— DO YOU BELIEVE in the words of Cardinal Domenico Di Polli? — Nicole asked outside St. Mark's Cathedral.

— I don't know what to say, my child, everything he told us sounded so convincing, but then again Gregory Evans suspects he is part of the Brotherhood of the Serpent.

— And you, Father, what do you think?

— I am also confused, I don't know who to trust, I just have the impression that we were rash in handing over the Golden Book to the Secretary General of the Vatican. What if Joseph Messina really is the Antichrist?

— What intrigued me — continued the woman — was the fact that Domenico Di Polli knew the contents of the secret audience that my father had with Pope John XXIII.

— Why, Victoria! — replied the priest — as Di Polli told us, if the Vatican has been the scene of a secret war, it is very likely that the pope of the time reserved the knowledge of that audience to the cardinals who fought at his side. Domenico Di Polli is an heir to this knowledge.

— What seems more serious to you then, Father?

— What worries me most is Domenico Di Polli's statement about Joseph Messina. If it is true, not only the Catholic Church but all of Christianity is in great danger.