The Emporium of Dreams

The imposing doors of the chamber swung open with a forceful clamor, admitting the figure of Coach Dak-ho : "Ah, I see you've made it! Eight goblin ears - this is not a feat to be trifled with for someone of your level. I have come to inform that your efforts have been rewarded, for you've been elevated to a higher station, and now possess the coveted pass that shall grant entrance to the dungeons at your discretion."

With the slumber of repose having lifted from his weary frame, Jae-sung stirred and arose, his thoughts turning towards the bustling hub of commerce that lay within the trading district.

Jae-sung made his way, where magic users and the supernatural openly flaunted their powers and abilities. The streets were filled with vendors selling various magical items, from enchanted weapons to potions and trinkets. The air was thick with the scent of exotic herbs and spices, and the sounds of haggling and bargaining filled the air.

As he walked, Jae-sung couldn't help but feel a sense of awe and wonder at the sights and sounds around him. He had never seen such a diverse collection of people and creatures, all gathered in one place.

He saw a group of people wearing robes, their faces obscured by hoods, casting spells and flamboyantly performing tricks for a crowd of onlookers. He saw a man with horns on his head, selling potions from a cart. He saw a woman with wings, flying overhead, leaving a trail of sparkling dust behind her.

Jae-sung made his way to a stall where he sold his bow and goblin ears, earning a decent sum of money in return. He then decided to take a look at the plethora of magical items on offer. He saw a sword that glowed with an otherworldly light, a ring that could change its wearer's appearance, a potion that could grant temporary invincibility.

There were swords, axes, maces, and even a few spears. Each one was unique, with intricate designs and embellishments. He was fascinated by the vast array of items available.

As he was browsing, a voice caught his attention. "Hey, you there! Are you looking for something specific?"

Jae-sung turned to see a mysterious man with a thick beard and a friendly smile. He was wearing a robe and held a staff in his hand.

"I'm a magic collector," the man said. "What are you looking for?"

Jae-sung thought for a moment before answering. "I'm a Ferromancer. I was wondering if you could offer me something that I can use to enhance my endeavors."

The mans eyes lit up. "A Ferromancer, huh? I've never had the pleasure of working with one before. Let me show you what I have."

The collector led Jae-sung to the back of his stall, where he had a variety of items on display. There were potions, artifacts, tomes, and even a few weapons.

"I see you like this one," the collector said, pointing to a book with an insignia. "This consumable can help strengthen mage type awakens."

Jae-sung examined the book closely, intrigued by where the collector had acquired it from.

"I'll take it," he said, and with that, he passed the collector the money he had acquired.

The collector grinned. "Excellent choice. Come back again."

Jae-sung thanked the collector and left the stall, feeling excited he opened the book. The pages began to flip rapidly with the runes and wordings beginning to glow blue. The book slaps shut, Jae-sung could feel that his mana capacity and efficiency had improved.

When reopening the book the pages were blank. Jae-sung felt content that he made the right choice as he didn't need weapons or armor as his skills had already covered those necessities. He knew that his journey as a Ferromancer was just beginning, and he was ready for another trial.