
"Ohh my gawd.....ahh"

"Faster baby...."

"Yes...right there....ah"

Aria moaned in both pain and pleasure as Fred continued banging her, thrusting in and out roughly.

He grabbed one of her br*ast and sucked and bit it earning a painful moan from Aria but he cared less as he continues what he was doing.

"F*ck...ahh" he groaned as he reached his climax and was about to cum when he pulled out and spilled them on her thighs.

He pulled away from her and wore his pants.

"Get dressed and leave," he said in his usual cold voice as he approached the couch and resumed smoking.

"C'mon babe, are we done yet, so soon," Aria said shamelessly gaining a hard glare from Fred.

"I said get out" he thundered.

Aria shivered and got down from the bed and wore her already torn clothes then faced Fred.

"I will come back" She forced a smile and then walked out.

"B*tch" Fred muttered.


Mia and Pearl were on their way to the hallway.

Mia was showing Pearl around and showed her the kitchen with other rooms.

She was now in the hallway of the master's room when they bumped into the angry fuming Aria who just came out of Fred's room.

"Hey watch your way, stinky wench slaves," Aria said angrily without even glancing at them and walked away.

Pearl was surprised cause Aria was the one who bumped into them and pushed them away.

Pearl was about going to confront her and clear things up when Mia held her back.

" Hey, where are you going?"

" I'm going to meet her and settle scores with her, cause she was the one who pushed us."

That's Pearl, though, she looks innocent, but she can be crazy at times, especially when she's not at fault.

"What! Don't even try it, do you who she is" Mia asked frightened.

"And who is she?"

"She is the master's favorite, Aria, she is a bitch, and she is evil. She can kill anyone she comes across, and Master won't say anything about it" Mia explained.

"What why would she just kill anyone without them committing any offense"

"That's just how she is"

"Anyways come along lemme show you the gang members' place"


They walked away towards the gang's member's place.

They came across people maybe maids who looked at her disgustingly and gossiped, saying mean things about her.

She could only sigh and now her head lowly as they got to the gang's place.

"You don't have to worry about them okay, just ignore them"

"Are you sure we are safe going there"

"Yes, you don't have to worry, we will only go there to serve them as maids."

Once they got there and Mia opened the door.

All eyes turned towards their direction as if they had been waiting for them, most especially Pearl.

Pearl couldn't hold their gaze as she bowed her head, her heart was skipping beats, and she was nervous and scared.

Some looked at her disgustingly while some in mockery and some in pity cause they know what will be of her when the master gets his hands on her.

"Who do we have here" Aria smirked evilly at Pearl, amid the gang members as she walked towards Pearl.

She has already gotten changed from her torn clothes into a bitchy ones.

Murmurs began amongst the gangs, most especially the ladies.

"Is that not Hudson's daughter..."

"Yes, the betrayer's daughter"

"That son of a bastard."

"Yes, that's the traitor's daughter."

"Why did the master not kill her?"

"I pity her though, she looks innocent"

"Looks can deceive, Ella, only the Lord knows if she's worst."

"Yeah, you are right Sena!"

"I would like to have a taste of her though, she looks sweet."

When one of the gangs, Daniel said this, the others burst into laughter.

"Enough guys," Aria said and looked at Pearl.

She walked towards her and grabbed her hair harshly.

Pearl winced in pain and was shocked by the sudden attack from Aria.

Aria dragged her by her hair to the middle of the members and pushed her to the ground.

Mia stood there unable to do anything, cause she doesn't have the right or power to stop her from bullying Pearl.

Tears rolled down Pearl's eyes because she bruised her arm as a result of the push.

"So you are the daughter of that traitor right, you will pay for their sins, I already have permission from Fred already to deal with you".

Aria said as she bent over Pearl.

Pearl wondered who this Fred is, 'is it the master?'.

It seems Aria understood Pearl's question as she answered,

"Yes Fred is the master, who gave me permission to o deal with you before he gets to punish you himself," she said through gritted teeth.

Pearl's heart skipped a beat, she knows there is hell for her and she was scared no one to help her not even Mia.

Aria slapped her severally and punched her in the face, bursting Pearl's lips.

"That is what you deserve for being the daughter of a betrayer, you leech"

She called the guards to bring her a bucket of chill water and a whip.

They brought it and Pearl widened her eyes. She began to plead "Please I didn't do anything, spare me, I don't even know what my parents did."

"Shut up you wench" Aria poured the content into the bucket on Pearl and Pearl began to shiver from the cold.

She hasn't recovered from the cold when the whip came in contact with her skin and she let out a painful whimper.

She cried out in pain as another whip hit her.

Aria continued whipping her, till it got to nine strokes, and was about to give the tenth one when someone held it tightly.

Aria was angry and when she turned towards the person and her anger escalated.

"Oh my! What is he doing here?"

"He's looking handsome as always!"

"His lips, so kissable!"

"Nah, the master is more handsome though."

"Nah Jasper is cute and hot."

"Still,l I don't care, his beauty is enough for me."

"But why did he stop Aria from whipping the girl?"

"Does he know the girl?"

The murmurs continued amongst the female gang members while the male gang members stood and watch what was about to unfold.

"I always told you to stop bullying innocent people" "and you are still bullying her?"

He said in the form of a question as he glanced at Pearl who was already losing consciousness.