"Fr... Fred"

Pearl called softly with dried throat.

Fred looked up since his head was on the bed throughout.

He looked shocked she was awake.

"Pearl!" He called while she stretched her hand to the glass and jug of water on the bedside table.

Fred quickly got it then pour her some water into the glass and gave it to her.

She gulped down the whole content.

" Are you feeling alright now?" Fred asked

" Hmm" Pearl nodded.

" sorry for what happened, it wasn't intentional, I shouldn't have pulled the trigger" Fred tried to explain awkwardly.

Pearl just stared at him without saying a thing.

She had heard everything he said the other time but she wasn't going to do like she heard a thing.

"Why are you here" after a long silence between them, Pearl finally asked.

Fred looked at her and sighed" I came to check on you, is it a crime?" He asked naively.

Pearl scoffed" you shouldn't be here, you caused me the pain after all, you finally got the chance to do what you wanted" Pearl rolled her eyes.

She tried sitting up on the bed, Fred quickly got to her to assist her but she pushed his hands away.

" Don't touch me" she said stubbornly.

She tried sitting up again on her own but her wound stung.

" Ahh' she whimpered in pain.

Fred quickly rushed to her.

" Are you okay Pearl, gosh you are so stubborn" he helped her sit up, putting a pillow on her back to support her.

" Don't tell me that" she pouted stubbornly.

Fred sighed, he tried checking the wounds but she pushed him off again.

" I told you not to touch me, gosh you even reek of alcohol" she said squeezing her nose dramatically.

Fred looked at her speechless.

He shook his head at her dramatic actions

" I would be in my room, when you needed anything Jake is out at your door, you can ask him anything, sleep and rest well"

Fred said looking at her one more time before walking outside of the room.

Pearl was trying hard not to laugh seeing his reactions then, though she denied it but he looked cute pissing him off.

Remembering his confession then, she sighed.

Then her mind drifted to Mike.

" Hope he is fine"

She couldn't go out to check on him since it's late.




Jasper was on the bed still sleeping when water was poured on him.

" Ahh'" he quickly jacked up only to find Mia with a bucket laughing hard.

"OMG" she tried catching her breath so she could stop laughing but remembering Jasper's face when he jacked up kept making her laugh.

" Good morning sleepy head" she said after ending her laugh.

Before she could tease him further, she was thrown on the bed, with Jasper hovering over her.

" Is that how to wake someone,huh princesses" Jasper asked with a deep husky voice and some sort of emotions on his face that gave her butterflies.

She gulped looking at him This close, with his wet hair tucking his face making him look sexy and his deep morning voice.

Her heart skipped beats seeing the way he was looking at her.

" You shouldn't have done that princess" he whispered into her hear making her breath seize.

He bit her ear lightly and nibbled on her neck.

He went down to her collar bones, laying kisses down till he reached her cleavage as they were threatening to pull out of the shirt she was putting on.

He bit her there lightly making Mia's breath seize again.

" Ahh... Jasper" she couldn't help but moan.

He continued sucking on the upper cleavage leaving an hickey there before going for the left one.

He sucked on it making Mia's eyes closed in pleasure.

He was about pulling off her clothes when a knock came.

" Master Jasper" someone called through the door.

Jasper groaned before moving away from Mia.

He sighed frustratingly.

" Gosh Mia you are driving me crazy"

Jasper said to Mia who was still laying on the bed with a flushed face.

" What's it" Jasper said in an authorative voice to the guard outside.

" Master wants you in his room now" the guard said.

" Hmm, okay"

" Yes master" the guard left.

Jasper turned to Mia who is now sitting at the edge of the bed, obviously shy.

Jasper chuckled at her cute behavior, then walking to her.

" Do you still need me princesses" he said naughtily.

Mia hit his chest, he laughed harder.

" Am serious do you want me to stay" he asked but serious this time, looking into her eyes.

Mia wanted him to stay but she knew better it was an important call from the master.

" Nope you should go, I will wait" Mia said with a smile.

Jasper kissed her forehead.

" I will come running to you" Mia chuckled.

He bit dressed then went out to Frd's room.



" What's up man" Jasper asked entering inside the room.

He met Fred with a laptop focused.

" You were disturbing something important"

" I know f*cking some b*tches" Fred asked with his eyes still on the screen.

Jasper smirked

" More important than that, some one special"

Fred looked up then chuckled before facing the screen back.

" So what's up any news"

Jasper asked picking up an apple before taking a bite

" Godfrey is found and back "

" Back to be killed" Jasper smirked.

