PIETRO FERRI WAS in an uncharacterized vehicle looking at the fleet of Mercedes and BMW and other lesser-known but equally noble brands leaving the place. Before the doors of the inconspicuous temple of the Luciferian Church closed, he jumped out of the car and entered the dimly lit environment.

A strong smell of sulfur then passed through his nostrils, looking further inside, they found its origin: in front of an altar with silver columns there was a still smoking brazier.

— The ceremony is now over, sir — said a young man in a black robe dryly.

Pietro showed his badge.

The young man tightened his jaw, but showed no concern:

— Come with me, please!

THE MAN WAS ALREADY REMOVING his scarlet tunic when the policeman entered.

— Luigi, I already said that counseling only in the period before the ceremony!

— He's a policeman, sir!

— Cop? His face remained serene, though his concerns were betrayed by his voice.

— Yes — he exclaimed — we're here to ask you a few questions.

— Well, sir — said the priest of the Luciferian Church, pointing to some chairs — please sit down.

Pietro got straight to the point:

— What can you tell us about satanic human sacrifices?

The priest remained unperturbed, and then he managed a slight smile:

— Satanic sacrifices? — You have come to the right place. Here is where we worship Lucifer. What better place to offer sacrifices to the Prince of Light than within Satan's own church?

— What kind of sacrifice is made and how is it developed? Pietro asked.

— That's a smart question! — And the answer is energy, we offer energy on Lucifer's altar, energy!

— Do you mean life? — said Pietro, frowning.

— Yes and no, the priest answered enigmatically — Yes, because we offer life.

The priest was now ironic.

— And no, because we didn't offer it as you must be thinking. We don't sacrifice anyone if that's what you're asking. We offer the Prince of Light our own energy, we offer him our own life! Not killing her, but living for him.

— What do you mean, I don't understand? — How do you offer your life on Lucifer's altar? the agent asked.

The priest adopted the tone of a teacher teaching a new student:

— First of all, to understand sacrifice you must know who Lucifer is, do you know who he is?

— Well... — answered Pietro, remembering the teachings he had seen from the priest when he was still a child and was taken to church by his mother — Lucifer is the fallen angel who rebelled against God!

The Luciferian priest smiled condescendingly:

— I thought you said this: twenty centuries of Christianity, plus American horror movies, have given the Prince of Light an extremely negative image!

— Are you trying to tell us that everything the Church says about Satan is a lie?

— Lucifer, please! — Satan strikes me as a little less honorable. But you are right, Christianity has lied to the whole world about the real nature of the angel of light. Lucifer is not evil, he is good; it's not death, it's life. See: in the Christian Bible it is written in the book of Genesis that he was the one who encouraged Eve to taste the Tree of Knowledge! If it weren't for him, men would live in ignorance!

— But they were kicked out of Paradise, weren't they? — Needled the agent.

— Yes, but by a cruel and envious God who did not want his creatures to know good and evil like he did! Lucifer wanted men to have the knowledge. Let's look at the Greek legend of Prometheus, the titan who stole fire from the heavens and gave it to mortals, facing the wrath of Zeus. Who do you think is the Prometheus of Greek Mythology?

— Lucifer?

— Yes, the great figure of Lucifer! — The Prince of Light, the great enlightened one. The one responsible for all achievements and human progress!

— But the Church tells us...

— And can you trust what the Church says? — For centuries she has been saying the same thing, but to divert men's eyes from the Earth, making them look to the sky, while she gets richer and richer! Look at Pope Alexander VI: could there be a man, pardon the word, more diabolical than he? The Pope was not allowed to have children. He, however, was the father of Caesar Borgia, whose second name already reveals a part of his character. A man so bad, that Machiavelli himself wrote his book The Prince, based on his life! Look at all the blood shed in the name of Christianity, enough to flood all of Italy! And Christians place the blame on Lucifer! Jesus is the culprit of evil, not the enlightened one!

— But Jesus preached good! Men are the ones who deviated from what He taught! Pietro couldn't contain himself.

— Jesus! Who is Jesus? An impostor who thought himself a son of God! A man, a simple man, more: above all, a weakling! His message was and is contrary to human nature! What man, when attacked, would turn the other cheek for the aggressor to hit? Or tell me: is it natural to live a life of renunciation in the face of the fabulous delights and pleasures of existence? Christianity is oppression and its teachings have caused the greatest suffering for mankind. Destroying Christianity should be the goal of every good man. Without Christianity, man would already have reached enlightenment!

— What do you mean, what lighting are you talking about?

— The enlightenment of conscience, the recognition that man himself is God, the true Luciferian knowledge that there is neither God nor devil!

Pietro was perplexed:

— What are you saying?! That God and Lucifer don't exist, I don't understand!

— No, Agent Ferri, what I'm saying is that there is no Christian God who created all things, nor is there a devil who is the root of all evil! — Both God and Lucifer himself are the expression of the energy of the cosmos that interacts with man. There is no Jesus Christ savior because there is no sin. Heaven and hell are creations of powerful but human minds to subjugate men into servitude and obedience. Luciferian knowledge is not worship, as Christianity had us believe for centuries to a fallen angel, but the awareness that good and evil are in ourselves. And that all mankind should seek self-enlightenment. This is what Enlightenment philosophy says, that man, not God, is the measure of all things!

— So, if the devil doesn't exist, how do you explain black magic?

— the magic black is not, as you might be thinking, the result of sorceries made here on Earth and carefully crafted by demons in the depths of hell. It is just an energy, it is amoral like electrical energy, and it can be used for good or evil. And it is developed by men, with a special sensitivity: the magicians.

— So, Luciferian knowledge teaches that there is no good or evil because everything is a manifestation of energy?

— Exactly! If you look at the religions of the East, or those that existed in Europe before Christianity, such as that of the Druids, you will be able to observe that they were very close to the true Luciferian knowledge, in which man, through self-consciousness, can reach enlightenment, that is, to the stature of God. Accepting your own mistakes and weaknesses, no longer placing the blame on an alleged original sin and accepting being solely responsible for yourself in the paradox of our existence, that is what the doctrine of the Luciferian church consists of. Man does not need a redeemer, for there is no sin. What exists is the need to create paradise on Earth. That's why we wait for the Enlightened One, you see, he's not the Devil, even though Christians think so. The Luciferian church awaits an evolved man after many reincarnations, who will come to transform the world and bring peace to everyone.

— Some sort of messiah?

— You can put it that way if you like.— We await the man who will bring light, peace and harmony to all inhabitants; the government of the enlightened one, of the man who will receive the light of Lucifer himself. He will drive away the ignorance and prejudice brought on by centuries of Christianity; it will put an end to hunger and wars. This is the proposal of the Luciferian society. For centuries, we can even say millennia, we have tried to awaken this Luciferian consciousness in men! Movements like the Renaissance and the Enlightenment itself are full of this meaning.