Chapter 27: Old memories

'March is such a beautiful month.' Daiki thought as he looked through the window. The flowers were  in full bloom and it was warm enough outside to warrant going out to enjoy the sun. The sun was shining bright today and it almost seemed like spring. 

'How beautiful.'  He thought, but despite the beauty of the flowers, it wasn't helping him have a cheerful mood today. 

"Sir, what are you doing here?"  Haruki asked, and his voice interrupted Daiki's thought.

"Seriously Haruki."   Daiki chuckled.  "Sir?"

"Yup, you are supposed to be addressed as sir." Haruki said.

"Why?" Daiki asked.

"Well, you are married to the boss, so that makes you sir." Haruki shrugged.

"My wife is the boss of this company, and when we are working here, I'm an employee, not a husband, so don't call me that." Daiki chuckled.   "We are both employees working for the same boss."

"Alright Daiki."  Haruki said.  "Anyway, what's wrong with you?" 

"Nothing is wrong with me," Daiki responded. 

"We are on our break, but you haven't eaten." Haruki pointed this out. "You should eat something."

"I'm not hungry," Daiki said.

"Are you feeling under the weather?" Haruki asked.

"Nope I'm just not hungry." Daiki responded. 

Haruki sighed; sometimes he was unable to understand Daiki at all.

"You and Mrs. Narumi have been trending for a while. Everyone loves those pictures." Haruki said, gesturing towards the screen of his phone. "So many girls have even created an account just to talk about how handsome you look." 

"Oh wow."  Daiki muttered; he wasn't in the mood to talk about all this.

"Anyway, I have an important call to make." Haruki said after a few seconds.

"Alright," Daiki agreed, and he watched as he walked away.

'All of this attention is fake, just like my marriage. I'm interesting because I'm married to Narumi, that's all.'  Daiki thought bitterly and looked at the sky. 'After a year and six months, everything will be over and return to normal. Sometimes I wonder if I should try to win her heart so that our relationship doesn't end after the contract is over. Would she like that?'  

Today felt like a day of emotional pain for Daiki; his thoughts were too clouded to think properly.

'Mom, your son is a failure. He is in love, but the woman doesn't feel the same way; he can't even win her heart at all.' Daiki thought bitterly as he watched the clouds slowly roll by.

"Daiki!"   A voice yelled and made him flinch slightly.

"Huh?"  He turned around and noticed Akiko standing behind him. 

"Daiki!" she yelled as she came over to him. 

"Akiko, what are you doing at the office?" he asked, a small smile gracing his lips. "It's a pretty nice day."

"Well, I went out with a few friends, and I decided to stop by." She smiled.  "I thought this was the period for a lunch break." 

"Yes, it is." Daiki nodded. 

"Oh, but you don't look as if you have had lunch." She frowned. 

"That's because I'm not hungry." Daiki replied.   "The flowers outside seem to be blooming today, didn't you notice?"

"Yeah," Akiko replied softly. "They are beautiful, aren't they but that doesn't mean you can try to lie to me." 

"Huh?"    Daiki stared back at her, confused and slightly scared.

"Don't lie to me." Akiko repeated it firmly. "I know something is eating you up, so do share it with your sister-in-law and friend." 

"Okay," Daiki said hesitantly. "If you must know, I'm sad right now."

"Really? Why?  What happened?"  Akiko asked concernedly.

Daiki sighed heavily before answering. "Today is my mom's birthday." 

"Oh my." was all Akiko could say before turning silent and staring off into space. "You miss her, right?" 

"So much Akiko. I was given the opportunity to be born in the same month as my mother, but after her death, it's hard to celebrate." Daiki responded.   "I really miss her, although it's good that she is in a better place and not watching her pathetic son." 

"Daiki …"   Akiko looked at him sadly. "You are not pathetic." 

"I am Akiko." Daiki muttered.   "This contract marriage will make me go crazy, and the man who ruined my childhood is living with me, so I have to see him every day. It really sucks." 

"Daiki, please calm down." Akiko said.

"It's alright."  He muttered, then instantly turned his frown into a smile. "I'm sure you would want to see Narumi; she's in her office, and I don't think she will be busy." 

Akiko wasn't comfortable about leaving Daiki alone, but she needed to see Narumi. 

"Thank you, and please take care of yourself." Akiko replied and left him to his thoughts.

'Why do good people suffer so much? Daiki is an amazing person, and he deserves happiness.'  Akiko told herself as she walked down the corridor. 'He is a wonderful man who deserves more than what he has.'

She arrived at Narumi's office and knocked on the door.

"Come in," Narumi called out from the other side.

Akiko opened the door and stepped inside. There she saw Narumi sitting in her chair with papers spread out across the desk in front of her.

"Akiko, what are you doing?" Narumi asked.

"I went out with some friends, and I wanted to stop by." Akiko smiled.  "Are you busy, sis?" 

"Not really," Narumi answered, placing her pen down.

"That's great, because I want to talk to you." Akiko said. 

"Since you couldn't wait for me to come home, it might be urgent." Narumi joked, and Akiko rolled her eyes.

"Yes, it's actually very important to me." Akiko said seriously. "Please listen carefully."

"What did you want to talk about?" Narumi asked.

"Daiki's birthday is coming up; it's on the 20th of this month." Akiko said.

"Oh really!  I didn't know."  Narumi commented.

"I didn't expect you to know, sis." Akiko  sighed. 

"Let me guess, you want to host a party for him?" Narumi asked.

"Not really. Daiki doesn't like that, so mom and I wanted to have a little family picnic on that day so he doesn't feel lonely." Akiko smiled. 

"That's a good idea." Narumi said that then she started packing the papers together so she wouldn't forget anything. 

"But I have a request."  Akiko said, making Narumi halt her actions and look at her. 

"What do you want?" Narumi asked.

"Mr. Tsukumo Daisuke shouldn't be allowed to come along." Akiko stated firmly.