Chapter 27: Reflections and Blood Shedding

As he mentioned the Supreme Pontiff, Xu Fei's face was filled with admiration, and it was clear that he was an absolute fanatical believer. As the most capable Supreme Pontiff in the history of the Spirit Hall, Bibi Dong's methods were truly unfathomable.

Under her leadership, the Spirit Hall had achieved tremendous development and, from the looks of it, even had the potential to rival the two Empires combined.

In fact, the Spirit Hall had dominated almost 60% of the Spirit Masters on the continent, except for the Upper Three Sects. Even the Lower Four Sects had already submitted to the Spirit Hall, and if one also counted the 17 Title Douluo belonging to the Spirit Hall, it could be said without a doubt that the Spirit Hall already dominated both empires at the Spirit Master level.

Sitting in the carriage, Lu Yuan had to endure Xu Fei's fanatical talk for several hours, which almost drove him insane. However, he still agreed with some of the things mentioned by Xu Fei.

To him, in the current Douluo Continent, there was no absolute right or wrong, only the struggle for interests.

It could not be denied that Tang San's revenge-seeking in the original story was justified. Likewise, the importance of the Spirit Hall's existence to the entire continent was undeniable, and its contribution to the continent was indelible. At the end of the day, it was only a difference in position.

Lu Yuan thought long and hard over the past month. He had never had any prejudice against the Spirit Hall. This world was not just black and white; the Spirit Hall could be considered gray at worst, and they could still return to their original path.

Even though he may have felt resentful about having to join the Spirit Hall, Lu Yuan had a more favorable opinion of it than the two Empires.

If it weren't for avoiding causing trouble for his foster father, he would have beaten up all the noble students of the Nuoding Academy a long time ago.

When he had beaten Xiao Chenyu, he had enjoyed it greatly!

However, this did not mean that Lu Yuan would definitely serve the Spirit Hall obediently. He had never been a reckless person and his actions would depend on how things developed in the future.

Despite having a conscience and some compassion, Lu Yuan was also selfish and would prioritize himself and his loved ones. He detested the nobility and was willing to help get rid of them if possible, but if doing so would harm himself or his loved ones, then he would have to cross his arms and apologize.

As he thought of his loved ones, the image of a small figure suddenly appeared in his mind.

'I wonder if Xiao Wu will hate me now...' He couldn't deny that he had grown fond of that little girl.

"Lu Yuan!" While he was deep in thought, a voice suddenly woke him up.


"What's on your mind, are you listening to me?" Xu Fei asked suspiciously.

"Ah, yes, I am listening, Uncle Xu, what you said was very interesting, please continue." Lu Yuan hurriedly nodded.

After a careful glance at Lu Yuan, Xu Fei kept talking.


Ten days had passed in the blink of an eye, and during that time, Xu Fei and Lu Yuan had already crossed Fasinuo Province and most of Balak Kingdom. They were now at the border between Balak Kingdom and Heaven Dou Imperial City, and could see the road to Suotuo City, and thus, the Star Dou Great Forest.

In reality, Balak Kingdom was not far from Spirit City. Shortly after passing through Balak Kingdom, they would arrive at Heaven Dou Imperial City, and in just 3 or 4 more days of travel, they would reach their destination, Spirit City.

Phoenix Village!

It was a seemingly ordinary village, among the many others established near Suotuo City. However, it had something special. Just like Holy Spirit Village, where Tang San grew up and was renamed due to producing a Spirit Saint, Phoenix Village had an even more incredible story. It was actually the home village of the current Supreme Pontiff, Bibi Dong!

Phoenix Village was originally called Begonias Village because the begonias in the village were the best and were adored by the nobility of the surrounding cities. Most of the fields in the village were planted with beautiful begonias, hence the name. Since Bibi Dong's ascension, the village was renamed Phoenix Village, meaning that the phoenix had spread its wings and cried out to the nine heavens!

As the birthplace of the current Supreme Pontiff, although Phoenix Village was only a small village, no one dared to cause trouble there. Over the years, it had become very popular with tourists, and the atmosphere of the village remained peaceful and quiet.

