Ebb and Flow

"Rise and shine!" Chen exclaims, his tone conveying a sense of urgency. "Hurry up, or you might miss it!"

In an instant, the trio finds themselves hurtling through the void, leaving the pocket room behind. The world around them is a blur as they plummet towards the ground, their hearts pounding with adrenaline.

Just when they think they're about to meet a violent end, they land with a splash into an ocean that seems to be draining away at an alarming rate. The sensation is jarring and disorienting, leaving them struggling to catch their breath.

As they struggle to make sense of their surroundings, they're greeted by an astonishing sight: the receding water reveals a breathtaking labyrinth of coral formations, all around them in every direction.

Chibi's voice breaks through the stunned silence. "The water here ebbs and flows like clockwork," he explains. "It submerges during the day, only to come crashing back at dusk with a force that can only be described as titanic. And when the water returns, it brings with it all manner of powerful creatures, ready to test the mettle of any who dare to venture here."

Jae-sung's sharp eyes keenly discerned a gathering of menacing creatures, emerging from the sandy depths and crevices of the coral. Before them stood monstrous beings, akin to crabs of gargantuan size, bearing a plethora of spindly legs that supported an upright torso and a formidable, spiky carapace. As the beasts steadily approached, Jae-sung deftly snapped his finger, summoning forth his trusty puppet, Shigi.

Without hesitation, Shigi leaped into action, hurtling towards the nearest crab and colliding with its armor with a resounding clash. However, the thickness of the creature's carapace soon became apparent, leaving Shigi to redirect its strikes towards the delicate joints of the armor. Severing the tendons of the crab's legs, it fell to the ground in a heap, helpless.

In one fluid motion, Shigi unleashes a blast of compressed air, aimed directly at the monster's vulnerable eye socket.

Jae-sung quickly joins the fray, launching a barrage of attacks at the remaining creatures, striking their weak points with ruthless precision. Together, the duo make quick work of the monsters, leaving a trail of destruction in their wake.

As Jae-sung surveys the aftermath of the battle, he feels a surge of satisfaction coursing through his veins. "You leveled up," a voice chimes in his ear.

Jae-sung had managed to accumulate the entire sum of experience points, unimpeded by the interference of others. Jae-sung watches in amazement as Chen seems to effortlessly scoop up the massive claws, spiny shells, and other valuable items, before disappearing into thin air with a glow.

The silence that falls between them is heavy, thick with unspoken words and inscrutable intentions. Jae-sung can feel the weight of their gaze upon him, their eyes tracking his every move with a keen and penetrating intensity.

He can sense their approval, their grudging respect for his accomplishments, and he swells with a sense of pride at the recognition.

Chibi's voice breaks the spell, his words ringing out like a silver bell in the stillness. "You are impressive," he says, his voice soft and musical. Chen's expression remains unreadable, his face a mask of calm and serenity.

The trio exchange knowing glances, their eyes communicating unspoken thoughts and silent agreements.

And so they make their decision, a tacit acknowledgement of the dangers that lurk beyond. They will stay here, for now, biding their time and savoring the spoils of their victory. As the sun rises over the horizon, casting a warm glow over the rugged terrain, they set about making their camp.

As the fire crackles and sparks to life, they begin to prepare their meal, the savory aroma of roasting crab filling the air. It is a simple meal, but one that is rich with the flavors of the sea and the spices of the land.

And in that moment, Jae-sung feels a sense of kinship with these enigmatic strangers, a bond that transcends language and culture and time. As they savor the simple pleasures of their camp, they know that they are ready for whatever lies ahead. For in this strange and alien land, they have found a measure of safety and security, a fleeting respite from the trials and tribulations that lie ahead.

Jae-sung, his mind ablaze with an insatiable thirst for knowledge, implores his companions to venture further into the fathomless depths of the ocean. With a fervent passion in his voice, he articulates his desire to comprehend the mysteries that lie submerged beneath the waves.

Chen and Chibi, uneasy with the notion of such a perilous undertaking, are hesitant to consent to Jae-sung's request. However, his persuasive arguments and unyielding persistence eventually coax them into reluctant agreement.

And so they bide their time, waiting with trepidation as the hours crawl by with agonizing slowness. The campsite is fraught with an oppressive silence, each member lost in their own thoughts and anxieties.

As the sun begins its languid descent into the horizon, casting long, dusky shadows across the rugged terrain, they prepare.

The distant rumble of crashing waves echoed across the horizon, a harbinger of the deluge that was to come. The ocean, having receded for hours, now returned with a vengeance, its tempestuous waters rising higher and higher with each passing moment.

Chibi's body begins to convulse and contort, and he lets out an agonizing scream. Suddenly, a bright light engulfs him, and he transforms into a 20-meter tall oni. The transformation is violent and grotesque, as Chibi's body tears apart and reforms into the monstrous creature.

The sound of bones snapping and flesh tearing fills the air as his body twists and turns into its new form. His body is muscular and imposing, with sharp teeth and a fierce expression on his face.

Then a deafening roar, like that of a thousand thunderclaps, reverberated through the air. The very ground beneath their feet trembled and shook, as if the very earth itself was convulsing in terror. The howl of the waves was deafening, a relentless crescendo of sound that threatened to overwhelm the senses.

In the distance, a massive wall of water, its crests frothing and churning with an insatiable hunger, rose impossibly high into the sky. Its terrible might and ferocity seemed to mock the tiny figures huddled together, as if daring them to stand against its overwhelming power.

With a sense of mounting dread, Chibi, the giant among them, scoops up Chen and Jae-sung in his massive palms, his eyes fixed intently on the onrushing maelstrom.

The trio braces themselves for the impact, their hearts pounding with a mixture of fear and anticipation. The very air is thick with the sound of rushing water, drowning out all other noise as the wall of liquid death draws ever nearer.