— Did the INTERPOL PEOPLE forward the newspaper fax yet? — the woman asked apprehensively.

— Yes — replied Antoine — who has just returned to the suite accompanied by Gregory.

— Pass me the pages — asked Victoria — I'm anxious to see what it's all about.

Antoine then handed him a bundle of single pages that reproduced a newspaper from the beginning of the century.

— September 11, 1927! — Sighed the woman — I never dreamed of being born.

— Whatever Dr. Hulmann wanted to tell us has been forgotten for a long time, waiting for this moment, reflected Roman Green.

— Yes — Nicole agreed — now we just have to read and find out what it is.

— There are more than ninety pages — observed Victoria — To speed up the reading, let's divide it into three parts: Nick and I, we read the political and cultural pages; you, Father Green, the social and general affairs pages, while Antoine and Gregory, the rest.

— Okay — Green said, picking up his pages.

— As if the story is alive — Nicole said, completely immersed in the past.

— Yeah — confirmed the woman — reading a newspaper that old is like watching history happen before our eyes...

— Victoria — interrupted Antoine — what is the name of that assistant who murdered your father?

Instinctively the woman, Green and Nicole turned to him, curious:

— Jeremy Niles — replied the woman — why?

— It's just that his name is here!