Chapter 66: Bibi Dong's Surprise

Having obtained the exceptional Golden Armored Dragon Turtle's Spirit Ring, Lu Yuan was filled with satisfaction. After tidying up their belongings, the three of them embarked on their return journey.

Along the way, Lu Yuan skillfully caught some Iron-Armored Crabs and cooked them, preparing a delicious meal for the three of them. He also saved some crabs to take back and prepare for his Teacher.

After exiting the Spirit Forest, they traveled back to the Spirit Hall in the same carriage, with Hu Liena and Lu Yuan sitting in the cab while Chrysanthemum Douluo took the reins. The journey back took them more than a day, and they arrived at the Spirit Hall the following morning.

As they arrived, they noticed Bibi Dong waiting at the entrance of the Supreme Pontiff Palace.

"Your Eminence!" Chrysanthemum Douluo respectfully greeted Bibi Dong with a bow.

"Teacher!" Hu Liena and Lu Yuan rushed excitedly towards her.

"Nana, Xiao Yuan," Bibi Dong greeted them warmly, her hand gently stroking Lu Yuan's head. "Have you found your second Spirit Ring? What kind of Spirit Beast is it? Tell me all about it!"

"Teacher, my second Spirit Ring is from a Golden Armored Dragon Turtle..."

"Golden Armored Dragon Turtle?" Bibi Dong's face showed a trace of surprise. "Isn't that kind of Spirit Beast already extinct?"

Unlike Chrysanthemum Douluo, who had no knowledge of the Golden Armored Dragon Turtle, Bibi Dong was well-acquainted with it. As the first person in history to solve the problem of Twin Martial Souls, she possessed a broader perspective and a deeper understanding of certain secrets compared to Grandmaster.

In addition to her knowledge, Bibi Dong's talents also were considered top-notch, alongside those of Qian Renxue.

To give an example, Qian Xun Ji, Qian Renxue's biological father, being a 95th Rank Super Douluo and a Seraphin Martial Soul, was unexpectedly defeated and seriously injured by Tang Hao, a newly promoted Title Douluo. It could be said that he was really a waste.

If it had been Bibi Dong in that situation, she could have easily slapped Tang Hao to death with her superior soul power.

It was the same logic that applied to Lu Yuan, who was absolutely confident in his invincibility at the same rank. Dealing with lower-ranked opponents would be as easy as a simple slap.

The incredible power and strength of Bibi Dong, as the most powerful Supreme Pontiff in the history of the Spirit Hall, were not just mere reputation. She had the strength to back up her lofty status, and her captivating beauty made her a rare existence throughout the entire continent.

From a certain perspective, it seemed crazy that Bibi Dong had feelings for Grandmaster.

When talking about Grandmaster, Lu Yuan tried not to be prejudiced against Grandmaster, partly because he did have unique insights into Martial Souls. However, whether he was truly the best on the continent was debatable. When it came to the Grandmaster's point of view, Lu Yuan couldn't help but feel it was lacking, as it was focused on the lower-end aspects.

A person's vision and perspective were limited by their own strength, and Grandmaster's strength imposed certain restrictions.

Nonetheless, he couldn't deny that Grandmaster had taught him a lot about Martial Souls. Despite being aware of the source of Grandmaster's information, Lu Yuan recognized its importance in his own development.

After all, the knowledge that Qian Renxue or the Supreme Pontiff Palace Library possessed was not available to him at the time.

While Lu Yuan was contemplating these thoughts, Chrysanthemum Douluo couldn't contain his excitement and spoke up.

"Your Eminence, Young Master Yuan absorbed this so-called Golden Armored Dragon Turtle. Not only does it possess extraordinary defense, but its attack power is also remarkable. According to Young Master Yuan himself, its age has already reached three thousand five hundred years."

Upon hearing this, Hu Liena couldn't help but beam with pride, as if she herself had obtained the Spirit Ring. In reality, her Second Spirit Ring was only seven hundred and fifty years old.

Despite feeling a slight pang of disappointment at the drastic difference, she was more proud of her younger brother's accomplishment.

"Three thousand five hundred years!" Bibi Dong's heart filled with joy as she asked, "Xiao Yuan, is this true?"

Lu Yuan nodded in affirmation, further delighting Bibi Dong. With Lu Yuan's Second Spirit Ring reaching the age of three thousand five hundred years, he would have the opportunity to attempt a ten thousand-year spirit ring for his Fourth Spirit Ring.

To Bibi Dong, Lu Yuan was a true prodigy.

Such a spirit ring configuration, even she would struggle to achieve it if it weren't for her Twin Martial Souls.

"Release your Martial Soul and let me see, Xiao Yuan!" Bibi Dong said.

