko laughed nervously.

"That's weird."    Narumi commented dryly.

"Let me read a few other people's posts on you guys. Girls are saying that Daiki is super muscular and sexy." Akiko said.

"Enough of that put the phone away, and focus on your lunch." Narumi scolded her younger sister.

Akiko just laughed; she could see that her sister was getting jealous.

"Mom, I think Narumi feels jealous." Akiko whispered conspiratorially to her mother.

"I know."  Yuki chuckled.  "She looks so cute." 

Narumi was still fuming, and she wasn't even able to eat her food, probably because she ate it angrily. All she wanted to do was strangle one of those women who thought they could just talk about Daiki as if he belonged to them.

'I wish I could tell them to shove their feelings inside their heads and never say them aloud,' she thought, feeling angry.

"Narumi, are you okay?" Yuki asked. 

"Yeah  mom, let's just focus on eating now."   Narumi replied coolly and went back to eating her food.

Yuki smiled and observed her daughter. 

'I know that you feel jealous, and you look so adorable when you do. Daiki belongs to you and only you; I hope you are able to discover your feelings before it's too late. Yuki thought happily. 'I want Daiki to be my son-in-law even after a year and two months so he doesn't have to leave Japan for good; only you can make this happen, Narumi, so please discover your feelings quickly.'