Chapter 6: First Meeting with Tang San

It was that time of the year again, the start of the new school year at Nuoding Academy.

The campus was buzzing with activity as students returned to the Academy.

While most students went home for a visit, there were a few who couldn't go home or chose to stay on campus.

Xiao Chenyu, for example, chose to stay on campus during the break. It wasn't necessarily to study, but perhaps to have more people to bully.

On the other hand, working students like Wang Sheng stayed due to financial constraints, unable to afford the cost of travel home.

Lu Yuan, who was familiar with the struggles of these working students, knew that for many, it had been years since they last returned home. Their parents often came to visit them at the Academy instead.

To support these working students, the academy provided allowances during school breaks as long as they continued to perform their duties well. This incentive was one of the reasons why many chose to stay in the Academy.

As the Dean of Nuoding Academy, Lu Feng, who was also Lu Yuan's foster father, could not miss the start of the new school year.

In the past, Lu Feng had chosen to remain unmarried. Lu Yuan had once asked him about this decision and Lu Feng simply replied that it was difficult for male spirit masters to find partners due to the high ratio of male to female spirit masters.

Additionally, many spirit masters, who viewed themselves as nobles, were not willing to marry a commoner. As a result, many spirit masters chose to remain single.

Lu Feng, being a Spirit Ancestor and the Dean of Nuoding Academy, was considered an elite among spirit masters and held an important position in the Academy.

Lu Yuan, the only adopted son of the old man, felt that it was necessary to make arrangements for him so that he could have a partner in the future.

As he walked down the path of Nuoding Academy, he laughed out loud at his own thoughts, causing the new students to look at him strangely.

Currently, Lu Yuan was approaching Grandmaster's hut, having not visited him since he declined his offer to become his disciple. This time, he intended to inform Grandmaster of his plan to venture into the Spirit Hunting Forest in search of his first Spirit Ring, as per the request of his foster father, Lu Feng.

Today, Grandmaster's hut seemed to be livelier, as before he entered it, Lu Yuan's keen sense of hearing could hear the sound of a conversation coming from inside Grandmaster's hut.

He knocked on the door and the one who opened it for him was a boy of about six years old.

The boy's appearance was ordinary, the kind you would find in a sea of people, but in his eyes, one could tell that he hid an intelligence and wisdom that did not seem at all suitable for a boy of his age, which indicated that he was by no means an ordinary boy.

Lu Yuan's gaze lingered on the child, who was dressed in a simple, yet well-maintained outfit with patches. Despite his thin frame and signs of malnourishment, his internal breathing was deep and his strength was not to be underestimated.

"Who are you?" the boy asked with a hint of suspicion in his tone.

Lu Yuan smiled and replied, "I am here to see Grandmaster." He didn't let the boy's suspicious tone affect him.

Grandmaster's cheerful voice then called out, "Is it Little Yuan? Come in."

As Lu Yuan entered the wooden house, he noticed that Grandmaster seemed to be in a good mood today. There was an imperceptible smile on his usually stern face, which was a rare sight. Grandmaster was typically known for being serious and reserved.

"Little Yuan, is something wrong?" asked Grandmaster, his eyes shining with curiosity.

Lu Yuan smiled and said, "I have come to see you in order to discuss the matter of the first spirit ring hunt, my father said the time is set for tomorrow."

"Tomorrow? Well, I am also planning to take Little San to hunt his first spirit ring tomorrow. Even if you hadn't come, I would have sought you out later." Grandmaster smiled, his eyes gleaming with excitement.

"That's great!" Lu Yuan also smiled.

"And who is he?" With a twinkle in his eye, Lu Yuan pointed to the boy standing next to Grandmaster and asked.

Grandmaster said, "I almost forgot, this is my new disciple, his name is Tang San, and his Martial Soul, Blue Silver Grass, is an Innate Full Spirit Power."

"This is Lu Yuan, he is the adopted son of the Dean of the Academy, his Martial Soul, Golden Dragon, is also an Innate Full Spirit Power." Grandmaster smiled and introduced them, his pride for his disciple evident in his tone.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Tang San," Lu Yuan greeted with a smile, confirming that the boy before him was indeed Tang San.

"Likewise," replied Tang San in a low tone.

"Congratulations Grandmaster for accepting such an outstanding disciple, it's the first time I've seen a Blue Silver Grass with Innate Full Spirit Power. By the way, it's getting late, Grandmaster, I'll take my leave now." Lu Yuan bowed and left the wooden house.

Grandmaster nodded his head.

Looking at Lu Yuan's distant back, Tang San asked, "Teacher, is he also an Innate Full Spirit Power?"

Grandmaster nodded and said, "His Martial Soul is the Golden Dragon, an extremely powerful Beast Martial Soul, before I met you, he was the most talented Spirit Master I have ever seen, but you don't have to worry, with the talent of your twin Martial Souls, if both are cultivated to the highest level, it is enough to match him. "

Tang San nodded and kept silent, he had just felt great pressure from Lu Yuan's body, and he had a feeling that this child would be his rival for life.

Patting Tang San's head, Grandmaster said, "Go back first, have a good rest tonight, tomorrow we will hunt spirit beasts, when your Blue Silver Grass gets its first spirit ring, there will be a great change."

"You have to remember that there are no good-for-nothing martial souls, only good-for-nothing spirit masters, even the Blue Silver Grass can become powerful."

"Mmm!" Tang San nodded vigorously.

Tang San was also curious to know if it was that supposed spirit ring that had been restricting the advancement of his Mysterious Heaven Technique all this time.

Martial Soul, Spirit Ring, Spirit Master, these were all new and strange terms to Tang San, and from this moment on, Tang San began his destined life.

On the other hand, Lu Yuan had also returned to his small courtyard. Compared to Tang San, he was even more eager for Spirit Rings. The power and thrill of being a Spirit Master had always attracted him, and he had been eagerly awaiting this moment since arriving at the Douluo Continent.

He knew that without a Spirit Ring, he would not be considered a true Spirit Master and would lack the prestige and respect that came with it in this world. In this Douluo Continent, only Spirit Masters had the right to speak.

As he pondered this, Lu Yuan began to move his feet in a fluid, graceful rhythm, tapping his toes on the ground with ease. He felt light as a feather, and as he moved, he left behind a trail of afterimages. With a final tap, six tiny figures materialized before him, dancing elegantly and gracefully, like noble phoenixes.