"what the h*ll happened here…" a matured man's voice resounded.

Both Pearl and Joseph turned to the owner of the voice and Joseph's eyes widened.

"Father…" he mumbled but it was enough for Pearl to hear.

"Father?" Pearl asked questioningly as she looked from Joseph to the man who just entered the infirmary.

A man in his late forties in suit strolled to them with an aura of authority surrounding him.

"Father!" Joseph called more audibly as his father walked closer.

"Joseph, what happened here, you were under attack ?" The man titled his head questioningly.

Joseph sighed.

"Dad what brought you here, you came earlier than expected"

"Young man that wasn't my question,"

"Fine yes, we were attacked by Godfrey but we won the battle anyway" Joseph explained briefly.

Joseph's father turned his attention to Pearl who had been quiet and only listening to the Father and son banters.

"Young lady, you must be Pearl" the man gave Pearl a gentle smile.

Joseph scoffed.

'you didn't smile like this to me, old man! '

Pearl bowed a little wondering how he knew her name..

"Good afternoon sir.."

"Mr Peterson, that's my name"

"It's a pleasure meeting you Mr Peterson, you came unannounced and met this ruckus, I apologize"

"Ooh there's no need to apologize dear, and I don't mind, it is expected in all clans am glad you defeated the rivals" Mr Peterson assured.

"I have also heard a lot about you, you really changed my arrogant nephew, I really appreciate, then, he used to f*ck around and I cautioned him to take a serious wife but he never listened, he has been under my watch since he was ten, you must have heard how this son of mine here and Fred are related. I also want this block headed son of mine to find a woman who would tame him"Mr Peterson ranted.

"Father! "

"Shut the f*ck up, am saying the obvious"

Joseph rolled his eyes and scoffed.

Pearl chuckled at their quarrels.

This man is also a blabber mouth like Joseph with the idiom which says ' like father like son '. The son really took after his father.

Mr Peterson wasn't that old, he is in his late forties, he has a lean muscular body just like Joseph and also Annalise, it now clarifies they took after their father.

Mr Peterson looks so young and handsome with his gray beards and girls could still drool over him.

Mr Peterson was also a Mafia lord but that was after Fred's parents were killed by Hudson, Pearl's father, because he had joined hands with the rivals and Fred's parents were killed.

Mr Peterson took Fred and the clan under his care till Fred came of age and took over.

"By the way, where is Fred" Mr Peterson asked looking around.

Both Joseph and Pearl exchanged glances and sighed.

"Dad come sit, please"

Mr Peterson looked at them but obliged anyway.

He sat and Joseph cleared his throat.

"Dad, as I said earlier, Godfrey attacked the clan and we defeated him but some where injured, its expected and Fred is one of them and that's why we are here"

Mr Peterson creased his brow.

"Fred injured?, he can't be that injured for him to be admitted to the hospital or is there more you aren't telling me?"

Joseph sighed and narrated everything to him and his it all happened and also Annalise betrayal.

At the mention of Annalise betrayal, Mr Peterson's expression remained unreadable.

"Where's Anna"

Joseph hesitated but answered anyway

"She's dead, Fred shot her and Godfrey, she was the one who pressed the remote control of the explosions"

Mr Peterson's aura changed and he clenched his fist.

"I have warned her not to do anything reckless to Fred and his clan, but she went against me and look at where it ended her" he sighed and put his head in his hands.

Being disappointed is an understatement, he is very angry with her and sad at the same time.

He loves his son and daughter so dearly.

Especially Annalise, she was the closest to him. He knew she was a rebellious and proud girl and would do anything to get what she wants.

But he never imagined she would go as far as betraying her childhood friend and join hands with the enemies to defeat Fred.

Joseph moved closer to him and patted his father's shoulder.

Mr Peterson looked up to Pearl.

"Pearl my dear, am sorry in behalf of my daughter, I hope am forgiven"

"Its not your fault sir, I understand am also sorry too, we couldn't save her"

"No no… she deserves it for her betrayal, I would also do the same if I were in Fred's place"

Pearl sighed.

She understands the father pains he is going through even though he was trying to cover it up with anger.

"So what have they said about Fred,"

"Nothing yet, he is still in getting treated"

Pearl was really grateful he didn't loose his life.

She doesn't even know what she would have done if she had loosed Fred.

Just then the door which Fred was taken into opened and the Doctor walked out.

They all stood up.

Pearl got to him.

"Doc. How is he?" She asked.

The Doctor sighed.

"He is fine but…"

"But what Doctor? Speak up!"

"He is paralyzed, he won't be able to walk for some months, I have tried my best"

"What do you mean he won't walk again" Joseph demanded.

"He is going to walk, but it would take longer. The pillar fell on a very sensitive part of his leg and has broken the bones, its only by miracle he would be able to walk perfectly on time"

"I would get going"

Mr Peterson sighed.

"Thanks Doctor"

Joseph turned to Pearl who was already in tears,

"It's alright, he is alive this what we should be thankful for."