Chapter 65: The Fusion of Bloodlines, Golden Dragon Battle Armor

A layer of golden battle armor formed on Lu Yuan's body as a golden light condensed.

The armor was made of distinct scales and completely encircled Lu Yuan's limbs and body.

Instead of being a solid piece of metal, the armor had a somewhat fleshy texture, like soft armor engraved on his skin, and didn't impede his movements in the least.

In fact, when the armor covered his body, he felt a significant increase in his strength, defense, and other attributes.

"Younger brother, what is that?" Hu Liena's voice was filled with astonishment. "This armor... it resembles the one on that turtle from earlier!"

Lu Yuan carefully examined it and indeed found similarities with the armor of the Golden Armored Dragon Turtle. However, there were slight differences. The original armor on the turtle had a turtle shell in the middle, and the golden armor was distributed in hexagonal blocks. But on Lu Yuan, some changes had clearly occurred.

The turtle shell was gone, and the hexagonal shape had turned into a diamond shape, similar to the shape of the scales on Lu Yuan's body. The entire armor was golden, emitting a brilliant golden light. It also had flowing cloud patterns, giving it an exceptionally divine appearance.

'Another External Spirit Bone?' Lu Yuan murmured inwardly.

Chrysanthemum Douluo's voice filled with excitement came through, "Young Master, if I'm not mistaken, this set of armor on your body is not ordinary. It should be the legendary External Spirit Bone. You're truly fortunate to have received an External Spirit Bone from a thousand-year Spirit Beast."

Lu Yuan, being a disciple of the Supreme Pontiff and a genius of the Spirit Hall, received genuine happiness from Chrysanthemum Douluo, who was devoted to the Spirit Hall.

Furthermore, unlike ordinary Spirit Bones, once an External Spirit Bone completely fused, it couldn't be removed. Lu Yuan's armor had already undergone noticeable changes based on his bloodline, indicating that this External Spirit Bone had perfectly integrated with him. At this stage, it was no longer removable.

So, while Chrysanthemum Douluo felt some envy towards Lu Yuan for obtaining this one-in-a-million External Spirit Bone, he had no ulterior motives.

Hu Liena didn't think too much, and upon hearing that her younger brother had obtained the legendary External Spirit Bone, she was filled with joy.

Contrary to the joy of Chrysanthemum Douluo and Hu Liena, Lu Yuan, although happy, was also slightly taken aback. He had only hunted two Spirit Beasts, and both of them had given him External Spirit Bones. Was it just pure luck, or did he have a 100% chance of obtaining External Spirit Bones?

Actually, this wasn't difficult to explain. When Lu Yuan calmed down, with his insight, he could clearly understand the underlying reasons.

The first instance of obtaining the Prime Demon Ape's left metacarpal bone had indeed been a stroke of luck.

However, the appearance of the Golden Armored Dragon Turtle's golden armor on his body was not purely coincidental; it had a deeper significance.

Lu Yuan understood that it was due to the initiative of the Golden Armored Dragon Turtle. By willingly allowing itself to be absorbed by him, the chances of obtaining a Spirit Bone became almost certain. While he couldn't fathom why the turtle had chosen this path, if every Spirit Beast willingly offered itself to a Spirit Master, the probability of obtaining a Spirit Bone would be close to 100%.

The Golden Armored Dragon Turtle exemplified this scenario by essentially giving everything to Lu Yuan without reservation. In such circumstances, it wasn't surprising for a Spirit Bone to drop.

However, the dropped Spirit Bone was somewhat special - it turned out to be the most precious External Spirit Bone.

Lu Yuan admitted that if the Golden Armored Dragon Turtle had dropped a bone like the left or right arm bone, despite it coming from a Super Spirit Beast, he might not have found it as appealing due to its limited thousand-year cultivation.

However, the External Spirit Bone was different. It had continuous progression potential, making it a truly precious item.

Furthermore, this External Spirit Bone from the Golden Armored Dragon Turtle appeared to be extremely compatible with Lu Yuan. The fusion process was incredibly fast, achieving perfect integration immediately after absorbing the Spirit Ring. In comparison, it took him quite some time to fully fuse with the Prime Demon Ape's External Spirit Bone.

For Lu Yuan, this golden armor-like External Spirit Bone held far greater value than the Prime Demon Ape's metacarpal bone. Its utility would be even greater. With this item, Lu Yuan could be reckless in the future. No one of the same rank would be able to break his defense. Even a Spirit Elder - one realm higher - would struggle to pose a threat without highly powerful attack-type skills.

"Such a great treasure!" Lu Yuan exclaimed, his hand caressing the golden armor on his body as a smile graced his face. "I shall name you the Golden Dragon Battle Armor!"

The trip to the Spirit Forest had proven to be incredibly rewarding for Lu Yuan. Alongside the invaluable Golden Dragon Battle Armor, he had also acquired a highly practical Second Spirit Skill.

His Second Spirit Skill was called Golden Dragon Battle Body. Its effect was simple: it enhanced his defense by 200% and rendered him immune to all control-type skills, such as binding, immobilization, freezing, and so on.

Doubling his defense and making him immunity to control skills, this Spirit Skill could be regarded as top-notch.

Lu Yuan had become a nightmare for all control-type Spirit Masters, defying the traditional notion that control-type Spirit Masters held an advantage over power attack-type Spirit Masters.

This law completely ceased to exist when applied to him.

The effectiveness of the Golden Armored Dragon Turtle's Spirit Skill far surpassed that of the Prime Demon Ape. This was the allure of a Super Spirit Beast.

Of course, it also depended on the inherent strength of the Golden Dragon itself.

But the biggest reason was the compatibility. It was precisely because of the compatibility that such a powerful force could erupt when the two were combined.

In addition to the Golden Dragon Battle Armor, it would be a double-layered defense!

Moreover, besides amplification, it seemed that the Golden Dragon Battle Armor also had an effect of immunity to negative states, such as toxins, burns, and similar effects.

When these two factors were combined, Lu Yuan became invincible within the same realm.

With the Golden Dragon Battle Armor draped over him, Lu Yuan was like a humanoid spirit beast. Even a casual collision carried tremendous power because, in addition to Lu Yuan's immense strength, this External Spirit Bone on his body seemed quite substantial.

Lu Yuan estimated that the weight of the Golden Dragon Battle Armor alone exceeded two thousand pounds. In the past, bearing such a weight would have been quite strenuous for him.

However, with the attribute enhancements from the Golden Armored Dragon Turtle's Spirit Ring and the enormous boost provided by the Golden Dragon Battle Armor, Lu Yuan's normal strength had reached five thousand pounds. If he were to release his Martial Soul, it would likely reach seven to eight thousand pounds.

He could be called a humanoid tyrannosaurus!

Lu Yuan would probably be able to handle ordinary Spirit Elders without using Spirit Skills.

There was no need to mention higher-ranked Spirit Grand Masters. In the same realm, he had become unbeatable.