Oops I Did It Again!

Morgan had always prided himself on his sense of composure and his ability to stay calm and collected even in the most trying of circumstances. He was a successful businessman, after all, and he knew that maintaining a cool and professional demeanor was key to his success.

But when Melody, his clumsy and somewhat scatterbrained assistant, accidentally spilled a cup of coffee all over his expensive Italian shirt and shoes, all of his carefully cultivated calm went out the window. He felt his blood pressure rising and his face flushing with anger as he surveyed the damage to his shoes and shirt, which now had a thick liquid seeping into the leather material.

He glared down at Melody as she scrambled to clean the liquid off his expensive shoes. He was furious as she had been so careless as to spill coffee all over him, and he didn't feel like he owed her any sort of apology.

Despite his anger and irritation, Morgan couldn't help but also feel a twinge of remorse for his earlier anger towards her. Even more so as he looked down at Melody, who hunched over and looked down as she carefully cleaned his expensive shoes.

He was aware of his tendency to be too picky and demanding at times. He also knew, however, that he could not afford to be lenient with his staff when they made errors, especially when they made mistakes that could reflect poorly on him.

Being alone with her in this quiet hallway and having her hunched over while he was standing, however, he felt a sense of discomfort that he can't quite place. This pose was odd...

He tried to push the feeling aside, knowing that it's inappropriate and unprofessional to have such thoughts about an employee.

This weird... arrrgh! He cursed himself silently for having such filthy thoughts, knowing that they were wrong and could cause problems if they were ever acted upon. He took a deep breath and tried to regain his composure, reminding himself that he needed to stay focused on his work.

Morgan tried to shake off the strange feeling he was having as he watched Melody clean his shoes. He knew that he couldn't afford to be distracted by inappropriate or unprofessional thoughts, especially when it came to an employee.

Dismissing the thought, he waved his hand at her and said, "Never mind! I'll clean it myself."

When Melody looked up to him, his heart sank as he saw that her beautiful brown eyes were filled with tears. Although he felt a twinge of sympathy, he was cognizant of the need to keep his impartiality.

"Don't worry about it," he said in a stern but not very friendly tone. "I appreciate your offer to help, but I think I can manage it from now on."

Melody nodded, trying to maintain her composure. Cleared her throat, she brushed away the tears that had slipped from the corner of her eye. She could feel the warmth of embarrassment spreading across her face as she realized that she had made a mistake. She had let her emotions get the best of her and offered to clean his shoes, even though she knew it was not her job. She felt a bit ashamed, but she knew she couldn't show Morgan that she was weak or unprofessional.

"I really apologize, Mr. Blodwyn," she murmured. "I just thought I was doing the right thing. I didn't mean to overstep."

Morgan could see that Melody was struggling to hold back her emotions.

As she stopped cleaning his shoes, Morgan took a step back, feeling a sudden rush of unease. While he knew he should keep his distance for professional reasons, he found himself strangely pulled to her.

Melody took a long breath, trying to steady herself. But she was still feeling ashamed, she thought she could put the incident behind her and get back to work. But right then, another disaster happened.

When she was about to stand up, suddenly she felt a weight pressing down on her behind. She gasped as she realized that her skirt had torn at the seams, making a loud, ridiculous sound that they could both hear.

Melody was wearing a skintight skirt that hugged her curves and emphasized her figure. It was another old-fashioned grey skirt she purchased from a thrift store, and she had been excited to wear it that day. As she stooped over the hallway floor to wipe down Morgan's shoes, however, she suddenly felt an odd pressure on her backside and she let the embarrassing moment happened to her again that day.

Feeling vulnerable and humiliated, Melody felt heart raced as she tried to pull her torn skirt down, but the tear in her skirt was too large. She could feel Morgan's eyes fixed on her as she stood there and laughed to herself, realizing how ridiculous she must look.

"I'm so sorry, sir," she muttered, feeling a hot blush spreading across her cheeks. "I don't know how that happened."

Glaring at her, Morgan had his expression a mix of surprise and concern. "Are you okay?" he asked.

Melody nodded, trying to conceal her humiliation as best she could. "I'm fine, sir," she responded, her voice barely above a whisper.

Morgan could see that she was struggling, and he felt a pang of sympathy for her. He walked over to her and was about to reach his hand on her shoulder. At the exact moment, Celia happened to be walking by and saw the whole thing. In a moment of concern, she immediately came over and offered to help.

"Melody, are you okay?" Celia asked, noticing the tear in Melody's skirt. "Let me help you."

Melody nodded, feeling grateful for her kindness. She tried to steady her breathing and hoped that she could move past this latest embarrassment and get on with her day.

"Alright, Ms. Brynleigh," he said stiffly. "Now, Ms. Hooper will help fixing your thing and then you can get back to work." He gave them a slight nod of understanding and was about to walk away. But a moment later, he turned his head and said, "Be at the office by 8 o'clock sharp tomorrow morning. Do yourself a favor and put on more comfy clothes."

With that, he walked away without looking back.