Chapter 33: Qian Renxue

As She Long spoke to the young blond, uncertainty was etched on his face. "But Young Master, this child has already joined our Spirit Hall and was even on his way to Spirit City. The news of his talent must already be known to Her Eminence. I'm afraid it won't take long for them to investigate when they learn that the child is missing. And when they find out that he is with you..."

The young blond's expression remained impassive as he responded, "There's nothing to worry about. Once we reach the mansion, I'll send a letter to grandpa. We'll see if Big Sister still dares to claim him by then."

Shen Long and Ci Xue exchanged a worried glance, unsure of what to do. Despite their reservations, they knew they had no choice but to follow their Young Master's commands. So gently, they helped Lu Yuan into the carriage, placing him alongside the young blond.

Without further delay, they set off towards Heaven Dou City. During the travel, the young blond man's eyes were fixed on Lu Yuan, his thoughts unknown.


Outskirts of Heaven Dou City.

Lu Yuan's eyes, which had remained closed for an unknown length of time, burst open and after observing his surroundings for a moment, his face was confused and alarmed.

'Where the hell am I?' Lu Yuan couldn't understand how he had ended up in this luxurious mansion. The last thing he remembered was collapsing in the forest after overusing his soul power.

He couldn't help but wonder how someone could have brought him here without him even waking up.

In reality, the reason why Lu Yuan did not wake up during the travel was due to a combination of fatigue and lack of a sense of danger.

Ye Lingling's Spirit Skill may have healed his body, but it could do nothing to alleviate the mental fatigue he was experiencing. Lu Yuan's body, although recovered, had given in to fatigue and gone into a deep sleep.

After all, it was the first time he had experienced such a dangerous environment as he had in the Phoenix Village, and it had caused his body to react in an unexpected way.

Realizing this, Lu Yuan could only smile bitterly and put the matter aside for the time being. Instead, he concentrated on curiously observing his surroundings, using his soul power to sense any potential dangers.

After a while, as far as Lu Yuan could tell, the people who brought him to this place must not have had malicious intentions; otherwise, they would not have left him alone in a place where he could easily escape without any restriction on his soul power.

'Could it be the girl I saved?' Lu Yuan pondered

Thinking about the girl he had saved; Lu Yuan felt a sense of admiration.

Despite losing a loved one and being dragged into that massacre, the girl managed to remain composed and provide valuable information about the situation. Lu Yuan realized that without her knowledge of the Spirit King fighting in the distance, he and Xu Fei may have hesitated to use the poison pollen, and the outcome of the battle would have been uncertain.

Lu Yuan knew that he could not have defeated that Spirit Elder, after all, his soul power was almost non-existent at that time.

"You're finally awake," a delicate voice suddenly interrupted Lu Yuan's thoughts, causing him to start in surprise. Even with his keen senses, he had not been able to perceive the presence of the other party.

Turning to look alertly at the place where the voice came from, Lu Yuan was stunned by the sight before him.

Standing before him was a stunningly beautiful girl with long golden hair that cascaded down to her waist, delicate eyebrows that framed her striking purple eyes, and skin that was as smooth and white as porcelain. Her face was like that of an angel, and a holy and noble aura radiated from her bearing.

Lu Yuan had no doubt that she was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. Although Xiao Wu and the girl he rescued were both very pretty, they could not compare to this girl who was in the prime of her youth. She appeared to be around 14 years old, and her figure was perfectly curvaceous, making it no exaggeration to call her a peerless beauty.

However, what truly stunned him was not just her beauty, but the strong sense of attraction he felt coming from her. The aura that he could feel from her was similar to his own Martial Soul, noble and sacred, but it also made his Martial Soul feel threatened and hostile as if it saw her aura as a challenge to its own domain.

As someone who had studied much about Martial Souls, Lu Yuan knew that this could only mean one thing: the girl's Martial Soul was of a similar grade to his own Golden Dragon, or at least high enough for his Martial Soul to feel threatened by it.

Adding this information to the girl's striking appearance, an unlikely assumption began to form in Lu Yuan's mind.

Quickly snapping out of his stunned state, he stood up from the edge of the bed and nodded as a way of greeting, without saying a word.

Seeing this, the smile on the girl's face grew a little bigger as she nodded in the same manner. Her captivating figure slowly approached until she sat elegantly on an armchair in front of the bed. And then, she gestured for him to take his seat again.

Seeing the girl's gesture, Lu Yuan nodded and sat back down on the bed, but his face remained serious as he looked intently at the girl in front of him.

"I apologize if I seem rude, Miss, but I still don't understand your intentions for bringing me here." Lu Yuan said slowly.

"Mhm, you're not being rude, it's understandable for you to be confused in a completely new environment." Replied the girl, then continued a moment later. "As a hostess, it is my duty to explain the situation to you, so let me introduce myself first."

"My name is Qian Renxue, and I am a member of Spirit Hall like you, Little Brother." Qian Renxue introduced herself as she looked at Lu Yuan with a glint in her beautiful purple eyes.

"Senior Xu had important things to attend to, so he left you in my care." She continued.

'Qian Renxue?' Lu Yuan's eyes contracted slightly as the last shred of doubt vanished in his heart upon hearing her introduction.

Ever since he had seen her, her name had been on his mind. Her golden hair, otherworldly appearance, and the sacred aura her Martial Soul gave off were proof enough that it was indeed her.

However, Lu Yuan never expected her to reveal her true self in front of him. This made him more suspicious and cautious. He couldn't help but wonder why Qian Renxue, who should have already spent about five years in the Imperial Palace and possibly assassinated the two princes of the Heaven Dou Empire, would appear so openly in front of him.

Despite being younger than her appearance in the original story, Lu Yuan knew that she was far from naive, so it was crucial for him to gather information before making any moves.

"So it's Big Sister Qian Renxue," Lu Yuan said in a respectful tone.

"Big Sister, since Uncle Xu left me in your care, you must already know my name, so forgive my lack of manners," he added.

"It's not a problem, Little Brother Lu Yuan," Qian Renxue replied with a chuckle, aware that he was testing her.

"Big Sister, could you tell me what happened to the little girl with me, and why did Uncle Xu have to go attend to other matters?" Lu Yuan asked, trying to gather more information.

"Certainly, but it will be a long story. How about we have some tea while we talk?" Qian Renxue suggested, clapping her hands.

A muscular figure with white hair and a scar on his eye entered the room, dressed as a servant, carrying a cart with a pot of tea and two glasses.

Upon seeing the approaching figure, Lu Yuan was speechless. This muscular person didn't look like a typical servant at all.

Moreover, what shocked him the most was that he could not sense when exactly this person arrived.

As the muscular figure poured tea, Qian Renxue took a sip before speaking.

"You really are as Senior Xu described you, Little Brother. Even after just waking up, you're already thinking of others instead of yourself." She complimented Lu Yuan, taking another sip of tea.

Shen Long, who had been on his way out, could not help but twitch his lips at Qian Renxue's words.

As expected of his Young Master, she could lie as naturally as she drank tea, he thought.

Fortunately for him, his back was turned to the two of them, so no one could see the change in his expression. Otherwise, he might have gotten into trouble.