Attempting Alchemy

And within the space contained in the Sepsis Jug, it happened to be able to store this toxic blood.

The toxic blood from the arm flew out and fell back into the flask, then the mana was withdrawn.

Without the support of mana, the Sepsis Jug returned to the size of a wine flask and dropped from the sky, caught by Zhang Chen's outstretched hand.

Now, as long as he refined the Sepsis Jug and branded it with his own spiritual imprint, he could activate it at will.

However, Zhang Chen didn't rush to refine it, but took out the Blood Jade Cauldron from his storage bag.

The Blood Jade Cauldron was the size of a calf, crystal clear, like red glass, and the internal situation was clear at a glance. When refining pills, it could provide a good understanding of the changes in the materials and medicinal properties, thereby increasing the chances of success.

"Next, let's see if the Blood God Son can refine pills for me.