" Sis" Ebeniz called in tears tightening the hug more.

Pearl also has tears wetting her face.

She couldn't believe this day would come where she would get her sis, twin sis in her arms like this.

She felt she had found her other half, one she shared same blood with.

She pulled away from the hug and cupped Ebeniz face in her hands looking at her with the sisterly love.

" Nevaeh" Pearl called softly.

" Your name is Nevaeh"

Ebeniz smiled brightly and nodded.

" Yes am Nevaeh and you are Heaven"

" The reverse of my name"

" Am sorry Heaven, am sorry I didn't recognize you at first sight, you have changed from the time I saw you last, you look more beautiful am sorry you lost your memories" Ebeniz (Nevaeh) said.

Pearl chuckled.

" Yeah, its okay, you also have changed that's why we couldn't recognise each other,"

" I had always dreamt of having a sibling even if its a boy, but my parents, adopted ones didn't give birth to any, now I have met two sisters, am so happy" Pearl (Heaven) pulled her into another hug.

" Its okay, there's nothing to worry about, you have us now "

They pulled away and sat on the bench.

Pearl sighed before asking.

"What about Emma, why did you neglect her when you knew she's related"

Ebeniz sighed too

" I was just annoyed and angry with the fact that she left me behind to die and moved on with her life never bothered to look for me or even the place I was to be buried if dead. I am really grateful to Fred who saved me that night, or else I would be dead by now, so every time I see her I always get angry and never bothered introducing myself"

" But you also know she thought you were dead likewise others, "

Ebeniz sighed

" I would think of forgiving her but not now"

" I hope you do, she also hurt me too to the extent of eliminating me but I have to forgive since its not entirely her fault, and secondly she's our big sis"

Ebeniz didn't say anything

Pearl's eyes suddenly shunned with emotions.

" I am also grateful Fred helped you that day, he has a good heart, that's why I love him" Pearl mumbled unconsciously but Ebeniz heard her.

" Awwn lover girl, I thought you hate him then, now you are deeply head over heels for him" Ebeniz teased wiggling her brows.

Pearl became flushed red.

She hit Ebeniz arm lightly.

" Stop teasing me, should I also remind you of you and Mike" it was Pearl's turn to tease her.

Ebeniz closed her face out of embarrassment.

Pearl laughed out loud seeing her actions.

Oblivious to them, Fred was watching them from the door as they teased each other and laughed.

" They look happy" someone said from behind him.

Fred nodded "Yeah"

Then he turned to the person but creased his brow seeing Mike.

"What are you doing here" Fred asked

Mike chuckled

" Calm bro am here for my girlfriend, Pearl's twin " he quickly added seeing Fred frown

"When did you get a girlfriend, am warning you stay away from Pearl" Fred warned

"And remember am still your boss, not your bro"

Mike raised his hands in surrender.

"Fine boss, but also am not here for Pearl but my girlfriend, am already over Pearl"

Fred glared

" You better be, I might kill you next time "

Mike chuckled.

" I should be the one angry here for hitting and punching me then"

" You deserve it"

"What are you two discussing" they both turned to Pearl and Ebeniz who was at their front.

Fred cleared his throat

" Nothing" We were just watching you both, right Mike"

"Ye.. Yeah right just talking some boys stuff"

Fred frowned

" who is a boy, am the boss here "

" Yes, yes I know boss" Mike bowed.

The girls looked at each other then burst into laughter.



A man walked into a room then bowed before a figure sitting on a king size chair.

" Boss everything you ordered for is all ready we could now go on with the mission" the man said

The figure on the chair, who turned out to be Godfrey smirked.

" That's good, inform the others, tomorrow we attack "

" Yes boss " the man bowed again before leaving the room.

"You would be dead meat tomorrow, Fred"

He laughed like a maniac his voice echoing in the room.



Fred walked with a hand in his pocket going to check on his members who are been trained when someone tucked his shirt from behind.

He frowned then turned only to find Annalise.

She quickly hugged him tight.

" I have missed you Fred, you have been ignoring me for days now all because of Pearl"

Fred pushed her away from himself.

" I don't easily hit women Annalise, but if you pull me to the extreme am not sure I would think twice before beating you up, how dare you come close to me, this would be the last time you pull such act again " he glared and made to walk away.

" You would regret never choosing me and choosing her, you still have time till tomorrow to choose who to follow, I Love you that's why am telling you this"

Fred turned to her

" I don't care if am in danger or not cause I choose Pearl, get this straight I would choose her for the umpteenth time over you, and I would kill anyone who dares leg a finger on my woman" he threatened then walked away.

Annalise clenched her fist

" I have no option then" she said through gritted teeth.

Then turned and walked away.




Pearl came out of the bathroom with a sexy nightie.

Fred who was on the bed got a hard on immediately seeing her transparent n!pples through the lingerie and exposed thighs.

He stood and grabbed her ready to devour her when they heard commotion from the outside.

Fred frowned.

He quickly got to the wardrobe, brought out his pajamas and gave it to Pearl so she could change in.

Pearl blushed, he is still possessive of her even when there was something going on outside.

Pearl quickly changed and they both went out, to the training field since its close to the main gate and also where the commotion is coming from.

" Who is that at this hour " Pearl asked.

" Guess its not someone dangerous, if so I would be alerted and there would be fire arms already "

" Lets check and find out"

Other members were also there too, including Mia and Jasper.

" Am JOSEPH, people call me, JOSY F, F for f*ck"

A thin tall handsome man screamed, as he was dressed in a Loose pant and big tee-shirt with a sneaker.

He looks handsome with his messy curly hair.

He smiled brightly seeing Fred.

" Wassup baby Fred"

Everyone's jaw dropped hearing what he just called Fred.

He turned to Pearl who is standing beside Fred.

He asked curiously

" And who's she? "

Annalise who also just came out face palmed seeing him.

" whats he doing here" she mumbled.