"We are about to reach the end of the border of the Balak Kingdom, up ahead we will pass through Phoenix Village, which is the birthplace of our current Supreme Pontiff, Bibi Dong. Although no more Spirit Masters have emerged in Phoenix Village over the years, it still has a great reputation in the Balak Kingdom, and if I remember correctly, this must be the time of the year when Phoenix Village's special product, Begonia Brew, is ready to be tasted!" Although he was no expert on flowers or brews, Xu Fei, being a hopeless fan of the Supreme Pontiff, would naturally know all about the place where she was born.

"Is that so?" Hearing that Phoenix Village was Bibi Dong's birthplace, Lu Yuan was also interested.

"You'll find out when we arrive later, hehe!" Xu Fei laughed and ordered the coachman to speed up his ride.

After another ten minutes of driving, the breeze blew and the curtain of the carriage door trembled softly, Lu Yuan's nose sniffed slightly and his gaze was fixed on one point, "Uncle Xu, do you smell a scent of blood?"

Lu Yuan, whose five senses were more sensitive than normal, keenly detected the smell of blood in the breeze, although extremely faint.

"The smell of blood? What smell of blood? I don't smell it," Xu Fei shook his head and said.

"It's coming from the front, I can smell it clearly, there's no mistake!" Lu Yuan raised his hand and pointed directly in front of him as he spoke.

Although Xu Fei himself did not smell it, Lu Yuan's conviction gave him some credibility, so he said to the coachman, "Go faster!".

The horse galloped off and the rather extravagant carriage sped along the country road.

"What a strong smell of blood!" When they reached the entrance of the Phoenix Village, the smell of blood was unbearable, wafting up to their nostrils.

Xu Fei frowned hard, with an ugly face, and said, "Looks like something has happened to Phoenix Village, I will go to investigate".

"Uncle Xu, let me go with you". said Lu Yuan.

"If I let you go, you're likely to be in danger". Xu Fei was a little hesitant.

"I'm also a Spirit Master, I have some ability to protect myself, besides, if there really is any danger, wouldn't it be safer to stay by your side?" Lu Yuan said as he stood up from his seat.

"… Alright then". Knowing that what Lu Yuan said was quite reasonable, Xu Fei nodded his head.

Stepping down from the carriage, the two figures, one large and one small, headed towards the Village.

As they entered the village, the sight that greeted them was one of destruction and chaos, with buildings burned down, and the villagers lying in pools of blood. Only one word echoed in their minds: tragedy!

The sight that reflected in the eyes of both of them was as if it was hell itself!

What should be a bustling Village, filled with many tourists and villagers, had turned into a nightmare.

The roads were stained with blood, and the corpses of villagers, merchants, and tourists were seen everywhere along the road, with open stomachs and flowing intestines.

The death of these people was so horrible that it was sickening.

'Whoever committed such wickedness, not even a hundred deaths could atone for them!'

'Those scums should be killed with a thousand slashes!'

Lu Yuan's face was pale and his fists clenched, when had he ever seen such a tragic scene?

Xu Fei's face was blue, as a Deacon of Fasinuo's Lord Spirit Hall, he had experienced many hardships, but this was the first time he had seen such a bloody massacre.

"Come on, the blood hasn't dried up yet, these pieces of shit must not be far away, let's go after them". Xu Fei's voice was low, but it conveyed a murderous intent that was hard to hide.

Lu Yuan nodded and, with a flash of light in his hand, armed himself with his spear while Xu Fei led the way.

When they reached the center of the Village, the carnage was even worse. Hundreds of corpses hung from the tall trees, blood still dripping from the bloody corpses.

"Young Miss, run away-!" Suddenly, a woman's voice was heard from one of the paths, but she had not finished speaking before a thud was heard that completely cut off her words, apparently, she had been killed.

"By the left path!" There were three paths leading out of the center of the village, and only the one on the left had blood and battle debris, so without hesitation, the two men rushed after them.

Xu Fei was a Spirit King, so his speed was fast, and although Lu Yuan was only a Spirit Master, he had a powerful technique like Phoenix Dance Six Illusions, so neither of them was slow, one in front of the other, the two figures moved quickly!


As he took a bite of the heart in his hand, fresh blood rolled down his lips, even so, Tang Qi didn't seem to mind, 'This freshly cut heart is really delicious!'

After another bite, he swallowed the heart completely, and after licking his lips, a gleam flickered in his eyes and his strength returned to its peak.