Lu Yuan nodded and let out a light shout. The Golden Dragon Martial Soul possessed him instantly, and the powerful aura of a dragon filled the air. The majestic silhouette of a massive golden dragon appeared behind Lu Yuan, and two spirit rings - one yellow and one purple - materialized beneath him.

'Indeed!' Bibi Dong sensed the overwhelming aura that far surpassed that of an ordinary Spirit Grand Master emanating from Lu Yuan. Her beautiful eyes gently blinked as she took in the sight. The spirit ring of the Golden Armored Dragon Turtle was truly extraordinary.

Bibi Dong felt a deep sense of satisfaction. Lu Yuan's talent surpassed even that of Hu Liena, and having two such exceptionally gifted disciples filled her heart with pride.

As for the External Spirit Bone, the topic remained unspoken. With many eyes and ears present at the entrance of the Supreme Pontiff Palace, it was best to discuss such matters in a more private setting.

After examining Lu Yuan's Spirit Ring, Bibi Dong accompanied Hu Liena and Lu Yuan as they strolled towards the lake island.

Along the way, Bibi Dong playfully inquired whether Hu Liena had behaved during their journey. In response, Hu Liena pouted and shook Bibi Dong's arm, pretending to be aggrieved.

Lu Yuan smiled and shared some of their experiences, also mentioning that he had brought back delicious spirit beast meat for their dinner.

They had decided to take a small boat to reach the island this time.

During the boat ride, whether intentionally or not, Bibi Dong suddenly brought up a topic.

"By the way, Lu Yuan, a young girl came looking for you while you were away."

"A girl? Who is she?" Before Lu Yuan could answer, Hu Liena reacted nervously and exclaimed. Could it be that the girls outside had already taken notice of her younger brother? This wasn't good!

Her heart raced with anxiety at the thought.

"She is a disciple of an Elder named Feng Yuyan. She participated in the finals of the Selection Tournament alongside him," Bibi Dong replied calmly.

"Oh, her? I'll visit her later," Lu Yuan responded casually upon hearing that it was Feng Yuyan.

A few months ago, he had crossed paths with Feng Yuyan on his way to train, and over time they had gotten to know each other better and become friends.

The moment he saw her again, he had been a little surprised. Not only had Feng Yuyan entered the Supreme Pontiff Palace, but she had also become a disciple of an Elder. Similarly, Lin Feng also worshipped an Elder as his teacher.

The only unfortunate one among them was Yan Xiang, but it couldn't be helped. Among the three, Lin Feng had the greatest aptitude, while Feng Yuyan possessed a rather unique Martial Soul that had caught the attention of an Elder. Yan Xiang could only blame his luck.

'Heh, that little vixen doesn't stand a chance,' Hu Liena observed Lu Yuan's reaction and let out a sigh of relief, feeling reassured. It seemed that her younger brother wasn't interested in that girl. Nonetheless, she decided to pay closer attention to the women around her younger brother in the future.

Bibi Dong observed Hu Liena's subtle movements, and a slight smile curved on the corners of her lips.

Lake Island.

Inside the pavilion, Bibi Dong, Lu Yuan, and Hu Liena were present.

At this moment, Lu Yuan had already revealed about his External Spirit Bone to Bibi Dong.

"Xiao Yuan, release your External Spirit Bone for me to see," Bibi Dong said from her seat on the chair.

Lu Yuan nodded and let out a light shout. The Golden Dragon Martial Soul instantly possessed him, and the golden light converged once again, this time enveloping Lu Yuan's body. The golden light dissipated, revealing a layer of distinct and textured golden armor that completely encased him

Observing the exquisite golden armor adorning Lu Yuan's body, Bibi Dong nodded in satisfaction.

"Younger brother, your armor is so beautiful. I can't get enough of looking at it, hehe!" Hu Liena chuckled as she gazed at the armor with fascination. Lu Yuan's armor was exceptionally divine, with distinct layers and a beautiful cloud pattern.

"What skills and unique features does this External Spirit Bone have?" Bibi Dong didn't show much surprise because she also possessed an External Spirit Bone that had evolved to the level of a hundred thousand years. Though Lu Yuan's External Spirit Bone was peculiar, it didn't astonish her greatly.

After pondering for a moment, Lu Yuan spoke, "The main skills are twofold. First, it provides an overall attribute enhancement. I can feel that when I release the External Spirit Bone, all my attributes are significantly strengthened. The second skill is immunity to negative effects. It should be able to resist adverse effects such as strong poison, burns, frostbite, paralysis, and more."

"At the same time, the armor itself offers strong defense, but it is also quite heavy."

"Oh! That's quite impressive!" Bibi Dong's lovely eyes blinked lightly. An External Spirit Bone with such extraordinary utility was truly remarkable. Even a hundred-thousand-year Spirit Bone might not be able to compete with this External Spirit Bone.

