Chapter 34: Golden Dragon's Rage

"Well, let me start with the girl's situation first..." Qian Renxue began to explain. She detailed how the Spirit King, who had engaged in a fierce battle with the strongest Dark Spirit Master on the other side, had emerged victorious and came in search of the girl, finally finding her safe, and taking her away.

Whether intentionally or not, during her explanation, Qian Renxue did not reveal the girl's identity.

Lu Yuan was relieved to hear this, although he still didn't completely trust Qian Renxue's words, she should have no reason to lie to him about such a small matter. So, his mind quickly moved to something Qian Renxue had said.

"Dark Spirit Master?" Lu Yuan asked doubtfully.

"That's right, the people you fought with are called Dark Spirit Masters, and this is also the reason Senior Xu had to rush to report to the nearest Spirit Hall Branch."

"As you must have realized at that time, Dark Spirit Masters are extremely evil. Most of them awaken dark Martial Souls and use both the blood and souls of humans or Spirit Beasts to raise their ranks. Moreover, their Spirit Skills are usually very strange, which gives them an advantage over ordinary Spirit Masters. Their goal in the world is nothing more than to cause destruction everywhere. Over the years, our Spirit Hall has dedicated itself to eradicating these Dark Spirit Masters and has achieved remarkable results, eradicating a large number of them."

"It's just that no one expected these Dark Spirit Masters to be so bold as to dare cause a massacre in the birthplace of Big- I mean, of the Supreme Pontiff. It looks like this is some kind of revenge towards our Spirit Hall." The face of Qian Renxue did not look good, even though, in normal times, any humiliation towards Bibi Dong would be welcomed by her, but she would never endure anyone daring to humiliate the Spirit Hall. Clearly, these Dark Spirit Masters had already passed the bottom line and no longer even deserved to be called human.

Hearing this, Lu Yuan was quite perplexed. The Dark Spirit Masters, who should have appeared hundreds or thousands of years later, were causing trouble this time. Not only that, but according to Qian Renxue's words, the Hall of Spirits had been responsible for eradicating a large part of them.

Immediately, something occurred to him, so he decided to ask.

"No matter what, a situation of this caliber should be widely known to everyone on the Continent. How come hardly anyone knows about the danger of the Dark Spirit Masters?"

Hearing these words, Qian Renxue simply replied, "How could it become widely known? For the other forces, both the Upper Sects and the Empires are just waiting for it to be the Spirit Hall that will take care of the matter. And if we decide to announce it to the world, all these forces will call us incompetent. The only thing this will cause is for people to lose confidence in the Spirit Hall." Despite saying this calmly, the disdain could not be hidden in her tone.

Having spent so many years in the Imperial Palace, she naturally knew extremely well how the minds of these people worked.

For them, there was no benefit in joining the fight against the Dark Spirit Masters. This would only require them to invest some of their strength in fighting the other side, and naturally, no one was willing to do that.

On the other hand, it was also not in their best interest to announce it, as this would make the common people even more inclined towards the Spirit Hall, which had been protecting them.

Without getting any benefit either way, they simply decided to turn a blind eye and ignore the problem.

Lu Yuan quickly understood all of this, and said, "This means that if we don't respond properly to this matter, all these forces will do anything to reduce the public recognition of our Spirit Hall. After all, according to their logic, if we can't even stand up to a mere Dark Spirit Master, how could our Spirit Hall talk about maintaining the order of the entire Continent?"

Qian Renxue looked at him approvingly and said, "You are correct. However, we shouldn't worry about this. The Dark Spirit Masters are far from enough to threaten our Spirit Hall, and the only thing they can depend on is these sneak attacks on innocent villages."

"In normal times, while it's impossible to eliminate them completely, we would have no problem keeping control over them by preventing them from forming groups and becoming a threat to ordinary people. But for the past six years or so, their movements have increased exponentially, which has meant that there are some groups that manage to evade our radar."

