The Maw of the Leviathan

Jae-sung's eyes widened as he realized the horror before him. He remained rooted to the spot, his mind racing as he sought desperately for a way to escape the creature's deadly embrace.

As it drew closer, the water around him became turbulent, thrashing violently in the monster's wake. Jae-sung knew that he couldn't outswim the creature, and had a crushing certainty that he was trapped.

The sea monster that Jae-sung faced was a true titan of the deep, a creature of such immense proportions that it defied comprehension. Its dark form loomed menacingly in the water, a massive hulk that dwarfed even the largest whales.

Its massive jaws gaped wide like a chasm. He could see the endless darkness within its mouth, along with rows of jagged, serrated teeth. Jae-sung braced himself, his whole body tensing as he waited for the inevitable impact.

However, he suddenly felt a strange, almost imperceptible tug on his back. His mind reeled as he tried to make sense of it - had there been any other signs of life in these treacherous waters?

And then, as he blinked, everything changed. The vast expanse of the ocean vanished before his very eyes, replaced with a disorienting, featureless grey room.

Jae-sung's mind raced as he tried to comprehend this sudden change of scenery. He turned to look behind him, and found himself being pulled upward by the strong grip of a man with skin that was a rich shade of brown and curly hair. His eyes were dark and piercing, like two obsidian stones that seemed to see straight through to the soul.

He tried to make sense of this stranger who had seemingly appeared out of nowhere, a flicker of recognition sparked within him. He had seen this man before, during his time at the academy games - a powerful opponent with an incredible teleporting ability that had left all of his opponents dazed and confused.

As Jae-sung's eyes adjusted to the dim lighting of the grey room, he saw a figure emerge from the shadows. It was the handsome oni, whom he had faced in the academy games as well. This time, the oni was not in his giant form, but rather, in his human guise. His chiseled features were still as sharp as ever, and his piercing eyes sparkled with mischief.

With a wave of his hand, the oni greeted Jae-sung with a nonchalant "Yo".

As if on cue, the man with curly hair declares his name as Chen, he introduced himself in a deep, rumbling voice that seemed to resonate throughout the room. With a calm and measured demeanor, he explained to Jae-sung that the oni's name was Chibi.

As Jae-sung's eyes scanned the room, he spotted piles of fresh drinking water. But it wasn't just the water that caught his attention, for nestled beside it were plates of the most delectable snacks he had ever laid eyes on. Chibi, the oni, was already tucking into the snacks, savoring each bite as if it were his last. Jae-sung could see the delight etched on his face, and he couldn't help but feel a twinge of envy.

The initial snack that caught his attention was Mermaid Mochi. These fluffy, cloud-like mochi balls are made with the magical milk of mermaids. Each mochi ball is filled with a sweet, creamy center that glows with a soft, ethereal light. Another he saw was Yokai Yakitori. These juicy, grilled chicken skewers are marinated in a special sauce that's been infused with the mischievous energy of a yokai, making it spicy.

Jae-sung relished in solitude, preferring to fight on his lonesome, where he could immerse himself in his thoughts and battle-tactics. However, a glimmer of curiosity sparked within him as he witnessed the extraordinary capabilities. The utility of their power was so immense that he couldn't help but be drawn in by its allure. He assumed that he could collaborate with them temporarily.

Chen, with a tremulous voice, began to divulge the arcane secrets of his powers. With a glint in his eye, he revealed the mystery behind his teleportation: he wasn't really teleporting at all. Instead, he spoke of conjuring a rift - fissures in the fabric of reality that only he could see - a mysterious gateway that allowed him to move himself through space and time.

As he described it, he would step into this rift, which would transport him to a small pocket room that he had somehow created. There, he could rest and collect his thoughts before stepping back through the rift and reappearing in the real world.

But there was more. Chen went on to explain that his ability had limitations. He could only "rift walk" short distances from where he had first summoned the rift. It was as if the rift was tethered to a specific location, and he could only move a certain distance away before it would snap back like a rubber band. It was a strange and complex power, but Chen had clearly mastered it.

Chibi later clarifies, "Our primary objective for entering this anomaly dungeon is reconnaissance and collection, rather than defeating monsters. Although, you may do as you wish."

As Chen takes a seat, he suggests, "We highly recommend that you stay here for a while. However, tomorrow there is something interesting that I would like to show you."