His name was Tang Qi, a dark spirit master, with the strength of a Spirit Ancestor!

"Don't let her escape, capture her soon, if we threaten that slut with this little girl, that bitch won't dare to resist any longer!" After eating the heart, Tang Qi roared towards the group in front of him.

Dark Spirit Masters grew stronger by killing, and Tang Qi, as an unhinged spirit master, liked the fresh hearts and the blood of virgins.

This time it was a special operation, and Phoenix Village was not the only one suffering this fate, but only one of them.

For this operation, the organization had sent 1 Spirit King, 2 Spirit Ancestors, 4 Spirit Elders, and dozens of Spirit Grand Masters and Spirit Masters to the Phoenix Village.

Although Phoenix Village was popular for having raised the current Supreme Pontiff and these days it was crowded because of the begonia brew they prepared annually, the group sent out should have been enough to slaughter the village easily.

What they hadn't anticipated was that there was a young lady from a rather important clan, with a group of guards led by 1 Spirit King!

Although the Spirit King of their group dealt with the Spirit King of the other party, they still suffered numerous losses, besides him, the other Spirit Ancestor had died, and he himself had been injured.

Of the 4 Spirit Elders, only 1 was left alive, and their current group depended mostly on Spirit Grand Masters and Spirit Masters. However, to take care of one little girl, it was enough.

Seeing the beautiful and fresh appearance of the fleeing girl, with pale, doll-like cheeks, made Tang Qi get excited thinking about how delicious her heart should taste, but before that, he decided that he would play with this little bitch first to make her suffer for all the losses she had caused them.

On the other hand, Xu Fei and Lu Yuan moved quickly. As he was treating his wounds, the speed of Tang Qi and his group would naturally be no match for them.

"They're just ahead!" Looking at the large group running not far away, Lu Yuan said with a flash of bright light in his eyes.

"Looks like there are quite a few of these beasts".

"Besides, there's a confrontation not far from here, from the remnant aura, it must be two Spirit Kings that must be battling". Looking at the dozen Spirit Masters chasing someone ahead and then at the commotion in the distance, Xu Fei spoke with a frown.

"Uncle Xu, what do you think we should do? "Despite seeing this group of people chasing someone, Lu Yuan did not stupidly rush forward. With the presence of more than a dozen Spirit Masters, this force was not weak, and some of them still had villagers in their hands, this was also a problem to be taken into account.

Looking at Tang Qi who was situated at the back of the group, Xu Fei's gaze was fixed as he said, "According to the current situation, the fellow at the back must be their leader, his strength is not low, at least in the Spirit Ancestor's rank, so I will take care of him first, and although your strength is still lacking, your speed is only a little below me, so your job will be to sneak past the Spirit Masters and save as many people as you can".

"Understood, and what will we do if things get complicated?" asked Lu Yuan.

Xu Fei was certainly a Spirit King, but there were many people on the opposite side, and although a Spirit Ancestor was weaker than a Spirit King, it was unrealistic for Xu Fei to kill a Spirit Ancestor in a short time, and once surrounded, it would be very difficult to get out.

If they were going to fight this group of people, they had to have a backup plan.

"In that case... we'd use poison!" Indeed, Xu Fei replied as he touched the pouch attached to his waist.

"Poison?" Lu Yuan reacted, "You mean poison them? But normal poison has no effect on Spirit Masters." A Spirit Master's physique was different from that of normal people, and ordinary poison was quite easy to resist with their physical qualities.

Xu Fei took out a white jade vial from the pouch at his waist and handed it to Lu Yuan, saying, "This is a poisonous powder made from the Spirit Beast, 'Golden Datura Flower', this poisonous powder is extremely toxic and can spread through breathing."

"Golden Datura Flower?" Lu Yuan took the jade bottle with some surprise, he didn't expect Xu Fei to have such a treasure, knowing that the toxicity of Golden Datura Flower could be comparable to that of a Man Faced Demon Spider, much more potent than the snake-venom of the Datura Snake that Tang San hunted as the first Spirit Ring.

"But be careful, don't get stained by the poison powder, this poison is quite difficult to deal with". warned Xu Fei.

Lu Yuan nodded; his eyes turned fierce.

This bunch of scum, they all deserve to die!