VICTORIA WOKE UP WITH THE RAYS OF THE SUN kissing her face. The room was really huge, proportionate to the size of the house. He looked out the window: the day was wonderful, his eyes then lost themselves in the immensity of the plain that surrounded the mansion.

A knock on the door and it opened.

— Will you go down for breakfast, or would you rather I bring it here?

— Wait a moment, I'll be right down!

THE TABLE IN VICTORIAN STYLE was strict. In the center, flanked by two employees, who kindly invited her to sit down:

— We've been waiting for you, madam — he said, smiling.

— I hope your sleep was pleasant — continued Antoine.

The coffee came faster than usual. At that moment Antoine appeared:

— The car is ready, ma'am.

— Thank you, Antoine.

The Rolls-Royce was driven by Antoine through the streets of suburban New York until he arrived in front of an old Gothic building. The gigantic sandstone stones, cut unevenly, attested to this being a construction that had withstood the rigors of centuries.

— We're here, ma'am.

She nodded and realized that even in such a technological world, there was a place where time didn't pass.