Chapter 51: Hospital Visit

Bright lights reflected through the window and fell on Daiki's eyes as he slowly opened them. He squinted before rubbing his eyes with one hand to adjust to the sudden light. For a second, he was blinded, but he recovered fast enough to sit up and look around.

'Emi?' he whispered as his eyes adjusted to the brightness. She was still on her bed, unconscious.

'Shit,' he muttered under his breath. 'She hasn't regained consciousness yet. He looked over at the digital clock on the nightstand, reading that it was only six in the morning.

'I should call Haru.' With that thought, he grabbed the phone and stepped outside of Emi's room. He dialed Haru's number before placing the receiver on his ear. The line connected after three rings. "Haru," Daiki said urgently when he heard Haru's voice on the other end.

"Daiki good morning. How are you? There was some shuffling in the background that Daiki could hear.