The murmurs continued amongst the female gang members while the male gang members just stood and watch what was about to unfold.

"I told you to stop bullying innocent people" "and you're still bullying her"

He said as he glanced at Pearl who was losing consciousness already.

She was hurt. Her back, face, and arms were all bruised with wounds.

She hasn't received such a beating in her life before, not even a slap.

But now she will experience all kinds of pain from these cruel people.

"Let go, you have no right to stop me, you son of a b*tch" Aria spat trying to take the whip from Mike.

Mike, who stopped Aria from beating Pearl, didn't let go.

He is one of the clan members, who is also dangerous but still cares for others.

After the master and Jasper, he comes next both in power and handsomeness.

The clan girls always drool over him but he doesn't have eyes for them.

He rarely shows up amongst them, that's why they were shocked when he came to stop Aria.

"You expect me to let you hurt the girl"

"What's this all about, she didn't commit any crimes, so why would you punish her."

"That's because she's the traitor's daughter, she is Hudson's daughter"

"And so?, Is that what gave you the nerves to hurt her?"

"I took permission from Fred before dealing with her, besides am the master's favorite, stop telling me what to do" she retorted.

Mike smirked "Master's favorite?" He repeated "Does he even look you that way"

"F*ck you...I hate you" Aria scoffed and walked away angrily.

"I don't f*ck wide holes.....and I don't like you either" Mike retorted and the others gasped.


Mia who ran away from the scene, to go look for help from Madam Maria bumped into a strong chest, she wasn't looking her way.

She could have but a strong arm was wrapped around her waist, preventing her from falling.

She opened her eyes and glanced at her savior.

She gasped seeing the unexpected person who saved her.

Jasper who was just returning from getting rid of the bodies, bumped into this lady.

He held her from falling and in the process pushed her to himself, making her busty b**bs pressed to himself.

"Am..am so sorry, I didn't see you coming" Mia apologized trying to get away from his embrace.

But he wasn't letting her go easily, not when her bre*st was pressing hard on his chest and he was getting pleasure from it.

"You are forgiven princess" he glanced at her bre*at licking his lips.

His hands moved from her waist to her bottom, he grabbed her ass.

Mia gasped with widened eyes.

Even if she has been here for just a few months, the master hasn't touched her yet, and no one ever dared touch her as he did.

"What's in with you, you pervert" Mia pushed him away.

"C'mon girl, I know you want my d*ck buried inside you, you are trying hard to get it, I understand," he said naughtily

"Why haven't I seen you here before, are you new here?"

He was about to grab her b**bs when Mia slapped his hands off and slapped him on his face.

"You dare never touch me like that again, not even the master has touched me, son of a b*tch"

Mia glared and walked away, leaving the shocked Jasper.

No one has ever dared talk to him like that, not to talk of slapping him.

All girls give themselves willingly to him.

He smirked and touched his cheeks "Interesting!"

He turned and watched her bouncy ass as she walked away,

"I will get you, princess," he said and walk his way.

He was still determined to get her.


Mia flared as she walked to Madam Maria's room.

She was ranting to herself.

"How dare he uh, who does he think he is to touch me like that, just because he's master's right-hand man, he thinks he can do anything he likes, am not one of those sluts who throw themselves to him, nonsense, he deserves that slap anyways"

She continued ranting till she got to Madam Maria's door.

She opened the door went in and met Madam Maria.

Madam Maria looked up at Mia and see that she is angry.

"What happened Mia"

"Isn't it that pervert, that d*ckhead?" Mia said through gritted teeth

"Calm down Mia, breath in and out" Mia did as she was told.

"Good, now continue"

"It's the master's right-hand man, who does he think he is, do you know what he did Madam Maria?"

"No?" She replied already knowing what it will be.

"He dared touched my a*s and tried touching my b**bs just because he saved me from falling when we bumped into each other"

"So what did you do to him?"

"I slapped him of course."

"What! You slapped him?"

Madam Maria chuckled shockingly.

"Yes he deserved it," Mia said proud of her actions.

"And what did he do?"

"What will he do when he is at fault, he doesn't dare" she replied already forgetting what she came to tell Madam Maria.

Madam Maria shook her head in amazement. She knows Mia was a no-nonsense girl but she didn't know she will go as far as slapping Jasper.

But he deserves it though, he's a pervert.

Madam Maria was like a mother figure to all clan members, that's why they do now to her and give her respect.

She was in charge of the maids and things going amongst them.

Fred kept her in that position because she was also like a mother figure to him.

But sometimes he doesn't listen to her advice.

Madam Maria turned towards Mia who was already calm.

"What exactly brought you here by the way"

"Ooh I almost forgot because of that jerk"

"Please come save Pearl, she is in danger, Aria is bullying her, and I can't do anything nobody is helping her."

"What why would she do such a thing, the master has not touched her yet and who gave her the permission to do so?"

"I heard her saying it was master who gave her permission, so I ran here immediately, only you can save her."

"Why would Fred do so?" Madam Maria sighed in frustration" Why is he doing this, not that she's at fault, she's innocent"

She muttered.

"Madam Maria please let's go save her, she will be in pain right now."

Mia pleaded and they went out together to the gang's place.


When they got there they met the scene of Mike taking the unconscious Pearl in his hands.

Madam Maria rushed to them.

"What happened to her?"

"Aria poured water on her and whipped her"

Madam Maria gasped as she saw blood and Pearl's badly wounded back.

"Take her to my room let me treat her wounds"

Madam Maria gestured for him to follow her and they took her to her room.

Mia followed behind.


Mike dropped Pearl on the bed and waited outside since they will undress her to treat the wound.

Madam Maria whipped the blood with a wet towel and treated and dressed the wound.

"She will be fine soon" Madam Maria assured as Mike enters.

He nodded and glanced at Pearl.