Chapter 26: Traveling to Spirit City

A few hours later, Spirit Hall Branch.

Master Ma Xiu Nuo had a smile on his face as he greeted a middle-aged man in his forties with a respectful expression, "Lord Xu Fei, thank you for coming!"

Xu Fei nodded condescendingly as his gaze examined Lu Yuan and said, "Is this the boy with the Golden Dragon Martial Soul and Innate Full Spirit Power mentioned in the information you sent?"

"Yes, Lord Xu Fei!" said Ma Xiu Nuo.

"Not bad!" Looking at Lu Yuan, who was neither humble nor overbearing at such a young age, made Xu Fei nod in satisfaction.

With his eyes fixed on Lu Yuan, Xu Fei's face became much softer. "Greetings, kid, my name is Xu Fei, and I am a Deacon of the Lord Spirit Hall. This time, I will escort you to Spirit City."

"Then I'll trouble you, Uncle Xu," said Lu Yuan.

"It's not a trouble, we're honored to have a genius like you in our Fasinuo Province".

Innate Full Spirit Power was extremely rare, and to prove the importance they placed on Lu Yuan, the Lord Spirit Hall of Fasinuo Province had specifically sent a Deacon Spirit King to personally escort him to Spirit City, which was quite an honor.

Normally, only a Spirit Ancestor would be sent to escort in matters like this, the fact that they were willing to send Xu Fei, a Spirit King, showed that the Lord Spirit Hall's leaders were very optimistic about Lu Yuan's future, and this was an early investment.

"It's time for us to depart." Xu Fei remarked, glancing up at the sky.

"Farewell Father, Grandpa Ma Xiu Nuo, Sister Sisi, oh, and Brother Tao." Lu Yuan bid goodbye to Lu Feng, Ma Xiu Nuo, Sisi, and of course, the unforgettable Su Yuntao could not be missed.

"Goodbye, Little Yuan. Best of luck to you." Lu Feng felt a tinge of sadness as he watched Lu Yuan enter the carriage. Despite not being his biological son, Lu Yuan had always been treated as such.

"I'll be back in a few years, Father. Take care." Lu Yuan and Lu Feng shared a poignant farewell before the carriage to Spirit City set off.

The carriage sent by the Spirit Hall was even more spacious and comfortable than Lu Feng's own carriage, and besides having good ventilation, it was also bump-proof.

"Uncle Xu, how far is Spirit City from here?" asked Lu Yuan.

Xu Fei smiled slightly and said, "Our Fasinuo Province is on the border between Heaven Dou Empire and Star Luo Empire, slightly to the south, while Spirit City is slightly to the north, near the Center of the Continent. This time, on our route we will cross the Balak Kingdom from Fasinuo Province, then pass through Heaven Dou City, before finally arriving at Spirit City".

"The whole trip will be about 3000 kilometers, and at the speed we're going, it will take us about half a month to get from Nuoding City to Spirit City".

"That long?" exclaimed Lu Yuan.

"Actually, it's not that long, half a month will pass quickly," said Xu Fei.

Lu Yuan shrugged his shoulders and asked again, "Uncle Xu, can you tell me about the Spirit Hall?".

"Okay, then I'll tell you a little about it." Perhaps due to a lack of other activities, or perhaps because he had a favorable impression of Lu Yuan, Xu Fei, a Spirit King, suddenly became quite chatty.

"First of all, let me tell you about the rankings in our Spirit Hall."

"The lowest level is the Branch Spirit Hall, for example, the Spirit Hall in Nuoding City is a Branch Spirit Hall. The next level is the Child Spirit Hall, which is usually established in more developed cities. An example would be Suotuo City in the Balak Kingdom, which has a Child Spirit Hall."

"The next level is the Lord Spirit Hall, of which there is one in each province of the Empire. The Spirit Hall of Fasinuo, where I come from, falls into this classification. The next level is the Saint Spirit Hall, of which there is only one in each of the Imperial Cities of the two Empires."

"And the last ones, the Supreme Pontiff Palace and the Douluo Consecration Hall, both are in Spirit City and are the highest level. Only those above the Spirit Douluo level are qualified to enter the Douluo Consecration Hall, it is a sacred place in the hearts of all Spirit Masters on the continent."

"With your Innate Full Spirit Power, if you cultivate hard, you might have the chance to enter the Douluo Consecration Hall in the future!" At the end of the sentence, the eyes with which Xu Fei looked at Lu Yuan contained a hint of envy.

Innate Full Spirit Power was extremely rare, only extremely talented Spirit Masters were able to possess it. He himself had only a rank 5 innate spirit power, and now at 48 years old, he was only a rank 52 Spirit King.

If he also possessed Innate Full Spirit Power, he would probably be a Spirit Emperor or even a Spirit Saint now.

Douluo Consecration Hall? Lu Yuan clenched his small fist, his heart filled with fighting spirit, he would reach that place sooner or later.

"Next, I'll tell you about the strength levels of our Spirit Hall."

"According to the different levels, the strength of Spirit Masters in them also varies. In the lower levels, they usually have a Hall Master with a strength equivalent to a Spirit Ancestor, the middle strength is usually mainly Spirit Grandmasters and Spirit Masters, who are mainly responsible for helping civilians awaken their martial souls and carrying out Spirit Master registration."

"At a higher level in the hierarchy, the strength of the person in charge is at the Spirit King or Spirit Emperor level, depending mainly on the specific level of development of the city they are in. The middle strength is made up of Spirit Elders and Spirit Grand Masters, mainly responsible for maintaining order among the Spirit Masters and carrying out registration processes."

"When it comes to the Lord Spirit Halls, each of them has at least one Cardinal, that is a powerful Spirit Saint level person to exert pressure. The Lord Spirit Halls of some cities even have several powerful Spirit Saint level powerhouses present."

"As for the Saint Spirit Halls, it is without a doubt guarded by a powerful person of Platinum Bishop level, or Spirit Douluo, in addition to many Cardinals. The status of the Hall Master is only second to that of the Supreme Pontiff and the Elders of the Supreme Pontiff Palace and even compared to the Imperial Emperor, it is only one step lower."

"As for the legendary Supreme Pontiff Palace, it is naturally led by the Supreme Pontiff of our Spirit Hall, together with the numerous Elders and Cardinals. Adding the Douluo Consecration Hall, it is the highest power center in the entire Spirit Hall!"