Leveling Up

Jae-sung journeyed back to the goblin hunting grounds, his thoughts fully devoted to the task ahead. As he stepped into the lush jungle, his legs adjusted to better fit the terrain. He barely felt the pain as his bones snapped and realigned.

His hands transformed into sharp metallic claws, granting him the ability to climb trees with ease. He scanned the landscape and carefully planned his attack. Moving silently through the jungle, he searched for any signs of the goblin horde.

When he finally encountered a trio of goblins, armed with makeshift weapons, he considered his options. Rather than engage in a direct confrontation, Jae-sung decided to use his agility and stealth to gain an advantage.

He scaled a nearby tree and studied the area, searching for the best possible way to attack. As the goblins were distracted, he leapt from tree to tree, closing the distance between himself and his prey.

In a graceful display of his abilities, he launched himself from the tree, his scythe-like hands slicing through the air as he descended upon the goblins. The creatures were taken off guard, and in a matter of moments, two of them lay dead at Jae-sung's feet. He utilized his wire skills to immobilize the final goblin, ensnaring it in a net.

With the luxury of being able to focus solely on his hunt without the distraction of trying to save any ill-fated companions, Jae-sung spent hours on end tracking and farming the goblin population. Hours passed as he methodically tracked and dispatched the goblins, his skills honed to perfection.

"You leveled up."

"You leveled up."

"You leveled up."

As he faced a particularly quick goblin, brandishing its weapon toward Jae-sung's stomach, the metal that encased him proved its worth. The dagger that would have inflicted serious damage chinked off of him, but even the strongest of armors had its limits. If the impact was strong enough, it could still cause damage to his innards.

Jae-sung swiftly beheaded the goblin and continued his hunt, disposing of several more creatures before his muscles ached and his mana reserves dwindled, causing him to feel lightheaded. He wisely retreated to the safety of the trees and made his way out of the goblin's territory. His body was covered in sweat, blood, and bruises, but with a sense of accomplishment, he brought up his stat window to see the fruits of his labor - a level up.

Name: Jae-Sung

Level: 6

Class: Ferromancer

HP: 84

MP: 11


Strength: 19

Stamina: 15

Agility: 19

Intelligence: 23

(Available points to distribute:13)


-Steel wire

-Metal body enhancement

-Metal manipulation

Jae-sung had meticulously divided his attributes - investing five points into raw strength, and dividing the rest equally between agility and intelligence. He knew that this balance would allow him to overpower his enemies with physical prowess, while also providing him with ample health to withstand even the most brutal of attacks.

With eager anticipation, Jae-sung hastened to his chambers to test his newfound abilities in solitude. As he scanned the skill description, he couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement as he began to bring the power of the spell to life.

Jae-sung, standing aghast, observed with wonderment as the wire moved of its own volition. It was as if the wire had a life of its own, and had followed certain movements that he had only thought of. It seemed as though he had control over the wire only as long as it remained attached to his person.

Suddenly, strands of wire began to coil around a water bottle, and with a loud pop, the bottle burst, sending water splashing across the room. But Jae-sung paid no attention to the mess. He had come to a realization: his body augmentation could be displaced.

The scythes, which were ordinarily bound to the same dimensions as his arms, had now extended to the length of longswords. Jae-sung had noted an improved control over his body, able to morph and distort it further, as he dedicated more time to understanding his abilities.

He arrived at a conclusion that he had a specific mass allocated within him, which restricted the extent of his powers. He could dismiss the skill, causing it to vanish, but he was still confined by his mana.

Jae-sung had in mind the perfect culprit to test his newfound powers on. The ideals of avenging his fallen acquaintances did not resonate with him, although it coincidentally coincided with his own motives. However, there were other matters he needed to address first.

Mandatory combat practice would soon be summoned. Jae-sung saw this as an opportunity to warm-up. Without further notice he had gotten the rest he desperately had needed.

Jae-sung stepped out of his dormitory, the chill of the morning air biting at his skin. He wrapped his coat tightly around him and began his journey towards the academy's arena, his heart pounding with anticipation. The academy was a wonder to behold, with floating buildings perched atop of floating land, connected by a network of intricate bridges and walkways. As Jae-sung made his way through the academy, he couldn't help but feel a sense of awe and wonder at the magical world around him.

The first building he passed was the Library, a towering structure that seemed to stretch up towards the sky. The intricate carvings on its facade depicted fantastical creatures and heroes of old, their stories and legends preserved within the library's walls. As Jae-sung passed, he could hear the faint whispers of knowledge emanating from within, as if the books themselves were alive and eager to share their insights.

Further along, he came to the Potions Department, where a group of students were gathered around a bubbling cauldron. The air was thick with the scent of strange ingredients, and Jae-sung could see sparks of magic dancing in the air around them. The students were completely absorbed in their work, their faces contorted in concentration as they worked their magic.

As he approached the arena, Jae-sung could feel the energy building within him. The arena was a massive structure, with towering walls that seemed to stretch up into the heavens. The entrance was flanked by two massive stone guardians, their eyes glowing with a fierce intensity. The sound of cheering and excitement echoed out from within, beckoning Jae-sung closer.