" I swear imma gonna kill him for real, his end is near, I would destroy him with my own hands for daring to touch what's mine" Fred said aggressively imagining how he would kill Godfrey into shreds.

Jasper gave Fred a knowing smile.

" When did she become yours, you didn't tell me you made her yours" Jasper teased.

Fred returned the smile.

" How would you know when you are busy f*cking b*tches" Fred said sarcastically.

" I can't do that, already have a beloved" Jasper said smiling sheepishly remembering Mia's face, lips body shape and all.

He was missing her already.

Fred looked at him as he shook his head in disbelief, Jasper right now looks like a lovestruck idiot.

"Whatever, not interested in your love story"

Fred said sarcastically.

" Ooh please, not like you haven't fallen in love" Jasper said rolling his eyes.

Fred chuckled.

" I have" he said shocking Jasper.

Jasper wasn't surprised he had fallen in love, but him admitting to it was something new and unbelievable.

" So you are finally admitting it"..

" I am" Fred expression suddenly turned serious.

" I want you to help me with something" Fred said with a serious face

" And what's that" Jasper asked curiously.

" I..I want you to teach me on.. gosh f* ck" he hesitated.

" What's up bro" Jasper asked

" I want you to teach me on how to win a woman's heart" Fred struggled to say sweating profusely.

Jasper looked with widened eyes before bursting into laughter.

" What's funny" Fred frowned.

" Gosh bro, you are the one funny here, so you were sweating struggling to say that" he burst into another laughter.

But stopped after receiving glares from Fred.

" If you are not gonna teach me, let me know stop f*cking laughing" Fred snapped.

" Okay okay alright, am sorry just that you took a long while to say that" Jasper cleared his throat and became serious before facing Fred explaining how it's done.



Mia walked into the room Pearl was kept in.

She met Pearl eating fruits.

" Ooh my Pearl you are awake, I missed you dearie" Mia said as she rushed to her pulling her into a hug.

She hugged Pearl so tightly she forgot she had a wound.

" Ouch Mia" Pearl whimpered in pains.

" Ooh sorry Pearl just that I was scared you might not survive it" Mia said, tears brimming down her eyes.

" Ooh Mia, why are you like this, am fine as you can see, I wouldn't be awake now if am not, so stop crying" she wiped off the tears from Mia's face.

" Does it still hurt" Mia asked concerned.

"Ooh please already told you am fine".

" " Help me get up I want to go check on Mike"

" Are you really thinking about him now"

Mia rolled her eyes

" Yes I am, am in this condition cuz I saved him, so I have to check if he is fine and my aid isn't in vain" Pearl explained.

Mia helped her off the bed and they walked out together.

" So tell me how is it going with Jasper" Pearl stated.

Mia blushed remembering their make out at his room.

" I really love him and he seems to have the same feelings for me, though he hasn't said the three words to me directly" Mia smiled lightly.

" Am sure he does love you sincerely for not touching any other woman for a long time"

Mia's face reddened.

" Hmm someone is lovestruck already"Pearl teased

" Stop it"

Mia suddenly turned to Pearl

" Pearl"

" Hmm"

" Soo... what about Fred are you giving him a chance, you know he fought for you earlier which obviously means he is interested in you"

Pearl suddenly halted in her steps.

She remembered his confession at the room at that night.

She sighed before replying Mia

" Don't wanna talk about it" she mumbled.

" But..

" Please Mia keep that topic" Pearl said

Mia sighed.

In their way they met Percy who obviously was just coming out of Mike's room.

" Hey Pearl"

" Hi, you know me"

" Of course, who wouldn't, the master's woman" Percy smiled.

" Am Percy by the way"

" Ooh, hi Percy" Pearl smiled awkwardly.

" Uhm how are you feeling now, feeling any pains" Percy asked.

" Nope am alright now, just less pains" Pearl replied sincerely.

" Okay then take care, I have something doing see you later" she bade at Pearl and only gave Mia a light smile before walking away.

" What was that"

Mia shrugged" she obviously don't like me cuz I had a crush on Mike, she has one on him too"

" Ooh but you are over him now"

Mia didn't say anything as they went in.

" Hey Mike how you doing, still feeling any pains" Pearl asked worriedly.

Mike was on the bed as he looked at her with a straight face.

Pearl went to him seeing he is not replying.

" What's wrong Mike is something wrong" Pearl asked checking his temperature.

But he held her hand then looked into her eyes.

He finally spoke,

" What do you say about my confession Pearl"

" Huh"

" Do you love me Pearl" Mike asked seriously.