'Six years?' Lu Yuan's face became somewhat strange upon hearing this. However, he quickly shook off the thoughts that had begun to surface in his head and took it as a mere coincidence.

After talking for a few more minutes on this topic, it was finally time for the most important matter.

"So, will you be in charge of taking me towards Spirit City instead of uncle Xu, Big Sister?" Lu Yuan asked trying to sound out the other party.

"Hehe, why don't you have some tea first? It must be a bit cold by now, if my subordinate finds out that you cooled the tea he served you so painstakingly, he might get a bit angry." Qian Renxue let out a chuckle and said mysteriously.

Lu Yuan was a little confused when he heard her words, and before he could respond, he suddenly felt an immense pressure falling on him, the pressure was so big that even breathing became incredibly difficult for him!

'A Title Douluo!'

This was the only thought that came to Lu Yuan at this moment, and he finally knew who the person who had served him tea a while ago was.

As he struggled to resist the powerful pressure, Lu Yuan couldn't understand why Qian Renxue would change her attitude so suddenly. Weren't they talking calmly only moments ago?

Lu Yuan's eyes took on a faint golden hue, his fists clenched tightly, and his teeth began to scrape against each other. And just when Lu Yuan couldn't take it anymore, a faint sigh of admiration sounded from outside, at the same time, the pressure suddenly disappeared.

Sitting on the bed, still trying to catch his breath after the sudden and intense pressure that had fallen upon him, Lu Yuan turned his gaze to Qian Renxue, his anger still simmering beneath the surface.

"What do you mean by this, Qian Renxue!?" asked Lu Yuan, his voice deep and full of anger. Despite knowing that any retaliation could mean his end, he could not help but be filled with anger. He felt as if something deep inside him refused to accept being humiliated.

Qian Renxue's angelic face still wore the same faint smile, as if she hadn't noticed the cold stare and anger in Lu Yuan's words. She elegantly got up from her seat and slowly walked towards the bed where Lu Yuan was lying.

Standing in front of him, Qian Renxue circulated her soul power and suddenly, three pairs of wings emerged from her body, while 4 spirit rings appeared under her feet. Unbelievably, the 14-year-old Qian Renxue was already a Spirit Ancestor!

However, Lu Yuan didn't have time to be surprised as the moment Qian Renxue revealed her Martial Soul, he felt with horror as his body began to possess his Martial Soul involuntarily. A diamond-shaped dragon scale appeared on his forehead, shining brightly with golden light, while small golden dragon scales trailed down both sides of his face. His pupils turned completely golden as anger began to cloud his mind completely.

'No!' Lu Yuan shouted in his mind, as he began to recite the Pure Qi Sutra, and only then did he avoid losing his sanity completely. However, it was still insufficient to calm the frantic energy that filled his body.

"Little Brother, you truly are the greatest prodigy I have ever met," Qian Renxue said admiringly, "Your intelligence is unparalleled, and you know when to move forward and when to move back. You even managed to keep some of your sanity in this situation. I'm impressed."

Ignoring his gaze that seemed to blame her for all of this, she reached out her hand and gently felt the golden scales on his cheek. Qian Renxue's eyes shone as extremely pure and holy energy spread out from the center of her body to reach her outstretched hand.

Instantly, Lu Yuan's eyes, which were clouded with rage, slowly regained calm as the pure and sacred energy released by Qian Renxue helped him cleanse the frenzied energy flooding his body. The scales on his body also receded until he finally returned to normal.

Lightly pinching Lu Yuan's cheek, Qian Renxue smiled at him, "You should not treat Superior Martial Souls like ours as souls without consciousness," she said softly. "Each of them has what we call spiritual wisdom. The more powerful the Martial Soul is, the easier it is to alter your character. You can try to be as calm as you want, but do you think the Golden Dragon will appreciate being humiliated?"

"As a prodigy of our Spirit Hall, you must learn to deal with these alterations. That's why I have a proposal for you, Little Brother. How about staying with me for a while, and in return, I'll teach you how to control it? What do you think?"