— BUT HOW DO WE KNOW what happened on September 11, 1927? Nicole asked in bewilderment.

— Why, that's quite simple! — Just consult the newspapers of the time — Victoria said — We are in Rome, home to one of the largest libraries in the world, the Vatican Library. Logically they must have a complete collection of old newspapers. All we have to do is ask Cardinal Messina, I don't think he will deny us this favor.

— There are two problems with your solution, Victoria — interjected Green — first: what shall we say to the Cardinal about this sudden interest in a 1927 newspaper? Second: which newspaper to look for?

— It is a good question! Nicole exclaimed, thinking.

— Pounds — replied Gregory as he entered the room suddenly — the deposit made by Victoria's father was in pounds!

— Yes, it's on the statement — said Green — but what does that have to do with the newspaper?

— It's simple — continued Gregory — why would a deposit in a Swiss bank be made in pounds?

Green smiled:

— To tell us which newspaper to look for!

— An English newspaper? — Victoria ventured.

— Yes — said Gregory — but not an ordinary newspaper, but one that in 1927 had an international circulation! The London Magazine!

— And as for the Cardinal, what shall we say to him? Nicole was restless.

— I had another idea: instead of consulting the newspaper in the Vatican Library, why not go straight to the source?

— How so, Greg? — Nicole asked.

— It's simple, I'll call Interpol in London. I do not believe that London Magazine will deny the request of an entity committed to international security. Then my people in England will fax the paper to us!

Green looked with satisfaction at Greg.

— That way we won't need to return to the Vatican. If we went back there with that request, the Cardinal would soon suspect that we were on the trail of the Golden Book!