The New York GENERAL HOSPITAL is located in the center of the city. It suffered a significant loss of its structure in an accidental fire a few months ago and was undergoing partial renovation.

The unmarked vehicle stopped in front of the main entrance to the hospital. Having her chair pushed by Antoine, Victoria entered and went directly towards reception.

Looking at the woman who was coming towards her, a helpful attendant had already highlighted an admission form:

— Good afternoon — he said — what's your name for admission? Do you have health insurance?

Pietro understood the obvious mistake and smiled at her.

— My dear, I don't intend to stick around anytime soon.

The girl understood the mistake:

— I'm sorry, I just thought...

— Okay, that's perfectly understandable — said the agent — actually, I'm just looking for information.

The girl smiled shyly at that handsome young man, they were the same age, he looked like an Italian, tall, strong, hooked nose, unshaven, it was perfectly her size.

— If I can help...

— I believe you can.— I would like to know the address of a patient...

— Sorry... —said the clerk, embarrassed and a little embarrassed for not complying with the request — but it's the hospital's policy not to reveal the address of our patients to strangers.

He showed Interpol's functional identity.

— A patient who was treated here a few days ago unfortunately died, I was in charge that day and new evidence came up and we need to solve the case as soon as possible, but if you believe I have to have a court order, I can arrange it..

— What is the patient's name?

Showing the functional never fails...

—Freddy Martinez.

She typed and looked strange about everything she was seeing, when typing that name on the computer, the computer began to be formatted automatically.

— I don't understand.

Pietro went after her and realized what was happening.

— Someone is formatting the hospital computer.

— But that's impossible... we use intranet.

— So it's someone inside the hospital where the main server is?

— I think we'll have to call security.

— We don't have time, lass... we need to do this right away.