— MR. EVANS, PLEASE COME IN — said Joseph Messina, greeting the American detective who was escorted by the Swiss guard at the door.

— Eminence!

— Sit down — said the Cardinal, indicating the officer to an armchair close to his own. — How can I help you this time?

Greg took the letter the French exorcist had forwarded to the Bishop of Padua from his pocket.

— See this, Your Eminence!

— What is this? asked the Cardinal, looking surprised.

— It is I who ask you, Your Eminence. This letter was handed to me by the Bishop of Padua. It is authored by a murdered French exorcist. Next to the body we find the mark of the cross of Anu, the one that was with the boy sacrificed for the ritual.

— THIS IS VERY SERIOUS — stated Joseph Messina after reading the entire content of the letter.

— Perhaps more serious is the fact that another letter with a similar content has been forwarded to the Vatican.

— No such letter has been received here at the Vatican — Messina asserted with studied vehemence.

— The canon code dictates that if any priest obtains knowledge of something with sufficient power to harm the Church, that same priest must communicate it to his closest superior and the Pope.

— I know canon law, Mr. Evans. Now rest assured, that letter never reached the Vatican.

— Perhaps it did not reach you, Your Eminence, but we checked with the post office, and I can assure you that this correspondence passed through the walls of the Vatican.

— Are you insinuating the existence of Satanists within the citadel of Peter?

— It is a possibility, Your Eminence! The records attest to the arrival of this correspondence to the Central Post Office. I suggest that you order an investigation to find out in which sector she ended up disappearing.

— I believe you are not understanding, Detective. The last time we met, I forbade you to continue your investigation into the Brotherhood of the Serpent. You now return, insinuating that they are already housed inside, and not only that, but that they are also carrying out sabotage. This hearing is closed. And I suggest you get back to your normal activities, let me handle the Brotherhood of the Serpent myself!