— YOU MUST HAVE READ the newspapers? — Donatello said — Mario Gretz's sketch is stamped on all of them. Now the question that worries me is how could you hire a man like this without checking his background first?

The Director swallowed hard.

— We had no way of knowing about his involvement in a robbery at the Vatican. By the way, the Holy See is very parsimonious about disclosing information about events behind its walls — replied the man.

— What about the form of hiring, how is it done? By indication of a previous client or is there another criterion?

The director noticed the trap.

— In some cases we hire specialized personnel through previous references. This however is the exception, we usually form our registration directly.

— As well? — Angian asked.

— We have contacts with officers from various armed forces in European Union countries, so our staff is made up of young officers who have recently been discharged from these armies.

— Mário Gretz was one of those cases, then?

— Yes, replied the director, he was hired a year after he was discharged from the Swiss army.

— Well then, said Donatello, getting up, that was it for the time being. The director accompanied him to the door, then closed it and breathed easier.

— IT'S EASIER TO DRAIN WATER out of a rock than to get any useful information out of this director — Angiano said over the cell phone with Gregory Evans.

— You're right — Greg confirmed — I think we should focus our investigation on the Saldini family. When we get to Rome, I want you to get a complete report from Interpol on this clan: members, business, social relations, in short, everything about all its activities.

— Okay, Detective, what about the coat of arms, what caught your interest?

I'll pay another visit and do some research, see what they can tell me about it.