Chapter 5: Refusing to Take a Teacher

The Golden Dragon was a legendary Martial Soul, a Martial Soul of such high quality that it was rarely found in today's world.

Since the history of the Douluo Continent had been recorded, it seemed to be the first time the Golden Dragon Martial Soul had appeared on the Continent, and at this moment, Grandmaster was full of interest in Lu Yuan.

On the way from the Spirit Hall Branch to the Nuoding Academy, Grandmaster's gaze would occasionally turn to Lu Yuan.

And naturally, Lu Yuan was aware of it.


In front of Grandmaster's wooden house, Lu Yuan stood with his eyes closed, focusing on channeling his soul power. At Grandmaster's command, he released his Martial Soul, the Golden Dragon, and the majestic dragon power filled the air, radiating a powerful aura.

"Such a powerful dragon aura!" Grandmaster exclaimed, his eyes lighting up with excitement. He had encountered many beast Martial Souls in his years of research, but none of them had an aura as strong as the Golden Dragon's. The dignity and arrogance of the Golden Dragon, being above all other creatures, left the Grandmaster in awe.

Grandmaster himself was born into the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Clan, known as the world's number one Beast Martial Soul Clan in the current Continent. Even the Star Luo Empire's White Tiger Martial Soul was slightly inferior to the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon. But in comparison to the might of the Golden Dragon, the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon seemed insignificant.

"As expected of a Golden Dragon, it's truly powerful!" The Grandmaster's admiration was evident in his eyes as he spoke. "The Golden Dragon's Martial Soul possesses immense strength and its physical quality is incredibly powerful. You must have noticed it as well, right?"

Lu Yuan nodded, his physical quality was already very strong, and since the Golden Dragon Martial Soul had awakened, it had increased by a significant margin, which was obviously due to the Golden Dragon.

"Grandmaster, what direction of development should I take then?" Lu Yuan asked, seeking guidance. In the Douluo Continent, Spirit Masters were mainly divided into power attack, control, agility attack, support, and food Spirit Masters, each with different Martial Souls that were more suitable for different development paths. His own idea was to take the power attack path.

As expected, Grandmaster didn't hesitate and said: "Based on the characteristics of the Golden Dragon, there is no doubt that you should take the path of power attack. In my understanding of the Golden Dragon, the direction of your Martial Soul development should focus on strength and defense. After all, the strongest aspect of the Golden Dragon is its tremendous, unparalleled strength and strong physical body, which stands at the peak of the beast-type Martial Souls."

Lu Yuan nodded in agreement.

Grandmaster then said, "There are many spirit beasts that excel in strength, so for your first spirit skill, I suggest acquiring an offensive spirit skill. While defensive spirit skills can wait for the second spirit ring, as for power attack spirit masters, offensive power is of the utmost importance."

"In your first three spirit skills, it's best to gather the three main attributes of strength, defense, and attack. A balanced development is more powerful for you in the future. You can't solely focus on strength, as that would be a waste of your Golden Dragon Martial Soul's potential."

Lu Yuan understood the Grandmaster's advice and concurred that it was reasonable.

With the characteristics of the Golden Dragon Martial Soul, it was best suited for a frontal, direct, and forceful fighting style, where strength, attack, defense, and speed were necessary.

"In my opinion, your first spirit ring should focus on strength and attack power. Suitable spirit beasts for this could be the Vigorous Gorilla, Vajra Wild Ape, and the Star Earth Tyrant Bear. These spirit beasts are generally stronger in strength, but with my current strength, I am not able to defeat them. Therefore, you will have to wait for the Dean to return."

Lu Yuan said, "Can't the spirit beasts be of dragon type? The strength and attack power of dragon-type spirit beasts aren't bad, right?" In his opinion, a spirit beast with a dragon bloodline should obviously be more suitable for a Golden Dragon.

A glint of approval flashed through Grandmaster's eyes as he said: "You are correct, a dragon-type Martial Soul would be the most suitable, but it is important to remember that dragon-type Martial Souls are incredibly powerful and rare. Even a 400-year-old dragon-type spirit beast is comparable to a 1000-year-old spirit beast of another type. Hunting such a spirit beast would be an extremely difficult task."

Lu Yuan nodded, he understood the Grandmaster's words, even his foster father, the Dean of Nuoding Academy, had limited resources and would find it challenging to hunt a 100-year-old dragon-type spirit beast. Additionally, dragon-type spirit beasts were extremely rare to come across.

"Excellent, Little Yuan". Grandmaster praised, his eyes alight with excitement. "Are you willing to take me on as your teacher?"

Lu Yuan hesitated, he was genuinely inclined to accept Grandmaster as his teacher, as his teachings and instruction were among the best in the Douluo Continent and he had treated him kindly during his time at the Academy. However, he had already committed to join the Spirit Hall, making it inappropriate to take the Grandmaster as his teacher.

As Lu Yuan remained silent, a flicker of disappointment crossed Grandmaster's face.

"Nevermind," he said resignedly, "you may return to your room now."

Feeling guilty, Lu Yuan bowed and said, "Then I take my leave, Grandmaster."

He then turned and left the wooden house.

Watching Lu Yuan's receding figure, Grandmaster sighed heavily.


As Lu Yuan made his way back to his own independent courtyard, he couldn't shake off the feeling of unease in his heart. His decision to not accept Grandmaster as his teacher had undoubtedly damaged their relationship.

He knew that the appearance of the Golden Dragon Martial Soul had sparked the Grandmaster's interest in him, but his destiny to join the Spirit Hall made it impossible for him to follow in the Grandmaster's footsteps.

'In a few days, it will be the start of the new school year and Tang San will be enrolled as well. As a holder of twin spirits, he should not be inferior to me. He would be the most suitable person to be Grandmaster's disciple.'

In every aspect, Tang San was the most fitting candidate for Grandmaster's teachings.

'The old man usually comes back when the new students start school.'

The Meeting of Academies in Fasinuo Province had been going on for several days now and it was time for it to come to an end.

Lu Yuan sat on a reclining chair in the courtyard, gently rocking, and with his eyes closed, he gradually calmed his mind.

Deep in the recesses of his mind, a Golden Dragon flew, its body hundreds of meters in size, its golden scales glowing and its huge dragon wings stretching out behind it, covering the sky. The dragon's roar echoed endlessly, causing his sea of consciousness to churn continuously.

'Is this the full appearance of my Martial Soul?'

Lu Yuan's tiny figure in his sea of consciousness looked at the Golden Dragon that kept circling, his eyes shone with intense light, and the dragon's magnificent posture and diamond-shaped dragon scales shone with golden light, all of which made him sigh with deep admiration.

Although he had just awakened his Martial Soul, he had long been able to freely enter the sea of consciousness. It was also thanks to his strong soul power that he was able to learn so much knowledge at such a young age.