TURNING HER EYES skyward, Victoria Hulmann gazed at what looked like an immense black carpet studded with diamonds.

— This reminds me so much of the first time I went on an expedition with my dad.

Antoine smiled, stroking Victoria's hair.

— It must be very beautiful.

—The nights in Egypt are worthy of Shahrzad's tales — said Victoria, upon seeing his enchantment at being at her side.

— I've never seen such a luminous night here in America — Victoria said — It even seems that the stars are closer to Earth here.

— They say that when we have a very starry night it is because we are about to contemplate the beauty that the darkness can provide us.

— I don't know who taught you that, but it's poetic nonetheless.

— I have that impression too. Incidentally, it is because of this apparent approximation between the stars and the Earth that astrology played a relevant role among ancient peoples. It was in that region of North Africa that the study of the stars developed greatly, both in ancient Egypt and in Babylon. Astrologers, who at the time were confused with the priests themselves, developed studies and mechanisms to try to unravel the mysteries linked to the future, not only of people, but also of nations. Nowadays, in almost every newspaper in the world there is a corner reserved for this age-old practice. Naive girls, who daily consult their horoscopes, do not realize that they are surrendering to a modern worship of very ancient gods.

— Astrology is a modern worship of ancient gods.

— Yes, that's right, astrology was one of the most common ways in antiquity for people to consult their destiny, or rather, the will of the gods. If we look at history, a large portion of the gods of those ancient peoples, regardless of their historical times, had the same characteristics of attributes and powers. Basically the same god was worshiped in different nations, changing only the name. A classic example of this is the Greek and Roman gods: the Greeks' Zeus was the Romans' Jupiter; the Hermes of the Greeks, was the Mercury of the Romans.

— Mercury, Venus, Jupiter…the same names given to the planets.

— There it is — concluded Victoria. — When someone says that he is a Virgo with a rising in Jupiter, he is confessing, without realizing it, that he is a Virgo, suffering the influence of the pagan god Jupiter. That is, when naive and anxious girls of her age consult their horoscopes, without knowing it, they are worshiping an ancient god, recognizing his influence on their future and their lives.

Antoine, thinking about the words of the woman beside him, looked at the window

— Victoria, look!

The Earth, which until then had been in complete darkness, now as if it were a mirror reflecting the brightness of the sky, presented thousands of luminous points that extended everywhere.

— New York is the most beautiful city at night.

'She's not as pretty as you are, Victoria.'

— I'm just an invalid.

— Not for me.

So they went back to making love while Victoria ignored a call from Greg.