" Tell me, do you love me Pearl"

Mike asked looking at Pearl in the eyes anticipating for an answer.

Pearl just looked with blank expressions.

Seeing this, Mike became impatient hearing no replies from her.

" C'mon Pearl, answer me tell me you love me and not that bastard, you know I care more about you than him, I was there,with you when he did those cruel things to you, I was the shoulder you could lay your head on and cry out your sorrows, I never left your side, don't let him confuse your head, please Pearl give me an answer" Mike said going closer to her, taking her hand in his.

Pearl was still emotionless, she doesn't know what to say right now.

She is confused as hell.

"I..I..am" she tried saying.

She doesn't know what to do, what to say or how she feels right now.

Then when he said he loves her, she was stunned but brushed it off and thought it was out of reflex to piss Fred off.

But now hearing him asking her if she loves him or not, makes her uncomfortable and helpless.

" Uhmm Mike, to be sincere I don't really trade the feelings of having you as a lover, I only see you in a brother figure, am sorry but I can't reciprocate your feelings, I hope we are still gonna be friends?" She said with a light smile

With that, shewalked out of the room

Mia who was there all this while, sighed then walked to Mike.

" I hope you get rid of the feelings you have for cuz it's obvious she never saw you in that light, you also knows how it feels" Mia smirked before walking away.

Mike sighed sadly.

He understands what Mia meant by now he knows how it feels.


" Hey wait up Pearl"

Mia called running after Pearl.

Pearl stopped then turned to her.

" Am sorry I left you, but I can't stay and look into his eyes after saying that".

" It's okay, you only followed your heart and he deserves it anyways" Mia muttered.

Pearl rolled her eyes

" Ooh please your revenge spirit on it again"

Mia chuckled.

" Of course, he deserves to know how it feels to break ones heart" she scoffed.

" I hopes he doesn't stop being friends with me" Pearl sighed sadly.

" Hey, I haven't seen Aria lately, what's the matter" Pearl asked.

Mia shrugged.

" You haven't heard, Aria and her accomplice were locked up for the things they did to you" Mia explained

" Really, the master??"

" Yeah, who else if not him, I was so glad"..

" But am not sure he's gonna kill them"

" Who knows"

" Let's go see them"

" Are you sure no one has gone there except from the master and jasper"

" Ooh"

They walked off to their room since Mia has nothing doing.



Inside the cell, Aria and the others were on the floor, looking like wretched slaves.

Especially Aria, her hair was all scattered like a maniac, looking horrible.

Ella was no difference.

While Nutella still looked collected but dirty and emotionless.

They were only served food once in a day.

" Am dying"

Aria mumbled weakly.

Nutella rolled her eyes

" You brought us in this condition"..

" Ooh please, you were the head adviser"

" If you hadn't come to me I wouldn't have advised you"

" You.."

" Gosh you two should keep quiet" Eva yelled at them

Just then the cell door was pulled open.

Fred walked in gracefully with cold face.

Aria's eyes widened. She quickly stood up.

" Fred?"

Fred glared at her

" Master Fred" Jake corrected

" Am sorry... master Fred"

" Why did you do that" Fred asked coldly

" I..am sorry, I was only jealous when you gave her attention, and it wasn't me who adopted her, it was Emma, she planned all of it"

Aria tried putting the blame on Emma in the hope of freeing herself

Fred saw through her actions but didn't say anything to her, he turned to Jake.

" Tomorrow morning, release them"

Aria smiled in relief hearing this, she was about saying when,...

Fred turned to her looking directly at her

" Give them 30 strokes of canes each"

With that he left the cell room...

Aria's eyes widened

" No no no, please Fred don't do this to me, noo"..

The cell room was filled with Aria's screams.


At the training Field***

Fred stood watching the gangs training with his mind on Pearl.

He had been thinking of her sincere when they departed.

He was told she went to Mike's room but he didn't react, afraid he might do something unwisely.

Jasper came to him.

" What's up bro"

" Nothing important"

" You haven't been here in a while" Jasper replied also watching them

" Yeah that's why am here" Fred mumbled.

Jasper was about talking when they heard Fred's name being called.

They turned to the direction and their eyes widened, especially Fred's.

" Fred" a very extreme beautiful damsel ran to them with smiles on her face.

" Annalise" Fred called stunned.

