"Don't you dare touch my woman" Fred's voice thundered.

Chaos continued outside, as Fred's gangs began killing the Mamba's gangs.

Seeing they were being ambushed, Emma looked at Godfrey, slightly frightened.

"That's Fred's voice. What should we do now? I can't let him see me, if not our plan would fail," Emma said.

"Are you being stupid, if you escape here and go to the DCC, don't you think Pearl here would fish you out to Fred, you are being foolish here" Godfrey said disappointed with the woman who would still be the clan's godmother.

Emma scratched her head frustratingly.

"Then what should we do? The only thing we can do is to get rid of her" she pointed at the already weak Pearl.

Godfrey smirked, "Didn't know you are such a fool and you downgrade me. Do you think I'm no match to that bastard," he said furiously.

Just then the door burst open.

A furious Fred came into the room.

He looked around the room then his eyes caught Pearl.

He became angrier.

"How dare you touch her?"

"How dare you intrude into my clan like this?" Godfrey shouted back

Fred chuckled darkly.

"You call this bird nest a clan, you are incredible"

Godfrey became more furious.

"How dare you" he gave Fred a blow

The blow came too fast for Fred to dodge. But he retaliated.

The fight became more serious as they continued giving each other blows and punches which sent them out of the room, to an open place where Fred's gangs already got rid of the remaining Mambas.

"The fight is becoming hot, it seems Godfrey did some extra training" Percy smirked, beside her was Blizz.

Blizz looked at her "Are you suggesting he is going to win over Master?"

"Why are you such a fool, I wonder how you became a DCC member" Percy shook her head.

Blizz became annoyed by the insult, she raised her gun to shoot when Kace came between them.

"Stop it Blizz, can't you guys see something serious is going on here, and you are about to kill yourselves" Kace yelled at them and they glared at each other before facing the fight.

"How pathetic" Ebeniz mocked them while Percy glared at her.

"Stop it" Kace nudged her.

"Don't you dare come near me or talk to me ever again" Percy glared.

Kace sighed frustratingly.

After punching Godfrey, Fred drew out his gun to shoot, when,

"Stop or I kill her!" a voice shouted.

They all turned to where the voice is coming from.

Fred looked shocked.

It was Emma with a dagger on Pearl's neck threateningly.

Fred moved forward.

"Don't come forward unless I would Kill her" Emma threatened, moving the dagger closer to Pearl's neck.

Everyone looked with widened eyes. Who would have thought Emma was a traitor and would dare hold a knife on Pearl's neck?

"Fred..." Pearl called silently, she was still in pain when Emma forcefully dragged her out.

Fred clenched his fist he couldn't help her, not when her life was at stake.

"What do you want?" Fred asked trying to act calm.

Emma smirked "What do I want" she chuckled darkly "Ooh yes I want your head, I want you dead" Emma yelled.

"Why?" he asked calmly, this will not be the first person to want him dead, so he wasn't surprised.

But he knows Emma was a part of his clan as a maid, so what did he do to a maid for her to want him dead?

"You don't know why huh, okay lemme tell you" Emma began.

"You f*cking killed my parents, my sister was raped and then killed all because of your betrayal!"

"My father trusted you as you were the son of Barrington, his close friend but you betrayed his trust, you planned with some rogues who attacked us on our way to Las Vegas, they attacked us unexpectedly because we were out of guards, they killed my parents in front of me and raped my sister to death, I pleaded with them, but no, they paid deaf ears to my pleas.

I would have been killed but Godfrey here saved me from them and made me his woman and treated me better. I came to know he was also your rival and also wants you dead so I joined hands with him to get rid of you, by killing your loved ones first before killing you" Emma yelled with tears.

"Who's your father and who told you I sent those rogues?" Fred asked confused but still scared for Pearl's life, which is at stake.

"My father is Lucas, Lucas Jacob, and those rogues told me themselves they were sent by you"

"I never sent any rogues, I never knew Lucas had another daughter" Fred mumbled but Emma heard it.

"Yes he had another child, I'm his illegitimate child, I don't care if you sent those rogues or not, all I know is that you are heartless and wicked, I'm gonna kill her" she yelled.

Godfrey smirked weakly even though he was close to giving up.

"No, don't! You can kill me instead but leave her first"

"No! I'm gonna kill her!" she yelled as she brought the knife closer to Pearl's neck.

"Say goodbye" Just then a gunshot was heard.
