SIPPING BREAKFAST, Gregory Evans looked once more at the copy of Nicole's grandfather's diary and had ruled out several possibilities. The address informed by his assistant did not bring any positive result, the Interpol team went to the place and found that no Jeremy Niles had lived there.

— Did you get anything else? — asked the priest.

— Nothing… it's like Jeremy Niles is some ghost.

— We have to hope he's still alive, it's our only lead to my grandfather and his death.

Greg nodded, but he had the strangest feeling it was a fictitious name, one that wouldn't get them anywhere.

— That's what we're going to see...

— As? Nicole asked.

Before Greg could speak, he got a call from Pietro.


— Sorry to tell you, Greg, but someone has formatted all the hospital data —

— Did you find out who it was?

— Not yet, but the bastard might not be far away…

Suddenly Greg heard some strange noises.

— Pietro... is everything okay?

The call was cut.

— SHIT! — GREG SCREAMED, slamming his fist on the table.

— What happened? Nicole asked worriedly.

— I think we lost Pietro.

— But did he discover anything?

— Worse than that... they found him...