Hu Liena listened to Lu Yuan's explanation with wide eyes, looking astonished. This spirit bone's skills appeared to be quite exceptional.

"Specifically, how heavy is it?" Bibi Dong inquired.

"It should weigh no less than two thousand pounds!" Lu Yuan replied.

"Two thousand pounds!" Hu Liena looked at Lu Yuan with a strange expression. "Younger brother, can you carry armor that weighs two thousand pounds so effortlessly?"

"If it had been earlier, it might have been a challenge, but now that I've advanced several ranks, although it's a bit difficult, I can manage," Lu Yuan explained.

"Two thousand pounds in weight means you may not be able to sustain prolonged combat while wearing the armor," Bibi Dong said thoughtfully.

"Yes, Teacher!" Lu Yuan affirmed Bibi Dong's thoughts. "After releasing the armor, it doesn't consume much soul power if I don't actively use it. However, engaging in combat while wearing it rapidly depletes my soul power. Moreover, due to its weight, even if I give it my all, I can only last for about ten minutes."

"Ten minutes should be enough to support you in battle!" Bibi Dong had an open-minded perspective. In many cases, a ten-minute duration could be sufficient, even in team battles.

With Lu Yuan's powerful Golden Dragon Martial Soul and this set of External Spirit Bone, he was considered unmatched among his peers.

"Well, not bad!" Bibi Dong smiled, her gaze softening as she looked at Lu Yuan. She said, "In a couple of days, you'll have a new teacher. Be prepared."

"A new teacher?" Lu Yuan recalled what Qian Renxue had mentioned and was inwardly surprised. 'How did Sister Xue'er manage to convince Teacher about this arrangement?' he wondered.

"Yes, someone who is very suitable to teach you," Bibi Dong responded softly, showing no change in her mood. She then waved her hand and said, "You can go back now. I'm a bit tired and want to rest a little."

"Then, Teacher, please rest. We'll take our leave!" Lu Yuan and Hu Liena bowed to Bibi Dong before walking out of the pavilion.

"Where are you going, younger brother?" Hu Liena asked, following Lu Yuan as he headed towards the boat on the lake, looking puzzled.

"I'm going to see what Feng Yuyan wants before returning to our room," Lu Yuan replied absentmindedly, still lost in thought about the emerging undercurrents. In his preoccupation, he had forgotten to inform Hu Liena of his plans.

If he had to guess who the new teacher would be, given Qian Renxue's identity and her knowledge of him, Lu Yuan could infer that it was most likely Golden Crocodile Douluo, the Second Worship of the Douluo Consecration Hall and a 98th Rank Super Douluo.

Although Bibi Dong didn't appear upset at the mention of a potential new teacher for him, she wasn't one to show her emotions easily. Lu Yuan realized that if he handled this matter carelessly, he might be forced to choose a faction unknowingly.

It was best for him to plan his next course of action for that day.

Hastily catching up to him, Hu Liena said, "Then I'll go with you!"

Lu Yuan hesitated for a moment, then nodded in agreement.

Hu Liena suddenly intertwined her arm with his and leaned against his shoulder, her voice soft and tender. "Let's go like this..."

Lu Yuan could feel the warmth radiating from Hu Liena's flushed cheeks even though he couldn't see her face. She was obviously blushing profusely. He must have been blind not to notice that his big sister was acting possessively and boldly to send a warning to the other party.

Lu Yuan couldn't help but find her jealousy amusing. "I had no idea my big sister could be so possessive..."

Hu Liena's eyes widened, and her cheeks turned an even deeper shade of red. "What? I-I'm not... I mean... it's just that girl, Feng Yuyan. She's known to be a seductress. What if she tries to lure you? As your big sister, it's my duty to protect you."

"Oh, so you're worried about me being tempted, huh? But wouldn't you fit that description too, big sister? Does that mean you've been seducing me all this time?" Lu Yuan teased, enjoying her reaction.

Hu Liena's mouth opened and closed in disbelief. "What? I-I never... younger brother, you're such a fool! You're making fun of me!" she said, gritting her teeth. She felt played!

First of all, her skills were almost useless in front of him, so how could she be seducing him? This time she was too nervous to think clearly.

Lu Yuan chuckled and continued teasing her, temporarily setting aside those complicated thoughts.

Over the past few months, he had grown closer to Hu Liena, to the point where the lines between a younger brother and a big sister had blurred.

He was aware of the change and had planned to find an opportunity to explain his relationship with Qian Renxue to her. He had no intention of forming a relationship based on deception.

Although he and Qian Renxue couldn't be considered officially together, he had shared a kiss with her and left her with a promise. He was determined not to go back on his word.

Whether the girls accepted him or not, Lu Yuan believed in letting nature take its course.