Annalise ran to his arms and hugged him tight

Pearl with Mia,who was also there watching those training, lowered her eyes seeing the scene.

" Who is she?"


" Who's she" Pearl asked Mia looking at the girl with some sort of emotions.

She felt funny, like she's being threatened, she couldn't understand what and why she was feeling this way.

" I don't know either, am also clueless, you know I was only here a month before you came, she seems close to the master"

Mia mumbled.

Pearl sighed and watched as the girl talked freely with Fred.

She clenched her fist seeing how she was getting closer to Fred every minute.

She just stood staring at them with mixed emotions..

Fred on the other hand was surprised to see Annalise here.

She is the daughter of Collins.

Both her father, Pearl's father and Fred's father were all friends and underworld lords until Hudson, Pearl's father betrayed them.

" Why are you here" Fred asked.

" Gosh, you are always cold, are you just gonna ask me that with our first time seeing after a long time" Annalise pouted

" What do you want me to say_ Fred asked.

" At least give me a warm welcome" she pouted again.

She then pulled him into another hug, hugging him more tightly.

" I missed you" she said

Fred sighed and shook his head, she is always acted childish, especially around him.

But he wasn't against it as they were childhood friends before she left out of the country..

" Ooh you only know Fred and not me" Jasper asked and rolled his eyes.

They were never fond of each other.

" Oh please you are not important to me, Fred is right?" She asked looking up.

But Fred's attention was not with them but on Pearl who was staring at them too.

She then turned and left the place.

Fred quickly pulled Annalise away from him.

" Uhm Anna, I will be back to you later, Jasper is here to show you around"

He quickly ran after Pearl.

" Huh, where is he rushing to" she asked

" Probably someone more important than you" Jasper smirked knowing fully well who Fred ran after.

" I'mma kill you one day, I hate you" Anna glared.

" I hate you too b*tch" with that he walked out of there.

" Humph" she stormed her feet angrily on the floor.

Though Jasper was also friends with her but she never liked him, him neither.


"Pearl wait"

Fred called after Pearl who walked fast away from him.

Murmurs began amongst the nearby passerbys.

🗣️My gahd, why is the master running after her.

🗣️What's happening.

🗣️I hope it's not what am thinking.

🗣️ She's so full of herself, how could she make the master run after her.

It continued like that silently.

But Fred never bothered while Pearl rolled her eyes as she listened to their comments.

She turned to a corner where there were no much people and was about walking away again when Fred pulled her from behind.

" Pearl" he turned her to himself.

" What" she yelled rudely.

" I have been calling after you but you ignored me, what have I done wrong" Fred asked frustratingly.

Pearl only scoffed then rolled her eyes looking away from him.

"You should leave me and go with your girlfriend" she muttered.

" Huh girlfriend" Fred asked confused, before realizing who she was referring to.

" Ooh, Anna,"

He then smirked moving closer to her while she moved back.

" Why, what if she's my girlfriend, are you jealous."

" Why should I be jealous, for you, gosh you are so full of yourself" she rolled her eyes again.

" If you keep rolling your eyes it would fall out of its socket"

He then slammed his hand on the wall behind her, caging her.

He leaned close with his breathe fanning her face.

She gulped nervously.

" So tell me what you went to do in Mike's room" he asked seriously.

" Why are you suspecting if we did something, of course we did, I kissed him and we laid on the bed and we..." She stopped talking when Fred hit the wall behind her, startling her.

" Stop it" he growled.

" What why, you have a girlfriend so why are you angry about it huh" she retorted.

" That's because she is not my girlfriend and I love you Pearl. Can't you see, am dying inwardly whenever you are with Mike, you always abandon me for him, giving me the cold shoulders and always laughing and chatting with him, why can't you do all those with me instead, why him Pearl why, though I hurt you, yes I know and am sorry just give me a chance I can do anything you want me to"

He said with tears threatening to fall out of his eyes.

Pearl was stunned with his sudden out burst and confession.

She could see his sincerity and love.

But she decided to act tough and teach him a lesson.

She then pushed him off.

"I can't accept you, you did to me many horrible things, who would want to accept a monster like you"

She yelled and was about to walk away when Fred did the unexpected.

He knelt before her.

By now Jasper had gone to call the other members for them to watch the show.

Pearl looked shock while the others gasped.