Arrival of the Three Sects

Back in the cave abode, Zhang Chen saw that the Blood God Son was very busy with the fire and pill refining. He felt that it would be better to have a few more Blood God Sons practicing pill refining together.

Although Blood God Sons didn't experience fatigue, their mana was limited. Moreover, they had to maintain the furnace fire while refining pills, dividing their attention and affecting the success rate of pill formation.

So Zhang Chen released three intelligent Blood God Sons and transmitted the memory of pill refining on Gu Pingshan to them, following the established procedure.

With four Blood God Sons, two in each group, one maintained the blood flames while the other focused on pill refining. After one group's mana was depleted, they would switch with the other group, allowing uninterrupted pill refining.

After handing over the demon blood and spirit herbs to the four Blood God Sons, Zhang Chen began refining the Sepsis Jug.