Nerdy Girl's Fashion Dilemma

A while later after Morgan left, Celia turned to Melody. "Come on. We'll get you fixed up."

"It's fine," she said, her voice shaking slightly. "I'll be okay."

Celia put a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "Don't worry about it.. These things happen to everyone."

Melody felt a wave of relief wash over her as Celia took charge and led her to a private room where they could fix her skirt. When Celia saw the tear in the skirt, she immediately went into problem-solving mode. She quickly assessed the damage and realized that the tear was too large to be fixed with a quick sewing job or some double-sided tape.

"Mel, I don't think we can fix this right now. But don't worry, I have some spare clothes you can borrow."

She led Melody to her closet and pulled out a couple of options for her to wear. "You can try this dress or these pants." She held up the options for Melody to see.

Melody took them and making her way to the restroom, she gripped the pants tightly, praying that it would fit.

Suddenly, she heard a knock on the door, followed by a voice saying, "Hey there," said one of the girls in a sweet tone. "Need some help? I'm Jessica, by the way."

Melody ducked her head shyly. It seemed the embarrassing incident had already spread throughout the entire office, causing her to feel even more mortified as she stood in the dressing room trying on the borrowed pants.

She couldn't help but wonder how many of her colleagues were laughing about it behind her back, and the thought made her feel uneasy. The incident had just happened few minutes earlier that day, but it seemed like everyone had already heard about it.

"Um no, no thanks," Melody muttered softly, with her head still lowered. "I just need to put this on by myself, that's all."

Jessica let out a wicked laugh.

She dismissed Melody's concern with a wave of her hand and said, "Don't worry about it. The pants always stretch out after a while. Trust me. You'll see."

But Melody couldn't trust her. She doubted that the pants would fit her as the fabric seemed barely small enough to cover her chubby body. As she tried to stretch it out, her face turned red with embarrassment and she lowered her head, letting her hair hide her flushed cheeks.

Oh gosh, jamming my plump body into this tiny piece of fabric seems impossible. How do anyone even manage it?

Melody reminded herself that it was all about the money. She was there to work and dressing appropriately and acting professionally would help her earn more. With a deep breath, she blocked her burning cheeks with her hair and swiftly removed her torn skirt before stepping into the tight pants.

She had anticipated the worst, and unfortunately, the reality was just as bad. As she pulled up the gray fabric over her legs, it seemed to fit alright until it reached her thighs. Then the fabric began to stretch awkwardly over her ample backside, as it was practically see through.

Without pretending to give Melody any privacy, the redhead in the corner cackled. "Honey, that thing is not designed to be worn with panties."

Melody blushed as she turned her head around to look at her backside. Jessica was right since her panties were completely exposed under the thin fabric.

"Oh thanks." Her face flushed in bright red. Oh gosh, how did new girls get through this? She had to change and this was going to be so embarrassing.

However, she was determined to face her financial troubles head-on, and this motivation strengthened her resolve. As she prepared for her first day at the office, the urgency of her financial situation was at the forefront of her mind. She knew that she needed money as soon as possible, as tuition fees were skyrocketing, but any extra income would make a difference.

Melody bit her lip as she looked down at the floor and began to struggle out of the pants. She couldn't help but think about her financial problems and how badly she needed the job. Even though it was her first day and she was already embarrassed, she needed the money.

Jessica couldn't resist to let out another loud cackle from her spot in the corner.

Oh gosh, oh gosh. Melody felt humiliated, but she took a deep breath and reminded herself that she was there to make money. She squared her shoulders and try the dress. She yanked it on with determination.

Trying her best to put on the dress, she pushed the hem down to hide her big boobs and steady it from moving around. The dress still clung to her in all the wrong places in a hopeless tug of war, exposing her cleavage and making her feel uneasy.

She adjusted the dress carefully, tugging at the fabric here and there to make sure it covered all the necessary parts while pulling it up to cover her big boobs and yanking it down to hide her thighs. She managed to arrange it optimally and she finally got it to look somewhat presentable, but she couldn't shake the feeling that it was only a matter of time once one wrong move or bad bend, and there was a risk of something popping out.

Then she turned a watery smile to the redhead Jessica.

"This happen to everyone? Does this happen to all the girls?"

Taking a deep breath, the redhead replied with a sharp tone, "Nope, it's just you that have more curves than most. I'm surprised Mr. Blodwyn hired you, he usually prefers skinny girls."

Her cheeks turned red as Melody struggled to find the right words. "Oh, um, well..." She felt embarrassed and awkward. She knew she would probably come up with a clever response later, but in the moment, she was flustered and tongue-tied.

Jessica cut in as if she hadn't just completely insulted her. "Anyway, maybe they're trying to change up the situation here. You know how the girls stay so skinny. They use diet pills and laxatives."

Melody was taken aback and her mouth hung open in shock. "What? Chemicals?" She was so stunned that she couldn't control the words that tumbled out of her mouth.

She was surprised and confused. "The girls here don't eat well and exercise to take care of themselves the right way?"

She had assumed that the female employees, who looked like supermodels, had personal trainers and nutritionists. Moreover, there was a free gym in the office that all the employees could use.

Jessica let out another loud laugh.

"Where have you been living?" She let out a hoarse laugh. "You think these girls have time for working out? That takes effort, honey. They're not exercising unless there's some profit to be gained. Trust me." She gave a playful wink.

With that, Melody closed her mouth, realizing that she was also here to earn money. However, her curiosity got the best of her.

"Are you sure about that? I heard that pills make your stomach upset. With this job, we can't keep running to the bathroom."

Jessica laughed loudly. "You don't take the pills right before your shift, silly. You take them early in the morning, at least five hours before coming to work. That way, as your intestines flush, it's all in the comfort of your home."

Melody blushed, feeling a mix of embarrassment and realization. Oh my gosh, the women at this job were using laxatives to stay skinny? Jessica laughed again, confirming her suspicions.

Leaning in close, Jessica whispered confidentially, "If you want one, I've got some of the strongest pills out there. They're better than that garbage. They come from my personal chemist."

Melody immediately rejected the offer with a shake of her head. "Um, no thanks. I'm good."

She wasn't going to risk her health by taking some unknown substance created by a sketchy chemist. The thought of what could be in those homemade drugs made her shudder, and she didn't want to take any chances.