"Godfrey is coming"

"The rivals are attacking!!!"

The announcer shouted while every member were all set for the attacks.

Godfrey's men were already attacking the ones at the entrance of the clan.

Gunshots could be heard.

Fred turned to Pearl.

" I guess its time" he held her hand.

Pearl nodded and gave him a reassuring smile.

" We will defeat him, am gonna make sure we kill Godfrey for good "

" I hope so too" Fred leaned in and kissed her forehead.

" Am gonna protect you and the clan members, I promise "

He leaned away.

" Be careful, mon Cherie"

" You too, poppy pie"

He leaned in and kissed her for a while before pulling away.

" Lets go"

They intertwined hands and walked to where the fight broke out.

Jasper and Mia were already fighting some members of the rivals already before their arrival.

Emma was present too.

She had wondered where Joseph had gone cause he ran to a different place when she ran here.

All fought with everything they had been taught.


" Is Fred out? " Godfrey asked Annalise who is just entering the car with him inside.

They were a little distant from the DCC Clan.

He didn't follow him men inside cause he had other plans.

Annalise smirked and nodded.

" Yes with that b*tch too, I can't wait to watch there downfall, Fred deserves it anyway" she said emotionlessly.

Godfrey chuckled dryly.

" I guess you are over him now"

Annalise nodded.

" I would make you mine after all this ends " he gave her a flirtatious look.

Annalise only smiled lightly.

' if only I will allow you' she said inwardly.

She faced him.

" We should go in now "

" We wait for sometime"



Mike fought virtuously.

Ebeniz was also beside him, she was fighting too.

One of the rivals sneakily brought out a pocket knife behind Ebeniz and was about stabbing her.

Mike turned at that moment and his eyes widened.

" Nevaeh!!!" He shouted and kicked the one he was fighting before running to them.

Before the guy could shove the knife, Mike's hand came in between and it penetrated his hand instead.

" ahhh" he groaned in pain.

Ebeniz turned and was stunned.

Mike kicked him and gave him a few punch before pulling out the knife and choking the guy in his throat with the knife.

" Mike" Ebeniz called shocked and took his hands which were bleeding already.

" Gawd, your hand!!" She exclaimed.

" Its nothing, are you all right?" He asked instead.

" Lets get it tied" she removed the vandana she was tying on her head, thankfully, and wrapped it on his wounded palm.

" Thanks" he smiled at her.

" Be careful too"

" I will"


Fred successfully shoved his knife into the last one's chest and kicked him off.

He looked around and found out that there were not much of Godfrey's men.

He sighed, at least they were able to fight down his men.

He wondered where Godfrey was cause he didn't show up during the fight.

He looked around and found Jasper, Mia, Mike and Ebeniz even Emma too were fighting, probably the last rivals.

But he didn't see Pearl.

His expression changed immediately.

The mansion is all empty, as he had instructed all the maids to the warehouse which was distant from the clan mansion, with the guards guiding them.

So it was not possible for Pearl to go in to protect anyone.

Unless she was lured in.

His expression darkened.

He turned to rush into the building but was stopped by a voice.

" Long time no see friend" Godfrey said from behind.

Fred turned angrily.

" Where's Pearl" he roared.

Godfrey faked a scared expression.

" Ooh take it easy, is that how to welcome your once lost friend "

" I don't like repeating myself Godfrey, where the f*ck is she, I would kill you if anything happens to her"

Godfrey smirked and walked further.

Annalise is also beside him with folded arms, smiling deviously.

" If I tell you… you would also loose your life"

" Dont test me Godfrey"

Godfrey laughed like a maniac.

By now all Godfrey members were all dead.

Jasper rushed to them.

" Fred where is Pearl, I can't see her anywhere"

Fred who was glaring at Godfrey, said through gritted teeth.

" Godfrey knows where she is, and am f*cking asking him where she is "

" whoah take it easy, you know Fred, I promised to make you feel pains, make you feel the pains of loosing one you love, and am doing that now, I want to see pleasure on how you cry of agony and pain"

Godfrey roared.

Fred clenched his fist.

The only thing stopping him now from killing Godfrey right now was because he was holding Pearl captured.

" And now am fulfilling that"

Annalise brought out a remote, her hand on the red button.

" If she presses this button, that building over there would blow off, boom! And your Pearl would be gone "Godfrey laughed like a maniac.

" What!! " Jasper said shocked

" It means Pearl is in there"


Fred screamed, then brought out a gun from his back pocket.

It happened so fast that Godfrey didn't see it coming.

Fred shot him twice in the chest, and he dropped dead.

He was about shooting Annalise too but she was faster.

She pressed the button and the building explode.

Fred also shot her but it was too late as the building exploded.

Annalise dropped dead and all of them were flunged away with the impact of the explosion.