They all went into the ward Fred was kept in.

They met Fred on a wheelchair, looking out of the window, it seems he has woken up already.

Pearl moved forward to him while Joseph and Mr Peterson stood behind but still inside the room.

"Fred.." Pearl called softly as she approached him.

It took seconds before Fred turned his wheelchair slowly to her direction.

He faced her and looked up, his eyes lit up but his face remained blank.

"Fred…" Pearl called again fighting back her tears before kneeling before him and embraced him.

"I thought… I thought I would loose you Fred, I got really scared when I saw you lifeless on the floor with the pillar on you, my heartbeat stopped for a second but a hope lit in me and I got relieved when I found you still conscious, Poppy pie I can't live without you, i…"

Fred pulled away and shut her with a kiss.

He broke the kiss and looked into her eyes.

"Say no more am here now, I was also scared I would loose you, am glad I didn't.I hate seeing you in tears" he cleaned her tears.

Pearl smiled at him but he didn't return it and looked away.

Pearl creased her brow and held his chin turning his attention to her.

"what's wrong Fred, did I do something wrong"

Fred sighed sadly and looked at her.

"You didn't do anything wrong Pearl, it's just that…" he looked into her eyes " am concerned you would leave me after seeing me in this state and would stop loving me, I can't bare that pain, I ca…."

Pearl pulled him into a long kiss, before breaking it, breathing heavily. She took his hands in hers.

"I would always love you no matter the state you are and I would never leave your side, I promise you that"

Fred smiled as tears brewed in the corners of his eyes.

He had thought she would hate his condition and leave him.

That thought alone burned his heart. He can't imagine a life without her in it.

She hugged him again.

"And am also proud of you poppy pie, you defeated Godfrey and his men, you deserve an award" she whispered the last sentence to his ear.

Fred chuckled.

"HMMM" Joseph cleared his throat, trying to get their attention. And that was when Fred noticed they had company, but he didn't care, he is with his beloved anyways.

"Enough of the lovey dovey you are displaying, he is alive and not dead"Joseph scoffed.

Fred glared at him before his attention pulled to Mr Peterson who only stood quietly and smiled lightly.

Fred's eyes lit up and he smiled.


"Son" Mr Peterson called joyously too as he walked to Fred and hugged him tight.

"You have grown so manly son"

"I've missed you Father"

Though, Mr Peterson isn't Fred's biological father, but they shared the 'Father and son Relationship'

They pulled away.

"you came unannounced"

"Wanted to surprise my son"

"Thanks for coming"

"Anything for you son, you got a beautiful girlfriend, am impressed" he remarked.

Pearl blushed as she peeked at Fred.

Fred smiled at her

"She's beautiful and my soon to be wife"

He announced proudly.

"Ooh, the almighty Fred is finally gonna settle down with a wife" Joseph said sarcastically.

"Shut up!!" both Fred and Mr Peterson snapped at him.

Joseph feigned shock.

"ooh take it easy, guess am not needed here anymore" he mumbled and screwed out as if he had been waiting to be out of the room.

"Foolish son" Mr Peterson said shooking his head.

"Father, how has your stay in California been? "


Joseph strolled to another hall way, stopping in front of a door.

He pushed the door open before walking in.

Inside, in the bed, is Emma been given treatment by a male nurse.

Emma looked up to who just came inside and saw Joseph with a look she couldn't decipher.

Joseph walked to the nurse.

"Leave it I would take it from here"


"You can leave" he glared at him.

The nurse reluctantly agreed and left.

He took an ointment and robbed it on the little burn she had on her left hand.

Emma looked at him as he treated her wound.

"You chased the nurse away"

"He was touching you inappropriately, and i don't like it" he didn't raise his head

But if he did, their face would be dangerously close cause he had leaned in to blow air on the wound.

"Why" Emma asked softly.

"Hmm? "

Joseph halted and looked up, now their face were only inches away.

Emma's heart skipped beats and she doesn't know why.

Joseph eyes darkened as his gaze narrowed on her slightly opened pink tempting lips,

She licked it cause it turned dry due to how her heart was beating and she was trying to catch her breath.

That was all it took for him to loose his self control.

"Cause I wanted to do this"

Before Emma could know what he meant, his lips already crushed into hers and left her eyes widened.




Percy stood on the bridge with the wind blowing her hair.

She had taken permission from Fred and had left the clan for a month since she felt she wasn't enjoying her stay there anymore. But she would be going back.

Kace had been ignoring her since she gave him the cold shoulder.

The funniest thing was that, she felt a funny feeling brewing in her anytime she sees him with another lady and somehow gotten over Mike.

Kace never gave his attention to her anymore.

And somehow, she misses his disturbance and presence.

The cold breeze blew her and she wrapped her hands on herself.

"I missed you Kace"she said subconsciously.

"Really?" a voice said behind her.

Just then, she felt a warm embrace and she looked at herself to find she was wrapped in a jacket.

She turned back, and behold, it was the presence she was missing so hard.

"Kace!!" She exclaimed with a shocked and happy voice.

Kace smiled

"Yes its me"

She quickly jumped on him and hugged him tight, as if he would run away.

"I missed you Kace"

Kace wrapped his hands around her.

"I missed you too, Percy"