His True Feeling

With a casual shrug, he turned his eyes to Melody. His eyes showed both weakness and strength. "Melody, I don't come from a typical family. I spent my childhood in foster care, which meant I moved from home to another and never really stayed in one place for long. I had to get used to new rules and expectations over and over again, until I was lucky enough to be adopted by a wonderful couple. But even back then, I had a sense that things would change."

He took a moment to think of the right words to say what was on his mind. "What I'm trying to say is that I've learned to adapt to different situations and deal with the unknowns that life brings. I've learned that love and family can come in many shapes and sizes, and that they don't always have to be based on blood ties or traditional arrangements. I believe in the power of relationship and in finding a home in the hearts of the people we care about."